Apartment design 20 sq M - the main tasks and choice of furniture (48 photos)


The problem of finishing small rooms is extremely relevant. Designer thought and technological capabilities allow you to create a convenient for housing and work at a one-room apartment. Acute this problem is worth the owners of the old residential foundation. Sometimes to achieve a goal, it is necessary to make a complete restructuring with the replacement of old communications and the construction of the elements of the interior not provided for by the plan. Questions Alteration of the area of ​​20 square meters. m successfully solved if they do not affect the supporting structures of the house. With proper planning, realize the design of the apartment of 20 square meters. m, radically changing the interior and the conditions of accommodation can be.


Starting work on repairing a one-room apartment, one should clearly define the final goal. The main task will be to create the most convenient setting for people living there, given their desires and requests. Conditionally, you can divide all the inhabitants of small apartments into several categories.


Apartment for work. It can be an office, designed as a workshop or in the style of a popular studio today. I sacrificing some utility amenities, however, neither the owners of the opportunities to use them, the emphasis is on the formation of space with a set of functions that ensure the greatest performance or the required interior of the interior.

table and chair

Accommodation for youth. It is no secret that the share of only people entering the adult life starts this way with a small, often one-bedroom apartment. Students, young families, girls and young men who have decided to live independently, often have specific requirements for the arrangement of the area on which they plan to be. Like youth apartments in the style of Loft or Studios.

TV on the wall

Middle age people. The time spent in the apartment is minimal. At the peak of a career or when fulfilling his professional activity, they have no desire, nor the opportunity to actively engage in household houses. The requirements of this category of residents are simple - maximum functionality.

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Cabinet and sofa

Apartments for single or older people. The concerns about this category of tenants often take on relatives. They define the design of the apartment 20 square meters. m. The desire to make the interior beautiful does not cancel the creation of the most reliable and easy-to-use functions. Photos with a successful solution tasks show that comfort and convenience are compatible.

Pictures on the wall

It is easier to equip space in a one-room apartment than in luxury apartments, but to take into account the features of a small area are necessary to achieve ultimate success.

Finishing options

Relying on targets, you can succeed in several ways. The upcoming work cannot rely solely on the size of the estimates. It is much more important to make the right choice not at the price, but if necessary. Even in conditions of small funding, it is realistic to create an exclusive design of a one-room apartment that fully meets the task. You can update the interior in several ways.

Redecorating . Works are manufactured without planning and communicative routes. Operating the color, texture of materials, lighting, selection of furniture and accessories, which can be seen on the presented photos, they receive attention to the outcomes and respect for the interiors.

table and chair

Partial alteration . Deeper interference in the original plan of a small apartment. Virtually the entire range of techniques for the implementation of the designer idea is available.

Kitchen cabinet and washing

Full reconstruction . Transferring communication and redevelopment of rooms with a change in their user destination. Often the reception is used to create, the so-called studio. It does not necessarily mean that creative personals will live there. It was just a term became a nominal, since the very idea of ​​a single space was borrowed from artists and photographers. Studio's popularity is growing every year.

Two-decker bed

What style to prefer?

It is mistaken to think that taking the individual liked design ideas, seen in the photo, you can successfully combine in your own project. With the unsuccessful selection of the elements of the interior, it is unlikely to be a satisfactory result.

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Glossy ceiling

Classical. Conditionally divided into several directions that take into account regional and national traditions. General is the period of historical creation and heyday - the XVII-XIX century. The desire for harmony in color and geometry. The presence of exquisite decoration elements: plaster modeling, columns, sculptures, panels and other parts that are organic for the interior in this style. For an apartment with a small square, in particular housing 20 square meters. M When designing, experience and knowledge is required. The presence of characteristic elements should not overload a visual impression from the apartment. A logical continuation is neoclassicism, which uses the same ideas and forms, but allows the use of modern materials and finishing methods.

Colored pillows

Country The design in this technique is the stylization of the village life. National features are widely represented. Many space and simple household items are perfect for the studio.

Sofa and TV

Provence. The name went from the historical region in France, where this style and originated. Natural materials and deliberately coarse surfaces together with up-to-date furniture and textiles of the simplest drapery create an extraordinary fabor that with a small area of ​​20 square meters. M will be a good solution.

coffee table

Ethnic style. Interior items and finishing methods are used characteristic of a particular country or nationality. Great method of thematic decoration of residential premises and office. Studios made in this technique may indicate the specifics of the organization or hobby owner.

Gray sofa

Loft. Industrial style, which has become popular when rewriting industrial premises under housing. Today, even in ordinary apartment buildings you can find a similar way of design. Wrong brick, deliberately rough beams, the presence of metal and glass are the features of the loft.

Mirror on the wall

High tech. One of the favorite ways to finish apartments converted to the studio. Differs on high-tech finishes and pragmatic approach to the formation of space.

Dishes on the table

This is only the most popular styles. The photo shows the exclusive variants of the English and Scandinavian style. Design in the technique of Ar Deco, Ampir, minimalism is also not rarely chosen as a finish.

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Selection of furniture and technology

Space deficit often eliminates the ability to use standard furniture and household appliances. The optimal solution for a small apartment will be the order of individual interior items. It is very rare to pick up the furniture, perfectly inscribed in the room's dimensions. Built-in cabinets, transforming beds and sofas are perfect for 20 square meters. M. Almost all household appliances manufacturers produce a line of product reduced sizes. It is these devices that are designed to effectively increase the useful area. It will complement the modern design of the room.

Dark cuisine

Color selection

Each detail of the interior of a small apartment acquires a more weighty value than in the design of a large area. The color here has if not decisive, then essential. In addition to general laws and rules, modern design allows some deviations, which can individually look even on a small area of ​​20 square meters. m.

flower in a pot

It is believed that light tones are preferable to dark. However, in some cases there can be excellent and non-standard solutions. Dark floor can give depth. The ceilings are also recommended to do the bright surface. The walls can be divided with a dark bottom panel. Possed in bright tones of a wall with a bright color or mirror insert, as in the photo, can also visually expand the space.

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Apartment design ideas 20 kV (48 photos)

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Glossy ceiling

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.


Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Sofa and TV

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

flower in a pot

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Two-decker bed

Pictures on the wall

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Kitchen cabinet and washing

table and chair

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

coffee table

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Dark cuisine

Dishes on the table

table and chair

TV on the wall

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Cabinet and sofa

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Colored pillows

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

Designer techniques for apartment building 20 square meters. m.

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