Wall pastries: 5 tips, where to start glue wallpaper


Wall pastries: 5 tips, where to start glue wallpaper

It is necessary to accumulate walls with wallpaper. It is necessary correctly and competent with most cases for wall decoration wallpaper are selected as the most compromise finishing material. Today, when in two minutes you can find a lot of suggestions using in sticking, many refuse the idea of ​​completely independent repairs. But often the fear of doing something with their own hands "from and to" is simply fen. Never glue wallpaper? Maybe it's time to start? Only arm yourself, prepare from the theoretical side, and then in practice everything will go like oil.

Tip First and Main: how to start glue wallpaper

Suppose you know perfectly well how to conduct preparatory work, and the explanation of this stage does not need to spend time. Do you know how to glue from the door, from the window, and maybe from the corner? Meanwhile, this moment is very important. With this selection, the type of lighting in the room is important.

When, in the Soviet times, almost all wallpapers were admired, on the wallpaper there were such a strip on which a new canvas was glued. And so that the transition is not visible, it was necessary to glue from the window.

Today, this problem is not so acute. If you use dense wallpapers, they cannot be completely, more precisely - it is not recommended, glue a mustache.

Wall pastries: 5 tips, where to start glue wallpaper

There are several options from where you can start glued wallpaper indoors

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From which place to glue, options:

  1. From door. The main thing is to observe strict verticality, because you can start work from any vertical reference point. It may be, among other things, the door jamb. The very first gender canopy is strictly vertically, therefore it will not be superfluous to use an additional device such as a plumb. Then sticking continues in the selected direction.
  2. From the corner. The way will be good only if there are perfectly smooth corners in the room. But it's not always that it turns out, therefore it is more familiar to glue from the door or window.
  3. From a major landmark. If there is not one pass in the room, and not one window, the process of salabing begins on the largest reference.
  4. Directly from several equal lines. This method is good for the room with a large window, then the salary is carried out in different sides of this very window. And to be less noticeable to docks, they are made above the window or above the door.

Please note: if the corners are uneven, as if you definitely not blocked, the verticality is lost. Therefore, in this case, with the pasting of each of the walls, you need to use a new vertical line. It is troublesome, but otherwise there is no way.

How best: glue wallpaper from the window or to the window

It does not matter, from the window, or from the door you start glue the wallpaper. Maybe you even glue the wallpaper in a room with perfectly even angles (which is extremely rare). The main thing is the glue wallpaper from perfectly roveling vertical. If the first canvas is located Rovenko along the vertical line, then all subsequent canvas will go smoothly.

Wall pastries: 5 tips, where to start glue wallpaper

Start glue wallpaper follows from perfectly smooth vertical

Therefore, most often paper, vinyl and fliesline wallpaper are glued from the window. It is so familiar, and even on the evenness of the window opening hope. Therefore, it is the window that is used as an ideal vertical, from which the wall decoration is carried out in order to achieve even lines. But the door can also be such a point of reference, this is by no means an error.

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What put first and where to start glue wallpaper in the room

If the repair is in full swing, and you still do not know what to do first - put the floor or glue the wallpaper? Professionals advise first to do what leaves behind more garbage. Linoleum lay - hardly, but put the laminate, perhaps it is better at the beginning.

Wall pastries: 5 tips, where to start glue wallpaper

In the room where the repair is carried out, first finish all the work, after which there are more garbage

If you first glue wallpaper, and then put the laminate:

  • Some types of laminate are very sensitive to the glue for wallpaper, therefore the coating can be spoiled, which means everything is correct, first sticking;
  • Building garbage also theoretically damage laminate;
  • If the laminate is already settled, protect it with a special film from the work carried out.

In the case of linoleum, wallpapers are usually glued, and then linoleum is already located directly. But still do everything with a loaf on the individual features of repair. Yes, and on how nicer and habitually come to you. Adjust yourself, there is no strict rules.

How long will the wallpaper dry

Vinyl wallpapers on Flizelin, so popular today, dry day-two. Drying speed from microclimate in the room, on the type of walls and wall covering, from the density and thickness of the wallpaper. And also, of course, on the quantity, quality and density of glue.

Wall pastries: 5 tips, where to start glue wallpaper

Wallpapers dried depending on the species, as well as on the amount and thickness of the glue

The higher the temperature in the room, the faster the wallpaper is dried. If the positive ten, seven in the room, wallpaper is not recommended to glue. As well as the temperature above +25 is also not recommended for repair.

When you can open windows after plating wallpaper

The time you want to withstand before opening the window after the blending process, no less than 12 hours. Sometimes as many as 48 hours should not open the windows. Wallpaper dry at a constant temperature, it should not be below +15. And the so-called walking drafts can spoil all the work.

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Wall pastries: 5 tips, where to start glue wallpaper

After the stacking process of wallpaper, windows can be opened not early than after 12 hours

Also, first days after sticking, try not to drill, do not install and not include air conditioning. Stretch ceilings are also not installed for the first five days after sticking. Nevertheless, the installation of ceilings is conjugate with strong heating, which is at the moment it is unacceptable.

How to start glue wallpaper (video)

Wallpaper sticking is a difficult process more psychologically than physically. If you do not rush if you comply with all the rules, if you choose a good material, then even newcomers can perfectly cope with this work. What do you want!

Good sticky!

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