How to find water on the site with your own hands: for well and well, ways, video


How to find water on the site with your own hands: for well and well, ways, video

The arrangement of the water source on the plot is, perhaps, the first thing to be done after the acquisition of the cottage or private house. The possibility of residence of people and animals depends on the quantity and quality of water, and the state of vegetation in the territory. If the well or well is destroyed or absent at all, it will be necessary to start everything from zero. First you need to decide on the location of the water source. This is a very responsible task, because you need to try to provide yourself with high-quality water. So how to find water on the plot with your own hands? Let's try to figure out.

Location of water layers

Before starting looking for a place for water intake, it is necessary to carefully view all the available information about the groundwater in the area of ​​the plot, explore the hydrogeological maps. Water under the ground is uneven between the aquifers. Among the underground stone and clay messs, various values ​​of reservoirs are formed by a cubic meter to dozens of cubes. They can be both vertical and horizontal. Sometimes such water lenses are buggy bend.

Determination of groundwater movement

The so-called rigor is located closest to the surface of the Earth. These are small underground reservoirs, which are filled with precipitation and melting of snow. When there is a dry weather in the yard for a long time, they are still dry, and the quality of such water is very low, since it gets different kinds of pollution from the surface. Therefore, use such water as the main source is not recommended. The most acceptable option is to put it on technical needs.

Very successful for obtaining drinking water - deep aquifers, containing the largest amount of clean and high-quality water. They are located at a depth of more than five to seven meters, the water is very well filtered before entering such "lakes". But the most valuable is the water that is at a depth of 30-50 m or more. It is almost always enriched with a huge number of salts and minerals. It is not necessary to doubt this water at all. It's not easy to get to such a depth, and in order to finance, but the quality of water is worth it.

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The location of aquifer

It should be borne in mind that in one place the aqueous vein can be thin, and in the other - expand to huge sizes.

What ways you can find water yourself

Searches using an aluminum frame

How to find water for a well on the plot with your own hands, not spending a lot of money? Very simple. The most famous and popular method is the use of aluminum framework. They feel very magnetic oscillations on the ground. And the water is very affected by the magnetic background.

To find water using aluminum frames, you need to perform such actions:

  • Take two segments of thick aluminum wire (40 cm) and generate 15 cm to get a straight angle.
  • Cut pieces from the barrel slices along the length of the handles (15 cm) and remove the core (the use of viburnum or flashes).
  • Insert the wire in the tube so that it is free to scroll.
  • Holding these simple devices in the elongated hands, go through the site. While moving the ends of the wire should be divorced in different directions.
  • If water is revealed to the right or on the left, both frames will turn to the desired side. And when the aquifer will live under you - the ends of the wire will clum down.
  • To be fully confident in your find, go over the water found several times, but moving on another trajectory. If everything happened, then at this place you can dig a well.

How to find water on the site with your own hands: for well and well, ways, video

Using Aluminum Frames - A common way to find water for a well

Water Search Technology With Vine

Our distant ancestors knew perfectly how to find water on a plot for a well. For this, they used the usual yves vine. There was even such a profession - a slotade. Willa very feels water and nature rewarded it with the ability to reach fluid.

Alone to perform such searches is easy. For this you need:

  • Cut a branch of willows with two branches, coming from one barrel, and dry it at room temperature.
  • Take ends of branches in hand and dilute so that the angle between them was about 150 degrees. The end of the single stem should look a little up, and the hands of the hands need to strain.
  • With this device you need to walk along the site. Where the aquifer breaks, the vine branch will definitely fall down.

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How to find water on the site with your own hands: for well and well, ways, video

Use the vine to search for water

Ancient way with clay pots

This is also a very long-time and traditional method for finding water. In order to accurately determine the locations of water, in the villages used clay dishes. Before this important task, the pot was very well dried in the sun. In the place of the alleged well, the dried product was established in the turned out. If the water really was deeply underground, then the pot wrapped himself very much from the inside.

Modern owners also use this technique, but in a slightly improved form. In the pot fall asleep some A certain amount of silica gel . Before use, it is also dried too. The pot with filling is weighed and installed in the place of searching for water. For more likelihood of a positive outcome, such pots are set a few throughout the plot. After time, the pots weigh: where stood the very hard - there and you need to dig a well or a well. Instead of silica gel, you can use small pieces of ordinary bricks.

Plants indicators

For many representatives of the plant world, you can accurately determine the locations of the "big water" and even the depth of its location. All because different plants have a different root length and consume moisture at a certain depth. If the ribbons, lips, cherry, tocheries, lingers, crash or blackberries are observed on your site, then water is suitable in these places sufficiently to the surface of the soil. Birch with a disproportionate crown and a baked trunk also indicates excessive humidity. But pine and other coniferous trees do not like water.

How to find water on the site with your own hands: for well and well, ways, video

The presence of various plants depending on the level of occurring water

Animal assistants

How to find water on a plot under the well will be prompted by pets. The peasants have long made it that in a place where dogs or horses begin to dig an earth, with a high probability you can detect water. Lon on the spot above the water residential dog will never become, but cats - on the contrary. In a very wet place, the chickens are not sitting down and do not bear eggs, but geese, like waterfowl, rather a socket above the place of the future well. Ants "water" seats do not like. If in the evening you will see a pillars of midges or mosquitoes over a certain place - here you can search for water.

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How to find water on the site with your own hands: for well and well, ways, video

Cats love lying on "aquifers"

Salt and brick

Consider how to find water in the country area using conventional kitchen salt and building bricks:
  • You need to choose a hot day when the soil becomes completely dry.
  • I fall asleep in advance dried salt or crushed red brick in a clay pot without glazes and paints.
  • Weigh the tank along with the contents.
  • Put the pot into the gauze or agrofibur and break into the ground to the depth of half meter.
  • After a day, we get your homemade device and weigh again. If the difference in weight is significant, then water is close.


In those places of the plot, where in the summer in the early morning there is a small fog, most likely, groundwaters are closed. The fog is thick, the higher the water. You need to observe only the fog that stands on the spot without moving.

Trial drilling

How to find water under the well by drilling? This is the most costly way to search for water. The penetration of several wells auger row costs the cost as well as the installation of a classic well with rings. Therefore, on ordinary small sites such searches are rare enough, and the usual garden bug is used more often. But if it is planned to create a point of water intake for production needs and water is certainly needed in large quantities, then the trial drilling will be more justified.

All ways to independently search for water described in this article are triggered and massively used, and some are tested by many generations of people. What a way is more convenient for a particular site - this is the case of each individual owner.

How to find water on the site itself

The video demonstrated a review on how to find water on the site itself for a well or well with a framework.

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