How to make a door jamb: work features


Quite often you can hear another name of the door jambs - these are a deck, you will say professional builders. When installing jambs, all technologies and requirements must be met.

How to make a door jamb: work features

Scheme of an existing jamb and a new door.

Features of the start of work

To make the door jamb, the tools are first prepared:

  • level;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • plumb;
  • pencil or marker;
  • chisel;
  • plane;
  • ax.

How to make a door jamb: work features

Scheme of the doorway of the door frame in a wall opening.

For the manufacture of the door jamb, it is necessary to prepare thick logs. If you already have certain skills in the construction area, it will not be any difficulty, in the absence of those should be trusted to specialists.

First of all, the logs are folded with wedges by 2 or 4 fees. After that, four-channel bars are pulled from the resulting plates: on the one hand, it is performed on it for fastening to the wall, and one quarter is removed on the other side, which will subsequently get the door leaf.

From the ends of the logs cut the spikes that in size must correspond to the grooves on the bar. Fit must be performed very precisely, since, besides spikes, the door frame is no longer fixed.

Usually, wooden doors are chosen for the house, but since they are the most severe, then with full opening can turn the decks. This leads to a loose closure of the door, which, in turn, causes increasing. With poorly fitted grooves, the marriage of the door box will begin to manifest itself immediately: the shame will begin, the formation of the slots through which the room will be bludge.

After all the preparatory work, go directly to the installation of the door frame to their rightful place. In both directions, the width of the door frame is made to the depth of spike (fastening). From what decks in width will depend on the depth of spikes. After that, there are two development options.

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How to make a door jamb: work features

Door box assembly scheme for log structure.

In the first case, on the manufactured door frame, the opening was cut down, in the second case, the opening is first cut off, and the door frame is made directly under it. Some professionals for many years of practice developed the ability to do everything on the eye.

The cutter is made using a plumb to accurately determine the vertical on the logging and place all lines that will celebrate the future opening. Using the level, the top and bottom are also placed, after which they begin to heat the doorway on the markup. If the drunk element is wide, then unpacked bars will help you to install the decks, which will serve as peculiar wedges. Thanks to this door, there may be not only a rectangular shape, but even in the form of a trapezium.

External jamatic door

The presence of an external jamb on the door adds to your repair. Complete appearance. In order to perform work on the external door decoration, you need to take a few steps:

How to make a door jamb: work features

Diagram of the doorway doorway panels MDF.

  1. Make the door frame, after which the dimensions are transferred to a separate bar, which will serve as an external jamb. Color and texture is selected by the customer from the huge variety of building materials presented in today's market.
  2. The unpacked strips of the desired dimensions are aligned on the outside of the doorway, after which measurements are made using the level and the square. It is done to accurately comply with an angle of 90 degrees. If everything is performed correctly, you can navigate the plank, starting at the top. Nail strap or decorative nails, or a special compressor.
  3. After performing all the work, you can proceed to the final stage of the work - the threshold. It closes the inner area of ​​the doorway. It should be aligned exactly with the external sides of the box to "not stuff."

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Reconstruction of door jambs and doors

Each of you during the repair faced with the problem of complete replacement of the door frame or a small reconstruction, which is able to completely transform the appearance of your door.

The presence in the wooden door house gives great space for the fantasy owner of the housing. The easiest way of restoration can be grinding surfaces. With the help of grinding, you can align the surface and get rid of small chips and cracks. Grinding can be removed not only in paint, but also varnish. After the work produced, the surface is reproached from dust and continue to reconstruct.

If there are deep cracks on the door and need to be aligned.

How to make a door jamb: work features

Door dial circuit.

Make this work with a spatula using a special composition - putty on wood. The mixture is made both in the ready-to-use composition, and in the powder, which will need to be distributed.

After the surface is covered, it is necessary to wait for its complete drying, and then make another stage of grinding. If the door restore is not subject to, then it can be completely closed, for example, a sheet of chipboard. This option is from those called "cheap and angry".

The only problem of this option is the weighting of the design, but not critical. The DSP leaf is required to fit very accurately so that it does not interfere with open and close the system.

After all the work performed, the further decor depends only on your imagination: the door can be painted in any color, perform a decorative finish with a putty or wake the door with wallpaper. In any case, the design will depend on the general mood of the room and your imagination. After executing work on decorating, the door is covered with varnish, which will significantly increase its service life.

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