Arch in the bearing wall do it yourself


When you do not come across the repair, it seems so simple and understandable. Here I removed part of the wall, here it restored. Fortunately, supermarkets and building markets are completely clogged with inexpensive construction materials. However, when you begin to approach the fulfillment of the conceived, it is not necessary because of those nuances, which, it turns out, was not provided, but without which it is simply impossible to get a high-quality, and most importantly, a safe design is simply impossible.

Arch in the bearing wall do it yourself

Making the arch in the bearing wall


In each house, the walls are overlaps that serve to divide rooms. Most often, especially in panel houses, special overlap concrete slabs are used, which are installed in the inner parts of the house. But here there is also one big "but". It is not always a good high-quality material for the walls, the same slabs of the overlap, gives an ideally even result. Sometimes you have to supplement, align, make a crate, creating additional difficulties. And if the walls are bearing? For a start, probably, it is worth seeing what carrier walls, what function they do and why everyone is so afraid to get to the carrier wall.

Arch in the bearing wall do it yourself

The cutting process

So called walls that are connected not only with the ceiling and floor. The carrier wall is a small branch, from which the rest of the walls are individually coming. Moreover, sometimes the carrier is associated with the neighbors, which is even more uncomfortable for redevelopment. Naturally, many now do not look at the existence of the norms even in construction, but this does not mean that your home will easily fit into the miracle of the interior fashion. But back to the carrier walls and we will define, are they really impossible to handle them?

Arch in the bearing wall do it yourself

I must say that in each apartment, depending on the configuration, - 2-3 carrier walls. In order to start redeveloping work, you should communicate with specialists and find out the real technical possibility of using the carrier wall.

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Sometimes it can be located so strange and ridiculous that it can not get rid of it, except to make an arch in it. And you imagine the arch in the bedroom wall? Immediately it is worth noting who is best to make the arch in the bedroom. It can be newlyweds without children, as well as elderly people or friendly large seven. By the way, a little more in defense of the Arch. The arch can be the perfect option in the desire to expand the space if it is not possible to completely remove the wall.

So let's look at the photo and decide how you can make the arch in the bearing wall, namely, in the bedroom with your own hands. What is needed for that? Initially, a special portal in the wall is done. In order for everything to be correct, it is necessary to leave a certain percentage of the wall untouched so that it does not interfere with the sustainability of the entire design. This is very important, so, thinking about the arch, it is still worth thinking about its proper installation.

Arch in the bearing wall do it yourself

It is best that the passage is wide enough. Remained with a certain fraction of the overlap material. Making a hole best with a special shock drill, a perforator. You can, of course, with your own hands with a hammer and chisel, but the repair speed is clearly injured.


After the main passage in the bedroom is made, you can go to the organization Arch. As mentioned, completely different materials are taken for the archer. But one of the important points of the seller is precisely in the right amount. Now look at the finishing material.

Arch in the bearing wall do it yourself

But, most importantly, remember the wonderful material - plasterboard. The arch for a bedroom from drywall is in addition a wonderful way to remove defects, make room cleaner and lighter.

So, we look at the photo, the arch in the wall of plasterboard is a natural, magnificent method of creating an arch.

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Plasterboard has a number of properties. One among many is that the material is flexible to install. For example, when it cuts, the breaking is almost excluded, especially when it comes to high humidity.

Instructions for work

So, the arc from the plasterboard do it yourself, what is necessary for her and how to do? In fact, everything is much easier and less scary than it seems at first glance. First you need to decide on the material of the carrier wall, because you will need to do the hole in it. If it is a brick, which is extremely rare, then it will be enough to remove the plaster and disassemble a partially wall. The rest, the prominent part of the brick is good to close with cement mortar, after which it is already engaged in plasterboard.

Arch in the bearing wall do it yourself

Best of all, of course, watch video and photos with basic recommendations. But if you are not sure about the stability of the carrier wall, its materials and purpose, it is best to use the services of a professional. After all, the main load is on this wall, so it is imperative to make the right calculation of the arch.

Arch in the bearing wall do it yourself

After the opening is ready, you can proceed to the design. For this, its circuits are made a special lap from a metal or wooden profile, to which plasterboard sheets are attached.

Further material is decorated. It can be sharpened, clean out the sandpaper, process to and paint - the design is ready.

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