Room decor with their own hands: decorating features


To transform the room, it is not enough to make it possible to repair it. Any space needs decorative design. If you have a simple interior, bring some unusual or bright items to it to completely change it. How to make the decor of the room with your own hands?

Features decorating

Features of the creation of decor are largely determined by the materials that you have. So, if you do not have experience in a wood carving or wall painting, there is decoration in simpler forms. It may be felting or quilling. For those who have artistic abilities, a batik or painting of various surfaces will fit.

Room decor do it yourself

The following accessible decoration methods can be distinguished:

  • embroidery;
  • knitting;
  • quilling;
  • wallow;
  • Decoupage.

Thanks to the neat embroidery, works that transform walls are appear. But it must be performed in a suitable stylist. For decor, some embroidered paintings can be applied to the wall. This solution successfully looks in a spacious living room or apartment studio.

Embroidery paintings

Thanks to knitting, not only flat, but also bulk decorations appear. Knitted products perfectly look in the bedroom. A similar decor of the children's room involves toys, covered and even curtains that may look very modern.

Set for knitting

If knitted toys are selected as decor, they can be placed on different shelves or on the bed between pillows.

Knitting toys do it yourself

Quilling allows you to create applications made of twisted colored paper tapes. Although these are short-lived products, they are ideal as a decor for children's room with their own hands. If children are small, paintings from colored paper is better to hang on the wall. So they will serve much longer. But if you have a rather adult child, it will be interesting for him to create ideas and participate at all decoration stages.

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Creating a picture in a quilling technique

Flawing makes it possible to create excellent wall decors in the children's room. Eliminate such decorating techniques like dry and wet fooling. The first option makes it possible to create volumetric figures made of natural wool. As for the technique of wet fuel, it is suitable for applications having a flat view.

Decorative Wool Figures

Decoupage technique becomes one of the appropriate decisions in the living room decoration. It is enough to transfer your favorite image from the napkin on the dishes. This is an excellent solution for those who have a dining room area. It is also suitable in cases where the servers for storing dishes are in the room. The ideas of applying a decoupage in different premises allow you to choose the appropriate option.

Beautiful plates in the decoupage technique you can decorate not only the shelves, they are often weighing on the wall as the main decor.

Decoupage plates

On video: Decoupage of interior items by the usual economic cord.

Use the decor in the bathroom

This room is no exception. The decor of the bathroom is possible with your own hands if you give preference to suitable materials. So, they should not be cleaned under the influence of steam and moisture. If you choose wooden or cardboard products, you can spend at the entrance to the room. In this case, water will not fall on them. Do not forget to periodically ventilate the bathroom.

Bathroom decor

The decor installed in the bathroom should differ in the following characteristics:

  • environmental Safety;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • simple care;
  • resistance to processing detergent;
  • Hygienicity.

Use different decor ideas. A panel of ceramic tile, towels and rugs in one style are most suitable, as well as seashells or starfish. The latter is enough to stick on the surface of the wall or ceiling. Do not forget to use the appropriate backlight.

Seafood Bathroom Decor

Teenager room decor

In such a room, you can install the decor made by the hands of children. Girl with certain skills and interests can independently decorate your corner. So, it can bind a beautiful plaid or embroider a picture of beads or threads. Here are any scenery of the room with their own hands. Simple option will sew bright covers for small pillows, which can be decorated with a sofa.

Decor with multicolored pillows

Fitodesign is suitable for decor. This is a good solution that teachs a teenager to care for flowers. But it is better to choose unusual plants.

For a small room, you can use decorative flowers made of paper or other environmentally friendly materials. Successfully lamp in the form of a plant or a flower. But at the same time, a teenager is necessary for the final barcode, which can act as an accent wall of bright green. The main thing is that the remaining surfaces are neutral. There are other ideas that are suitable for the incarnation of a teenager with their own hands. But they should not only like the child, but also to emphasize his interests and unique individuality.

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Features of the decor in the children's room

If the child is small, you can independently transform its space. It is important to navigate the floor. For the girl's room, flowers are made of cardboard or a queening method. It will not be superfluous here a large number of translucent fabrics located on the window and in the bedroom zone. The atmosphere should get light and air. But you should not overload space.

Decoration of children's decorative flowers

In a room designed for the boy, it is worth emphasizing his sexuality. There will be appropriate crafts made in military topics or in the form of cars. The child can also participate in the creation of the decor. Ask, what the ideas of childhood decoration, perhaps he wants to decorate the room with characters from favorite animated series.

Children's decor for boy

General recommendations

There are general guidelines that will help you properly place the decorative elements in residential space. Each little thing is important here: the area of ​​the room, the interior design, color scheme, the size of the selected decor items. To bring comfort and harmony, follow the following advice:

  • Do not use all ideas in one space;
  • If the room is spacious, bright and large-scale elements will look good in it;
  • For a small room, it is better to prefer neutral and small decor items;
  • For visual increase in space, install mirror and metal surfaces;
  • For a small child room, bright trees made of wood, painted in a suitable shade.

Decoration and Color Accents

Whatever ideas you choose, it is important to navigate not only on your own preferences. Take into account the style prevailing in an apartment or house. It is important to take into account the area of ​​the room and the height of the ceilings, as well as the illumination of the room. Prefer such a decor that you can perform yourself, or easy items that can be created using a simple and understandable master class.

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Features of decorating rooms in the apartment

Features of decorating rooms in the apartment

Features of decorating rooms in the apartment

Features of decorating rooms in the apartment

Features of decorating rooms in the apartment

Features of decorating rooms in the apartment

Room decor do it yourself

Features of decorating rooms in the apartment

Features of decorating rooms in the apartment

Features of decorating rooms in the apartment

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