Illuminated facades, new appearance with light


How to change the appearance of a building without producing repair work? Someone will say - these are dreams, and simply impossible. But I will try to dispel this delusion. The answer to my question is simple to disgrace - of course, using the backlight.

Illuminated facades, new appearance with light

Backlight of the facade of the house

The role of lighting in modern architecture

Illuminated facades, new appearance with light

LED lamps, modules and hermetic LED tapes are used to illuminate buildings facades

Night, long ago ceased to be the time of day when all people sleep. Modern life dictates their rules, and the cities boil with life always.

But in order for a person to feel comfortable, he needs light, some of the problem solve street lights, but this is not enough. And today, most urban buildings have an individual backlight, which is able to completely change the appearance of the house in the dark time.

Designers share street lighting into several types:

  • Architectural. When the backlight is directed to a group of buildings or several objects simultaneously.
  • Landscape. When there is no specific object, but it is necessary to create a sense of presence. It can be shapes from diode tapes or highlighting trees.
  • Individual. When the focus is on a single object, and the light composition is created on its facade.

The illumination of the facades and for private houses and cottages is relevant. To give your home an elegant look, it is absolutely optionally to wait for the holidays. Beauty may well become everyday.

Decorative lighting facade

Illuminated facades, new appearance with light

Backlight of the facade of a country house

In order to create the right and harmonious lighting of your home, you need to know what the modern market offers, and what are the features of each option.

Tip! It is desirable to plan decorative lighting at the construction stage. In this case, you can immediately create all the necessary communications and hide extra wires in the finish.

We must not forget about the elementary safety technique, as many lighting removals used on the street create a large load on the electrical outlet.

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Illuminated facades, new appearance with light

Illuminated facade

Highlighting at home is not only a luminaire over the porch. Modern technologies use a whole range of techniques, each of which performs specifically set tasks:

  1. Local lighting, creates an emphasis on specific areas of the facade. It can be figured stucco or simply highlighted angles, emphasizing the contour.
  2. Flowing lighting, completely highlights the facade and changes its color.
  3. Silhouette illumination is often used to highlight landscaped objects. Lighting devices highlight design elements, highlighting them from below.
  4. Backlit background creates bright stains on objects or landscape.
  5. Projection, one of the most expensive, but due and spectacular ways to illuminate the facade. With the help of lasers, on the facade you can create a variety of dynamic pictures.
  6. Combined front illumination when several options are used at once, from those listed above.

Illuminated facades, new appearance with light

Lighting the facade of a private house

In addition to visual beauty, the illumination of the facade should not interfere with the inhabitants of the house and not to create discomfort, which is why it is better to turn to those skilled in the art that will make all the necessary calculations and will be installed in compliance with safety standards. Well, if there is a desire to produce all the work on your own, then the detailed study of the concept needs to be given particularly close attention in order not to get a powerful beam beam beating directly into the bedroom window, or constantly departing corks from too much load on the network.


Illuminated facades, new appearance with light

Architectural illumination of the facade

Depending on which type of backlighting for the facade is selected, and what task is set, the lighting devices are selected. The choice is huge, from the familiar spotlights, to complex projection plants.

Important! Before installing high-power lighting devices on the facade, you must familiarize yourself with the standards. The level of illumination in the bedrooms and private sectors should not exceed the established standards, as this may interfere with the neighbors. Beauty - beauty, but also about elementary respect for the surrounding forget.

Illuminated facades, new appearance with light

Architectural lighting of the facade of a private house

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A common mistake that many people do who do not have experience in the lighting of facades are the purchase of expensive devices. Which will perform a task, easy for them, and cheaper analogues could cope with it. That this does not happen, list the most popular devices presented in the market.

  • Straight wall lamps. Give a directional light to a specific part of the facade.
  • Swivel walls. May be controlled from the remote. That is, the direction of the beam can be changed remotely or configured automatic rotation.
  • Bra. Light the local area of ​​the facade around itself.
  • Suspended and belt lighting devices. Make it seems to outline the contour of the facade, and create figures in the form of light panels on it.
  • Spotlights. One of the most energy-intensive devices. Creates a powerful directional beam.
  • Strobe lamps. Wall or floor lamps with blinking effect. With the help of a special rheostat, you can change the intensity of flashing and set up a group of instruments individually.
  • Laser or holographic installations. The most expensive lighting, from all listed. A lot of inconspicable eye of thin rays, create dynamic pictures on the facade.

Depending on the size and used in the lamp instrument, their power may differ. Accordingly, the more the facade, the more bright backlight it will be needed.

Variety of lamps for the illumination of the facade

Illuminated facades, new appearance with light

Illuminated facade

Incandescent lamps have long been not the only source of light. They constitute competition more modern and practical light bulbs.

  • Gas lamps. For many years, they used in street lamps. Later they were adopted and designers in the light. These are cheap lamps with low consumption, but their essential minus is that they are very slowly flared and weakly resistant to precipitation.
  • Known to everyone, incandescent lamp. Works due to the heating of the tungsten element inside the glass flask. In recent years, they are increasingly from use, they are replaced with modern energy-saving lamps.
  • Halogen. Possess the brightest light among competitors. Their spectrum is most close to the natural. In the facade illumination, they are used most often, although they have a high degree of energy consumption.
  • LED ribbons. The most economical lighting devices. LED, in fact, this is a small light bulb, but at the expense of their large number in the tape, bright lighting is created. Ribbons are not completely afraid of precipitation and can be applied in any conditions.
  • Neon tapes. The main difference from the LED is that they are glowing twist, that is, the light is created not from a variety of individual points, but along the entire length of the tape. Of these ribbons, different colors often make light panels and three-dimensional figures on the landscape.

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