What is better to careen a brusade house?


Crop the brusade house, like a log, is required in mandatory. And it should be done regardless of the circumstance, there will be or not internal and external finish with insulation. But what materials can be used for this, now we find out.

What is better to careen a brusade house?

The scheme of insulation of the house from Brous Joutow.

Requirements for coincidence

In the generalized version, all the material that can be caught a house must meet the following requirements:
  • thermal conductivity at a fairly low level;
  • immunity to temperature and humidity fluctuations, high wind resistance;
  • resistance to the biosreditors (insects, pathogenic fungi, mold);
  • air permeability;
  • durability (safety preservation for at least 20 years);
  • hygroscopicity (properties to absorb and give moisture back);
  • Ecology (otherwise, it is possible to lose the whole point in the construction of a wooden house);
  • Similar to its characteristics with wood.

Varieties of correed material suitable for timber

What is better to careen a brusade house?

The scheme of insulation of the house from the pacular bar.

The tree is used in the construction of houses many thousands of years, so experience in the pantry and the use of materials is consistent with our ancestors.

Moss and today remains the best material for the caulking of wooden log cabins. But not any moss is suitable for these purposes. For cacopa, they use moss sphagnum, which grows on the swamps and has a red, light or brown shade. Subsequently, peat deposits are formed during its overjudation. Even modern materials are inferior in their qualities of durability and ecology MCU. The proof of this is the old abandoned wooden huts in the villages, in which the log itself has already rotted, and Moss is in excellent condition.

As an interventic seal, MOC is an indispensable material due to its antibacterial, antiseptic and therapeutic properties. Spring between the timber, it prevents the development of putrefactive bacteria and mold mushrooms. Due to this tree, the tree retains its qualities and prolongs the service life. Free passing through itself the air, moss drinks it with therapeutic pairs, therefore the inner atmosphere of the house turns into healing. Hygroscopicity of MCH allows you to level the differences of humidity. The properties of MCH do not allow to detect any disadvantages in this material. But "minus" lies in another - the caulking of the MCHA is not very easy and easily, otherwise there would be no other materials for these purposes and would not exist.

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A pack of fibers of flax is used as a sealant and a seal everywhere, and as a pantry material - more often in those regions where it grows and where there are no swamps that allow mining moss.

What is better to careen a brusade house?

Tools for caulking walls.

There is no production of linen packle. It is obtained by vytruski and exercise when cleaning fibers of flax. It is also formed as waste from the manufacture of ropes, cloths, ropes. Like moss, but in a slightly lesser extent, the package of flax is endowed with bactericidal and antiseptic qualities. That is why the path is treated in order to increase resistance against humidity resin. If natural resins of trees are used for treatment, then the packle is still considered eco material. But if it is impregnated with petroleum products, it's already nothing to speak about any naturalness and challenge. Pacle consists of a large amount of fires, unwritten during the first years from the date of operation of the house. Therefore, panks are careen not once, but a few.

Hemp hemp is very similar to the linen pass, in one exception - its fibers are rougher, therefore, this type of cacopants are often confused among themselves.

Hemp is not afraid of temperature drops and increased humidity, so it is advisable to apply in regions with high humidity. These characteristics of hemp are required to polymer lignin, which is available in any form of wood, fastening the cellulose fibers. Hemp is capable of maintaining its qualities, even being moistened, so it does not threaten rotting.

Modern materials for caulking

Jute comes to us in the form of imports from abroad (China, Egypt, India, and other tropical countries with abundance of precipitation). Jute produce from the shoots of the same name of the plant of the family of Malvic. Jute fiber is quite durable, not subject to mold, putrid bacteria, they are not interested in birds and insects, it has hygroscopicity (easily accumulates moisture and gives) and high throughput for air masses. The jute has lignin in the same quantity as in the tree. Similarity properties with a tree makes them perfectly compatible materials.

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Jute can be represented by fiber, and maybe ribbon.

The latter have different widths. The jute insulation in the form of a tape is comfortable in laying between the bents of the bar of the bar. Jute clean makes it possible to uniformly seal. And the quality of the material and its cost are at the same high level.

Along with fiber materials for insulation, the felt types are used (interventical felt):

  1. Jute. Its composition: 90% - jute, 10% - flax. But it is better to make sure the accuracy of this ratio, because it can meet this: 70% - jute, 30% - flax.
  2. Linen (has other names - EUROPEN, FLINTATH). This is a need-floppy matter, consisting of a high degree of cleaning.
  3. Flax. The ratio of jute and flax - 1: 1.

The insulation of modernity, consisting exclusively of flax, is considered the best option for cauldis, since their interaction with the wood is the most optimal, which also provides uniformity of shrinkage. Other materials with flax additives in one or another ratio only worsen the characteristics of the insulation. Properties become the worse than the more percentage of flax.

A few words about meat

The house from Brous is caught in several goals. This necessity is explained by the fact that the drying of the bar occurs gradually, while the house is sitting at the expense of its own severity. The slower shrinkage is manifested in the first year and a half after the construction of the house, and after it decreases every year. Experts note that 5-6 years is the maximum time when shrinkage is possible. Therefore, the structure is caught 3 times: during the construction period, at the end of the 1st and 6th year.

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