Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos


Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

The choice of wallpaper on the kitchen plays an important role in creating a cozy interior of wallpaper, it often depends only on the desires and preferences of buyers. But in fact, the wall cover plays an important role in creating a cozy interior. And the choice of wallpapers in the kitchen has its own characteristics.

Features of choosing wallpaper in the kitchen

When choosing a wall covering for a kitchen, you need to take into account many nuances. Kitchen - room with high humidity and probability of pollution. That is why you need to choose a wall cover with special care.

The following options will not be suitable for the kitchen:

  1. Paper wallpaper. They easily absorb kitchen flavors and not resistant to moisture, even if there is a special impregnation.
  2. Wallpapers using natural wooden materials are stigmatically delaying odors and vulnerable under the action of moisture.
  3. Acrylic wallpaper with a bulk pattern can easily damage. At the same time, over time, the figure is raid.

When choosing a kitchen wall covering should be understood that this is a problem room. Permanent evaporation and temperature differences adversely affect wall coating. Therefore, wallpapers must comply with certain characteristics.

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

For kitchens are suitable paper, acrylic or wallpaper with a bulk pattern

Types of wallpaper for the kitchen:

  1. Washable. From such wallpapers, contamination is easily removed using a conventional soap solution. Wall pasting with such wallpaper guarantees resistance to moisture and constant evaporation.
  2. Liquid wallpaper resemble plaster. With their help you can hide all the irregularities of the wall. But when gluing liquid wallpapers, it is necessary to treat the surface with a protective varnish that guarantees the resistance of the coating to moisture and unpleasant odors.
  3. Vinyl. Tightly dense and durable. They can be cleaned with the help of a conventional brush. It is better not to buy relief options. They will have a dirt that is hard to wash.
  4. Fliseline. Racks to moisture, easy to care, durable.
  5. Gymelomes. Environmentally friendly material. Punning such wallpapers will help hide all wall defects. Also, glazes are strong enough and moisture-resistant. At the same time, they can always be easily repainted in need.

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Wallpaper should be practical - durable, moisture-resistant, easy to care, so as not to do the repair after a couple of years, and then months. The beauty of the wall cover is also important, but first need to evaluate the functional side.

Optimal Color Design Kitchens: Wallpaper with different colors

When creating a stylish design, it is necessary to pay special attention to the desired coloring of the room. Not all colors equally will look at this room. Too light quickly contaminated. And too dark create a gloomy atmosphere.

The most optimal shades for wall decoration:

  1. White. Light tones will serve as a great base. At the same time, they can be diluted with brighter shades - yellow, orange, green.
  2. Blue. Soft shades of blue color will create a calm and pacifying atmosphere. In such a kitchen, it will be nice to cook and eat.
  3. Green. The choice of such a color will help refresh the room, to make a special highlight. Green tones will be well combined with gray, orange, brown and beige kitchen furniture.
  4. Grey. Excellent choice of color for the base. It is combined with almost all colors. At the same time, it is not boring, as it may seem.
  5. Orange. It has been proven that orange tones increase appetite and improve mood. They are perfectly harmonized with warm shades of blue, black, green.

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Very original looks kitchen in white tones

Do not create a monotonous design. At the same time, for small rooms, the maximum number of permissible shades is two. You can still use the third for the arrangement of small accents.

It is necessary to take into account the lighting when choosing a color palette of wallpaper. It is important which side the light is falling, the presence of natural and artificial lighting.

If the room is limited in natural light, warm light shades are suitable for the room: blue, white, golden, green. If there is a lot of natural light, then you need to prefer dark shades of blue, green, silver.

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Interesting wallpapers in the kitchen: photo of design in different style directions

Wall coating will help create a unique and stylish design of the room. Popular Country style now. He will be able to help create a cozy atmosphere. In such a style, wallpaper imitating natural materials will be fitted. The color palette should be in calm shades of green, beige, brown or blue.

The unusual style of Loft gives the placement of originality. With such a style, you can do without wallpaper, or with a wall-mounted coating that imitating naked walls.

The loft is suitable for wallpapers, which depict stone, plaster, blue shade of factory walls.

Japanese style will help create a relaxing atmosphere. With this style, it is best to use natural shades. You can choose wallpapers depicting bamboo. Wallpaper with appropriate motifs are also suitable.

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

For different style directions, a certain type of wallpaper may be suitable.

Popular minimalism now. Its simplicity and functionality is perfect for the kitchen. Wallpaper color should be light. It is better to choose a monophonic wall covering. As an exception, you can use the wallpaper with a small and smooth pattern. Natural materials are relevant for minimalism.

Aspects that include fashionable modern style:

  1. The presence of any pattern on the wallpaper. Options with imitating under natural materials will also fit.
  2. You can purchase wallpapers with bright big drawings. But the most optimally will not clutter the space, but to deprive so only one wall.
  3. The color palette is better to choose in neutral shades.

You can also choose classic style for kitchen and Provence. This is a calm and bright color scheme. For the classics, the characteristic presence of strips, floral patterns, cells.

Stylish wallpapers for small cuisine: photo of design with limited area

Small premises are always problematic during the arrangement. We'll have to abandon some colors and designs. But even with certain restrictions, you can create an interesting interior.

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Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Bright shades of wallpaper are best suitable for small cuisine.

What is worth considering with the arrangement of a small kitchen:

  • Wall color;
  • Presence of patterns;
  • Strip thickness (if any);

For a small room, light shades of wallpaper are best suitable. They visually add spaces. At the same time, the colors palette should be neutral. Cold and bright shades of blue, pink, yellow, white are suitable. The choice of drawing on the wallpaper also has its limitations. It is best to give preference to monotonous options or wallpaper with a small pattern.

Vertical stripes raise the ceiling. Horizontal - expand the walls.

For a small kitchen, it is best to choose wallpaper in a narrow strip. At the same time, if there is high ceilings in the room, then such a strip should be horizontal, and if low - vertical. Simple tricks will help balance the general view of the room.

Modern wallpapers in the kitchen: design (video)

Wallpapers are presented in a wide choice of species, color and stylistic solutions. Select the appropriate option - a difficult task. It is necessary to be guided not only by their own desires, but also the source data of the premises, functional purpose and style design.

Design Wallpaper in the kitchen (interior photo)

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

Proper selection of wallpaper on the kitchen under the design: 35 photos

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