[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors


Create a special atmosphere of comfort and heat, filling the house with pleasant flavors will help fragrant indoor plants.

We present the top 5 most popular blooming plants, the aroma of which is able to raise the mood, calm the nervous system and even clean the air from pathogenic bacteria.

Fragrant geranium

Depending on the species, geranium exudes different smells: roses, lemon, mint, fruit and even sharp spices. Its bright, large very beautiful flowers are collected in inflorescences, and the stems can reach height to 50 cm.

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

Beauty, pleasant aroma and very simple care make geranium favorite gardeners.

In order for geranium to please the blooming view to regularly water the plant, loosen the soil. Vases with a flower needed to exhibit in a well-lit place. Every twenty-day geranium feed fertilizers for flowering indoor plants with a high content of phosphorus.

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

It is interesting: together with a pleasant aroma, geranium sends bactericidal substances into the air, destructive for various microbes (especially for staphylococcus).

Having placed the vase with geranium on the windowsill in the bedroom you can get rid of insomnia, remove fatigue and restore the nervous system after a tedious working day.

Citrus trees

Citrus trees will help to fill the house with fresh aromas of lemon, orange or grapefruit.

Grow the tree is quite difficult, but subject to certain conditions possible.

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

So that citrus is well developing, they must be placed in the room, the air temperature in which does not fall below 18 with in the summer and 12 with the winter. In the summer, the citrus tree can be taken to the balcony or veranda. Despite the fact that citrus lines adore light, it is necessary to place the vase in a slightly darkened place. Complete citrus fruit periodically spray. The soil is moistened often, but small portions of water (between watering the upper layer of the soil should be sinking).

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[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

During the period of active growth (from February to September), citrus trees fertilize with liquid mineral fertilizers.


Jasmine Gardenia will decorate any interior . Against glossy dark green sheets, white terry flowers with an unusually strong, sweet aroma are spectacularly highlighted. A long period of blossoming of Gardenia (from July to October) allows full enjoy pleasant smells in the house.

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

Gardenia requires special attention and care . Vase with a flower can not be exhibited on drafts, insufficiently lit sections of the window sill. Mandatory conditions for active growth and gloves are the lack of sudden temperature drops, increased humidity, lack of direct sunlight. Water flower only with soft melt or rain water room temperature. In the period of intensive growth (from March to August), the flower fertilize every fourteen days with special liquid compositions for flowering indoor plants.

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors


Gentle purple flowers and enveloping, soothing fragrance lavender familiar to every flower. For a long time it was believed that the lavender is growing only in natural conditions. But skillful flowerflowers proved that with proper care, in a vase, at home, lavender will grow no worse than on green meadows.

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

To grow lavender at home, the following conditions must observe:

  • Select a rase for planting at least two liters (the root system of the flower is needed air);
  • provide a drainage layer of small gravel;
  • Use only loose, sandy soil;
  • to withstand the mode of an infrequent irrigation (no more than once a week).

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

Extend the period of flowering lavender will help the feeding at least once every two weeks.


It is impossible to pass by this many years of herbaceous plant with incredibly beautiful colors that exude very gentle and pleasant fragrance. Juicy bright green leaves and velvety red, purple or white flowers will be brought to the interior of a color diversity stroke.

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[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

Simple Care for Gloxinia attract novice flowerflowers . It is enough to choose a well-lit place for a vase, moisturize the soil as it dries and once in a decade, in the period of intensive growth to feed the gloccia with complex fertilizers for decoratively flowering plants.

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

Fragrant room flowers fill the house with pleasant smells, help create a comfortable, relaxing atmosphere.

Aromatic indoor plants | The most fragrant flowers (1 video)

The most fragrant plants and flowers for the house (10 photos)

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors


[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

[Plants in the house] 5 fragrant plants and colors

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