Why does Nazatifylum dry or yellow leaves. Care for spathifylumomom


Why does Nazatifylum dry or yellow leaves. Care for spathifylumomom

Good afternoon friends!

As we talked about what flowers you need to keep at home and readers have many questions about the care of a beautiful Flower Spathifylum, which is called "female happiness", namely, why the leaves will dry by Spathiflum. The problem is quite solvable, I want to tell about this: why dripping the tip of the leaves of spathifylum or leaves around the edges, why yellow leaves and what to do.

And the solution of these issues is of course in the correct flower care.

How to care for spathifylum

Recently found out that Spathifulum is called another white sail for his such similar to a small sailboat flower.

The legend claims that if a well-kept spathifylum grows in your house, which is comfortable next to you, then you are not threatened with loneliness.

So that the plant becomes magic and brought happiness, you need to care for him with love.

Spathifulum, in principle, unpretentious and undemanding flower, but loves everything in everything in light, and in watering. It is because of these factors that may appear dry or yellowing of the leaves.

After you purchased a flower in the store in a technical pot, you need to give him a couple of weeks to stand in it, get used to the household conditions, and then you can transplant into a pot on the size more.

Location . Spathifulum loves light, he needs to find a brightly illuminated place in the apartment, but such that the left rays do not fall on the leaves, from which burns may appear. Therefore, in the room from the northern side, it needs to be placed on the window, and in rooms overlooking the south, East or West - on the shelves, bedside tables or just on the floor near the window.

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This location will ensure the maximum supply of solar color, excluding overheating at the same time.

And although the spathifulum to the lighting is not particularly picky, if you keep it constantly with bad lighting, its leaves will become less.

Subordinate . The feeders are naturally mandatory. Without them, no plant will live long. The first time when the flower is developing, you need to make feeding twice a month, and then it will be enough once a month. Any mineral fertilizers are suitable, a chicken litter solution, if there is such an opportunity to use it. You can completely apply feeding from home remedies.

Transfer . Each spring is desirable to transplant the flower into the size of a slightly more than the previous one.

How to transplant the indoor plants, read here >>.

Air humidity . The most, perhaps, the main condition for the content of spathifylum is humidity.

It is categorically impossible to allow dry air indoors. The leaves of the plant must be sprayed with heat water, arrange a regular warm shower.

Usually we recommend spraying more often - every day, and in winter it is less likely. But I and I often, I do this procedure several times a week. After all, at this time we have the heating season, and the heating dries the air even more than in the summer in vivo.

Watering spathifylum. Spathifulum - the plant is very moisture. The land in its pot should always be wet, so watering needs to be given due attention.

As soon as the top layer of the soil begins to push, it is time to water the plant.

Water flower, like all other indoor plants, need water temperature, pre-settle down at least 12 hours.

If excess water was formed in the pallet, it should be merged. Spatifylum does not like stagnation of water and her surplus.

Why does Nazatifylum dry or yellow leaves. Care for spathifylumomom

This is, in principle, not difficult care for spathifylum at home. But when cultivating spathifylum, different problems often arise.

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Why not blooms spathifylum

If it does not bloom, then most likely in the room is not sufficient humidity or there was a little fade.

At low, less than 16 degrees, he will not bloom too much. But I think that this is not at home.

And also, if the plant is old, then the bloom for him is already a big job.

Spathifylum. Yellow leaves

With a lack of moisture, spathiflow leaves can shut up. You often arrange bathing in warm water. And once a month it is useful to make a hot shower. Such baths are not only additionally moisturized leaves, but are also good prevention of the appearance of all sorts of pests.

The leaves can get yellow from getting burns during the excess of the sun. In this case, select the right location for the plant.

Another reason for the yellowing of the leaves can enter into a shortage of trace elements, i.e. Badly fed or soil has already been exhausted and the flower requires a transplant.

Dry and draw the leaves from Spathifylum. What to do

Why does Nazatifylum dry or yellow leaves. Care for spathifylumomom

If the spathiflow is black and dry the tips of the leaves, the cause can be dry air. If you have hot at home, I recommend putting a jar with water near the colors, water will evaporate, and the air is moisturized. So that everything looks beautiful and stylish, the jar can be decorated, for example, twine or burlap, make some composition - a twig with butterflies from wallpaper remnants to put.

The tips of the leaves in spathifylum can dry and from insufficient irrigation, as well as from nitrogen shortage.

But if I am painted and dried a significant part of the sheet, the leaves will dry around the edges, then it's already the case in the overaffect of everything: the excessive bay of the plant, if it has been reconciled, if straight sun rays fall on the plant.

I answered your question: "Why does Nazatifylum dry, black or yellow leaves"? Every reason is the right or improper care: location, watering, food, humidity.

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If your spathiflam is well-groomed, he has brilliant beautiful leaves without dry tips, and he also bloomed, then all your cherished desires will be performed.

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