Belgian wallpaper


Belgium is the legislator of world fashion in the production of high-quality wallpapers with exquisite design.

For Belgian manufacturers, several stylistic directions are characteristic. This is reflected not only on high-quality characteristics, but also on the sophistication and uniqueness of the presented works.

Belgian wallpaper

Flower Topic in Saturated Colors

Types of wallpaper

Belgium manufacturers not so long ago have become legislators of a wobbly fashion not only in Europe, but also around the world. Wallpaper from this country is a subtle combination of fantasy, perception of the surrounding world and understanding the interior fashion as a whole, it is such a set of factors that allowed them to be easily bypass their competitors.

Belgian wallpaper

Paper Wallpaper with a complicated embossed pattern

Lighting factories of Belgium offer customers wallpaper of various species, among which you can allocate:

  • Paper - environmentally friendly, lungs, breathable wallpapers, transmitting air, they are recommended for use in rest rooms, children's rooms.
  • Vinyl wallpapers are recreated various styles, naturalness is present in the design of cavities, and it is difficult to distinguish the wallpaper from natural textures from afar: stone, textiles, skin.
  • Fliseline wallpaper, sophisticated and creative, they serve as decades, because they have a special strength of the material, do not impetuous when it is salabing, moisture resistant.
  • Textile wallpapers - tissue wallpapers with high aesthetics, natural, breathable, very comfortable when sticking, but not so popular.
Belgian wallpaper
Belgian phlizelin wallpapers - the use of modern wallpapers from Belgium to create a first-class interior in any room, famous wallpaper brands.

Elite Belgian Wallpaper has long been taking higher positions in the markets of the whole world.

Belgian wallpaper

Cozy bedroom interior in pastel colors

A huge number of diverse design fudge represents the attention of mankind Belgium in the field of a woey fashion. Even the most sophisticated connoisseur of the wonderful will find wallpapers that satisfy his taste.

Wallpaper factories of Belgium

Belgium is famous for factories working on the structure and design of various types of wallpaper. The country has long won high places for the production of worldwood wallpapers.

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Belgian wallpaper

Light wallpapers in the bedroom from one collection

The variety of fabric structures of cloths, many paints and interesting approaches in drawings, beautiful and multifaceted gamma colors, all causes enthusiastic feelings.

Respect all over the world has won the quality of the wallpaper manufactured, since it is generally flawless. Manufacturers who constantly improve their industry, and produce global brands, simply cannot act differently.

Plants of Belgian factories are constantly equipped with new equipment made by the latest technology. Manufacturers are interested in high quality indicators. All products of the Belgian factories are constantly being careful, marriage in this industry is unacceptable.

Belgian wallpaper
Belgian wallpaper manufacturers - an overview of the most famous wallpaper factories of Belgium and popular brands that they produce, the most recognizable collections.

Calkutta - Natural Wallpaper

CALKUTTA- This manufacturer releases wallpapers using natural silk, flax, velvet, valve. They are called - textile wallpapers. Textile wallpaper technology is very complicated. To prepare the cloth to it, the base is glued, then all this is dried in special chambers.

Belgian wallpaper

Luxury vinyl wallpapers with vensels and stripes

The unsurpasses of these canvases are expressed in the coating with a special impregnation of Teflon. This method allows you to preserve the virgin view of the wallpaper canvas for a long time, and extend the enjoyment of the brightness of the wallpaper colors, also impregnation protects the cloth from the effects of dust and dirt.

Exclusive wallpapers from Omexco

Omexco is a well-known company, the leader in the world of interior fashion. Founded in 1971, production is located in the suburbs of Brussels, the city of the country is known, where the EU headquarters is located.

OmeExco is a very large-scale manufacturer in the field of wall coatings. The basis of production is the technology of using natural vegetable fibers, as a result, these wallpapers become truly natural. The wallpaper includes materials such as: paper, viscose, cellulose, flax, bamboo, jute, polyester.

Belgian wallpaper

The subject of monograms is abundantly represented by Belgian factories

A huge percentage of work, the masters are carried out manually. The ideological originality of the masters, open up ample opportunities for modern decorators.

The width of the coating produced by the factory, from 90 to 140 cm. Such width allows you to minimize the number of joints, and the seams will be invisible.

Arte - manufacturers of impressive canvases

Arte - Young Wallpaper Manufacturer Taking into account Modern Interior Fashion. To create wallpapers, Arte applies advanced technologies that are constantly being introduced in factories. For 30 years of work, the company acquired a reputation produced by excellent wallpaper collections, which truly impressive, this particular fact allows them to be the leaders of the modern market.

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Belgian wallpaper

Wallpapers of this kind for many people are complex to perception

ARTE manufactures elite wallpaper, on a fliesline substrate and a paper basis. Designers of the company create collections that have no analogues around the world, because they use very interesting solutions in their work: velvet coating, the use of gold and silver foil. Created motifs of artists are striking the gaze, the wealth of flowers and drawings.

Grandeko (IDEKO) - Unique design of seamless wallpaper

Thanks to the merger of IDEKO (Belgium) and Grantil (France), Belgium releases Grandeko wallpaper. Wallpapers are not expensive, enjoy in great demand among the middle class.

This production is based on new improved technologies. When staining vinyl, the masters use not a surface color, but a color in the mass. This gives wallpaper additional wear resistance and strength. Collections are highlighted by luxury drawings and restraint of styles.

Belgian wallpaper

Flower Topic on Eco-friendly Paper Wallouts

The feature of the wallpaper is that when cutting the edge of the roll always remains even. No need to spend time on the alignment of the joints, when sticking wallpaper, the visibility of the lack of seams is created.

Masureel - Wallpaper "Khroma"

Masureel's roots go far in the fifties of the nineteenth century. The founded young company has just been engaged in the production and supply of textile wallpaper. In those distant times, the main raw materials for creating wall coverings was flax.

The founder of the company, GI Mazurel, and so far the factory has his heirs, without changing family traditions. Even in our time in the wallpaper you can see the style of their founder.

Belgian wallpaper

Unusual combination of wallpaper in the living room

In 2004, the factory mastered a new direction - the production of phlizelin wallpaper. A number of well-known designers work on the creation of original collections. Manufacturers are developing new items drawing inspiration in art, while doing everything possible that these wallpapers fit fit into the interior.

The creators of the wall coverings themselves argue that their wallpaper is suitable for both horizontal and vertical use. It remains just not to be afraid to experiment.

Masureel in the production of wallpapers gives preference not only the quality of your product, but also monitors how environmentally used for production, material. For them, it is important that their coverage, they did not apply a damage to human health and did not hurt nature.

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HokeDonWalls - top quality wallpaper manufacturers

Hookedonwalls manufactures paper and vinyl wallpaper. This Belgian firm is one of the first to be in production, wallpapers that can be painted and waxed. Currently, it actively produces paper wallpaper using polyvinyl, which makes them comfortable in work.

Belgian wallpaper

The luxury and splendor of the entourage emphasize the wallpaper

The company's style to produce wallpapers that will cause a storm of emotions. The creators themselves say: "If you want something extraordinary wallpaper Brand HokeDonWalls, this is what you need."

Belgian wallpaper

Gorgeous Wallpapers Support General Interior Stylistics

Belgian wallpaper is in demand all over the world, their elegance is able to decorate the interior of any room.

The advantages of wallpaper

We give a small list of advantages of Belgian wallpaper:

  • high material wear resistance;
  • variety of colors, beauty, difference in textures and prints;
  • high quality highlight, original structure;
  • environmental friendliness, safety for man;
  • simple care, moisture resistance, dust repulsion;
  • noise insulation, sound insulation;
  • Affordable price, average in the market.

In addition, there are a number of features peculiar not only by Belgian wallpaper manufacturers.

Belgian wallpapers, due to the thickness of the wallpaper canvas, are able to level the irregularities of the walls, pull the microcracks, they are well glued on poorly plastered surfaces. Each manufacturer has clean wallpaper in its catalog, which are suitable for premises with a high humidity.

Belgian wallpaper

Black and white wallpaper in the living room

Wallpaper manufacturers from Belgium have provided various developments of events, so in collections there are budgetary categories of wallpapers, along with VIP options for exclusive premises ..

If you want to be extraordinary if you want to create an unsurpassed interior, then the Belgian wallpaper will help you with this.

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