Geranian growing secrets


Geranian growing secrets

Good afternoon, dear readers!

Geranium (Peralgonium) is a widespread room plant. From a long time, our grandmothers was grown it. It is actively blooming for a whole year and pleases us with its beautiful bright hats of a wide variety of colors. I really like when there is a row of pots with geranium on the windowsill, such a beauty!

I want to share some secrets to grow Gerani, who acquired with experience, reading books and communicating on the forums and just with lovers - flowers, and sometimes learning on their own mistakes. As a result, such simple rules for geranium care have developed.

Geranium. Reproduction

You can also grow geranium from seeds, but I prefer the shilling in the middle of February before March.

At this time, it is already required to pruning geraniums. After all, geranium is light-cup, and in winter there is little light, and the plant is pulled out, it becomes not very beautiful. Geraniums need to trim the bare shoots on the height that you need (but not quite on the stump, of course), from them new twigs will go.

And you can update geranium every year, transplancing from the new cutting, as our great-grandmothers did in the old days.

For geranium reproduction, appropriate cuttings are approximately 7 cm long with three-five sheets.

  1. Cutting cuttings, making a skeleton under the kidney.
  2. Lower a couple of leaves tear.
  3. We dry the cut and the place of the leaves of the leaves for 2-3 hours, so that the slice dragged into the film.
  4. Squeeze immediately into the prepared pots with the soil.
  5. Fall slightly.
  6. To form a magnificent bush, we pin down the top kidney.
  7. We put in a bright place, but not in the sun!

Many simply cut the cuttings and put into the water, advise in a jar with water to put tablets of activated carbon so that there is no rotting. The roots are formed very quickly. Then they are seated in pots.

The pot needs to take a small one. Geranium lands do not need a lot. The faster the roots will turn the earth to the earth, the faster the plant will bloom, and the less pot, the greater the flowering will be. In large pots, the plant may not bloom at all, he does not need it - life is so good, why bother? In one pot, you can even plant a few cuttings.

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Geranian growing secrets

In the process of rooting, the lower sheets may yellow - tear them when a pair of other new leaves appear.

To form a beautiful magnificent bustle, the tops are pouring on an 8-10 sheet, side shoots - on the 6-8-m and constantly turn the pot so that the bustice is flat.

And recently heard on the market from one grandmother, which sold geranium that during flowering the pot no longer need to turn, otherwise the bloom could stop.

In principle, I do not turn, but I did not know what it was necessary. And tell you, I think you need.

Water as the soil drying, it is not necessary to pour.

Geranian growing secrets

In June-July, if necessary, it is also possible to make a shilling, if you did not do it in March or if the bush ugly grow up.

How to care for geranium

The care of geranium is not complicated, this plant is not whimsical, it is only necessary to know that geranium loves:

  • The sun (but tolerates the lung shadow). She feels well in southern and eastern windows
  • Heat (but very light autumn frosts will survive)
  • Not frequent, but abundant watering. Geranium is easier to carry dry soil than an excess of moisture from which it may be drunk
  • Good Drainage in the pot - a prerequisite resulting from the previous rule
  • moderately fertile, even a meager soil, (otherwise there will be a lot of greens, but few colors)
  • Regular feeders that begin to make in spring and continue to make every two weeks until late autumn. For active growth, nitrogen fertilizers use, then they are replaced with potash and phosphoric, necessary for abundant flowering
  • Removal of flashing inflorescences to continue flowering.

Very good feeding is iodine water : 1 drop iodine dissolve in 1 liter of water and pour the 50 ml of this composition cautiously on the walls of the pot. Do not overdo the roots do not burn!

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After such watering, geranium is continuously and luxuriously blooms!

Good feeding can be prepared from a wide variety of home.

Geranian growing secrets

Possible problems

If a yellow leaves The reasons may be as follows:

  • If the leaves dries only the edges - the reason is the lack of moisture
  • If the leaves are sluggish or puments - the reason in the excess of moisture.

In both cases, the leaves may be down.

Golden stem , the lower leaves fall out - lack of light.

Geranian growing secrets

Geranian growing secrets

Geranium in the garden

In the summer, geranium loves to live in the fresh air - put it on the balcony or in the garden, to put it in the ground, when the threat of night frosts has already passed.

At first, having survived the stress associated with a variable place, geranium will be sick, it can shrust and fee leaves. But then be sure to please you with abundant bloom.

On the street she blooms amazingly, and the bush grow greatly as never at home!

I squeeze geranium on the flower beds, I love when the red and white geranium arrive. Very beautiful looks Gerani next to Petunia. My friend sent photos of Germany and Austria flower beds, there are everywhere such flower beds, on which Petunia and Geran are growing.

Geranian growing secrets

In the sun, sometimes leaves in the flower acquire a pink color - this is a normal phenomenon, as if "tan", the plant is not better from this, not worse.

Geranium is able to endure any temperature, and in the hot summer it blooms well in the sun, but it loves more cool weather. In the fall at 10-12 degrees, she "cant" from such a temperature!

Look at the tips from for the cultivation of geranium in the garden or in the country.


You can keep geranium on the street before the start of frosts until the temperature drops to 2-5 -th degrees of heat. Then they will need to trim, transplant into pots and put in a cool place (10-12 degrees) on the winter hibernation or, gradually escaping to a higher temperature, put into the room where they will continue flowering.

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It is important to gradually hit the plant to a higher temperature, and in general, in my experience, when Returning Gerani from the street, she is very sick. Therefore, I usually, for seedlings on the street, we specifically grow plants from Chenkov, which I cut back in January-February, and then I remove them from the dishes and land in the ground. At the same time, the main plant remains at home, sometimes in good weather I endure him to breathe on the street. And also in the fall, if necessary, cut the cuttings from street flowers and plant them at home.

It is known that geranium purifies air indoors, it is used to treat many ailments. About recipes for treating geranium at home I wrote a separate article. I invite you to read!

These are such simple secrets to grow geranium.

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