Silkographic wallpapers in the living room


Choose decent wallpapers that will delight the eyes for a long time, difficult. Of course, you can stay on the first embodiment, but this approach is more suitable for household premises that are not supporting special aesthetic beauty, in which we are not enough: storage room, corridor.

Another thing is when we choose wallpapers for the most important rooms: living room or bedroom. In our absolute conviction, these rooms must reflect our preferences, and if the design of the living room is made with a loan to the opinions of foreign people, then we choose the bedroom exclusively what we really want.

Silkographic wallpapers in the living room

Luxury Hall with Wallpaper Wallpaper

Today we would like to tell about the amazing wallpaper from Vinyl, created on silk screen technology, which allows you to create real masterpieces from this material.

general information

The vinyl wallpaper with the effect of silk screening can be safely selected for the living room, they are very durable, and their appearance is indescribable handsome. It can not even believe that such canvas are created from Vinyl, which has passed a long path of processing on industrial equipment.

The substrate in silkographic wallpapers is most often the paper, it is quite ready to hold the weight of the web on the wall, besides, such wallpapers are made according to a small standard and have a length of 0.53m.

The phlizelin substrate takes place when the widespread web is a wide standard of 1.06 meters, in this case the wallpaper becomes massive and heavy, and so that they are well kept on the wall, the corresponding material has been required to which Flizelin became.

The process of production of silkographic wallpaper is as follows. Vinyl is applied to the finished base with the addition of special threads, which can be both artificial and natural.

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Silkographic wallpapers in the living room

Floral accents on the wallpaper in the room

It is they who create a silk effect on the wallpaper canvas. Then the so-called hot embossing is made in special hot presses, and if we speak in a simple language - the drawing of the pattern and its fixation of the temperature. As a result, it turns out the finished canvas with the embossed pattern, repeating the contours of the color ornament.

Silkography can be smooth, but in this case the effect of silkness is lost, similar to natural silk, which gives the material uniqueness.

After sticking in the living room, such wallpaper looks simply wonderful, patterns and ornaments look spectacularly, and relief adds a special chic, which will appreciate your guests.

Quality material

Silkographic wallpapers are quite high-quality, since they are created according to the advanced technologies of hot stamping. They are inherent in all the most important advantages of modern wallpaper.

Silkography has the following properties:

  • The vinyl of hot stamping gives wallpaper, wear resistance, which certainly has a positive effect on the service life of the wallpaper;
  • The moisture resistance of the wallpaper is so great that they can be washed regularly, and even brushes are used;
  • Wallpapers have a good degree of protection against ultraviolet, so practically do not fade over time;
  • A large range of colors, variants of various widths of the canvas.

Silkographic wallpapers in the living room

Unusual, but very impressive coloring of wallpaper

Wallpaper of this type can be pissed in any room, the external conditions of the environment are little concerned. The living room is the perfect option, but other rooms will look very attractive with them, even in the kitchen, they will find their place.

However, if you choose a silk screen in highly polluted premises, like a kitchen or hallway, it is recommended to take smooth canvases, they will be easier to wash. In the reliefs of the wallpaper often the dirt often accumulates, but it is very difficult to remove it from there.

Of course, the cost of silkographic wallpapers is significant, and how otherwise such luxury finishing materials, bringing with chic and elegance, can cost.

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Wallpapers of this type have a small thickness of the wallpaper canvas. For them, it is necessary to carefully prepare the surface of the wall so that there are no defects left on it, otherwise they can manifest themselves after sticking.

Silkographic wallpapers in the living room

Traditional living room solution

If you go to the merits and disadvantages of the material, the list will look like this.

Pros and cons

The list of negative moments of silkography is not so great, so we will begin with it.

  1. As we have said earlier, wallpapers have a small thickness of the canvas, therefore, for their swamps, ideal conditions and the most smooth walls are needed.
  2. Since this is one of the types of vinyl wallpaper, it is worth remembering that they do not pass through themselves.
  3. Used in the production of wallpaper of this type of vinyl during combustion is able to allocate harmful toxins. But modern factories are actively struggling with this disadvantage, and the wallpapers are already appearing, which, during burning, nothing chemically harmful.

Silkographic wallpapers in the living room

Most Vinyl Wallpaper on Shop Showcase

Here, perhaps, all the shortcomings of a silkographic type wallpaper, but the advantages of the list are much more:

  • Luxury appearance, a large selection of drawings and colors, mimic silk fabric, have an original glitter, slightly resembling silver color;
  • Environmentally safe, clean;
  • When operating, nothing is distinguished, do not smell, even when the roll is printed, there are no smells of paint or paper;
  • moisture resistant, capable of withstanding both dry and wet cleaning;
  • wear-resistant and durable, as a result - durable, the wallpaper does not remain scratches for small mechanical impacts;
  • do not burn out in the sun;
  • can be used in any room;
  • Punching does not cause difficulties like masters and ordinary people.

As you can see, the list of advantages is very wide, choose this wallpaper in the living room, definitely the right solution.

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If you have already decided and want to shove a silk screen in the hall, then we are ready to recommend several manufacturers whose wallpapers are characterized by special refinement and excellent quality.


First of all, I would like to celebrate our Russian manufacturer, located in the Novosibirsk region, the ELYSIUM factory. The history of the factory is not such a long-term, but literally in a couple of dozen years the company made a large breakthrough in the bulk production.

Silkographic wallpapers in the living room

Two types of Russian wallpapers from one collection

Wallpaper ELYSIUM silk-screen printing is characterized by a high decorative component, their range is constantly updated and complemented. Silkographic wallpapers Elysium have a unique gloss, most likely it is due to the fact that the European production lines were modernized by our specialists.

Rasch, Erismann.

Famous German manufacturers have long mastered the release of silkographic. Is it worth talking about the notorious German quality, of course, it is present here.

Silkographic wallpapers in the living room

Flower theme from the German manufacturer

Silkographic wallpapers from Mark Erismann have deserved confidence in our consumer. Despite the fairly decent price, the wallpaper of this type is in constant demand, because they look just amazing, and we are close on topics. The fact is that the colors and drawings at the Erismann collections are created in our country, since one of the factory Corporation is located in Voskresensk.

Select yourself suitable for living room wallpaper, called silk screen, can be in any big construction store. Then it is necessary to correctly shove them and enjoy the beautiful view of the canvas, similar to silk fabric and possessing a unique glitter.

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