Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo


Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Blinds are the subject in the house with which you can beautifully decorate any room, this is a charming type of decor. They will be able to turn the usual room into the original and beautiful room. Also they are able to protect the room from scorching sunlight. It is possible to apply them not only in rooms, but also in the kitchen, in the hallway, on the balcony, loggia, in the country. Blinds can be bought in the store or make yourself.

How to make blinds blinds: their variety and design

Blinds from simple and pretty wallpapers are very popular with many household owners and apartments. Such protective devices for windows will decorate any room, make it cozy and bright, and also bring a variety of your home.

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Dense paper wallpaper can not only protect the room from overheating, and curtains - from burnout, but also organically fit into the overall interior, especially if you use the same material that placed wall walls

How to make blinds blinds to transform your home? For this you need some time, patience and diligence. Having made them yourself, you will make the house bright and unusual

From wallpaper Try to make blinds very easy. You can cope with such a not cunning task even yourself. The most important thing is to gain patience, and then you will definitely work out. Blinds can be different, so you first need to determine which of the species you will do.

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Popular models and types of blinds for windows:

  • Vertical;
  • Horizontal;
  • Rolled;
  • Blinds - Plears;
  • Stationary.

All kinds of blinds are completely different from each other. Each of them has its own, special design, the method of adjustment and the material from which they are made. Blinds - Plistes and horizontal, most popular, with the help of them you can adjust the lighting of the room, making it light or darke it altogether. Roller blinds can be made not only from wallpaper, and fabric is suitable. Made from tissue blinds will be much more effectively looked in the interior.

Unusual blinds do it yourself from wallpaper: their main advantages

The blinds appeared a long time ago, they began to be applied in the XIIV century in countries with a hot climate. This is the most efficient method that allows you to protect the room from the heat. Blinds are practical than curtains, they can be washed and clean, without removing from the window. If you can't buy ready-made blinds, then make them yourself.

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

They will serve such blinds from wallpaper for a very long time, and if the color you get tired, you can easily make new

Blinds from wallpapers with their own hands will look very original in any room. With them the room will look bright and gorgeous, on the envy of the neighbors

Homemade blinds will make your room unique, while you will not need to throw out beautiful pieces of wallpapers that you have left unnecessary after repair.

The advantages of blinds made from wallpaper:

  • Multifunctionality;
  • Suitable for any window;
  • Economons;
  • Very easy to make.

Paper blinds can replace, in your home, ordinary curtains and at the same time you will save your funds. Also they will help refresh your interior by adding bright colors. At the same time, you can get blinds just such a color, which wise.

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Do it yourself master class: blinds from wallpaper

To create blinds from such a material, as wallpaper will be needed only a couple of hours. And most importantly, we naturally need wallpapers. It is best to use dense canvases, for example, phliseline. Such products will be more reliable and can serve for a long time.

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Unique blinds that will distinguish your interior from many other

Blinds from wallpaper with your own hands, the master - the class will help us in this matter. You will need to do everything correctly and calculate not to spoil the product.

For work, we will need to purchase the necessary tools, prepare the main material from which we and we will do our blinds. We will also need various decorative elements, we will decorate the finished product.

To work on the manufacture we will need:

  • Pieces of wallpaper;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Hole puncher;
  • Centimeter;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scotch;
  • Decorative tape;
  • PVA glue;
  • Fixer.

Wallpaper for blinds you need to choose carefully. If you want them to serve you for a long time, you need to pick the wallpaper more durable and high-quality. Coloring can be chosen any, but it will be better to look like a restrained, not too catchy. The drawing on the wallpaper should not be too big that he would not have rushed into the eyes, and did not spoil the aesthetic view of the room.

Make from wallpapers with your own hands Blinds: Step-by-step instructions

From the wallpaper blinds to make it very simple, quickly, without any costs. Such a product will look beautiful and original, but the most important thing will help you get rid of the bright sun.

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Curtains made of primary materials possess some clear advantages

Blinds do it yourself from wallpaper - step-by-step instructions will simply need. She will help you do everything right without allowing any errors.

To obtain a good result, you need to do everything slowly and step by step, then your blinds will be reliable, durable and served for a long time.

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Step-by-step instruction that we need:

  • At the very beginning, measure the width and length of the window;
  • Cut a rectangle from a piece of wallpaper, the desired size;
  • Rectangle folded the harmonica, the width should be from 3 to 5 cm.;
  • Meet the middle with a pencil and a hole to make a hole;
  • Hole from two sides to go with scotch, for strength and re-make holes again;
  • In this hole to go tape or cord, or braid, straighten blinds;
  • Fix the upper end of the ribbon knot;
  • Attach blinds to the two-way tape window;
  • Bottom to issue in the form of a fourth, two lower strips to secure scotch;
  • Dress on the end of the tape the retainer so that the blinds do not cling to.

Using this statement, the blinds can be made of anything, you just need to connect your fantasy. Shutters made by hand will bring bright diversity to your home, give him sophistication and beauty. And also help you hide from strongly bright rays of the sun and curious views.

Window blinds with their own hands from Wallpaper Stephago (video)

To quickly escape from the rays of the scorching sun, and create a shadow at home, you need to make yourself self-blinds. To do this, you have everything you need: tools and wallpaper pieces. Such an exercise will help replace ordinary curtains to you and at the same time perform the same functions. Blinds that you do yourself will make a variety and will decorate your home.

Details: Blinds do it yourself from Wallpaper Stepgovo (photo examples)

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

Beautiful blinds with your own hands: Step by step photo

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