How to install and connect the water heater at the cottage?


Hot water needs a person not only in the conditions of a city apartment, but also in the country where many prefer to spend a lot of time. But often the owners of the country's private sector are concerned about solving the issue with hot water supply in the house. There is a simple solution to this issue - install and connect the water heater in the country.

How to install and connect the water heater at the cottage?

Water heater is a very useful device. It is indispensable in private homes where there are no hot water.

These aggregates differ in the principle of operation and power source: except electrical and gas, flow and storage.

How to install and connect the water heater at the cottage?

Principle of operation of the water heater.

The accumulative principle of operation lies in the heating of water placed in a special reservoir. This type of device for obtaining hot water in the country is the most popular. This is explained by acceptable prices for the device and the lack of special requirements for wiring during its installation.

The flowing heater supplies hot water through a special flask, which contains an electrical heating element. It is placed on the tap from which water is served. But such an aggregate is rarely used, since to ensure its work spends a significant amount of energy, which is able to withstand not all buildings, especially old.

Water heater connection stages and equipment inventory

How to install and connect the water heater at the cottage?

Water heater should not be installed closely to the door, otherwise you can burn.

Regardless of the selected type of device designed to heal water, it is necessary to install it and connect it in accordance with the safety rules and the basic requirements of the manufacturer. Before you start work, you need:

  • ensure unobstructed access to the device at the time of all period of operation;
  • Pick up a suitable wall for mounting according to the weight of the heater;
  • Check the condition of the wiring, the ability to withstand the power of the installation and its cross section;
  • Rate the condition of pipes, risers in the house in the country and, if necessary, replace them.

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In order to properly connect the water heater, you will need the appropriate tools:

  • Perforator with a nozzle;
  • roulette;
  • span and adjustable key;
  • nippers;
  • Passatia;
  • screwdrivers of two types;
  • Pasta or tape FMU;
  • fitting;
  • Linen threads.

As well as materials:

  • Metal plastic tube of the required pattern;
  • Connecting hoses - 2 pieces;
  • shut-off cranes;
  • Several tees.

Connecting a cumulative water heater

How to install and connect the water heater at the cottage?

In the wall under the boiler, it is necessary to make holes.

There is a specific scheme of the boiler installation, with which you can easily do this job.

At the very beginning it is necessary to securely secure the accumulative water heater. To do this, it is necessary to designate a place on the wall where the unit will be placed. Using the roulette, determine the distance between the anchor holes of the water heater. Then you should apply on the wall of the location of the holes and drill them with a perforator, insert a dowel in them and twist or score the hooks.

In the process of fastening the device, you must measure the distance from the anchor holes to the top point of the device. To put it on the hooks, you need to stick to the same distance on the wall.

How to install and connect the water heater at the cottage?

Water heater connection circuit.

After the unit is fixed, you can proceed to its connection. It is easier and easier to do this when there are bred seats you need to connect. In this case, it will only be necessary to combine them with flexible hoses or pipes with the input and output of the boiler. To ensure a hermetic connection if flexible hoses are used, sealing rubber gaskets are used.

Entering cold water in the device is designated in blue. It has a special valve that allows you to remove excessive pressure. It is also desirable to install an additional tee before the shut-off valve and connect it. In the future, he will help the water from the reservoir. It is necessary to ensure tightness by winding to all places of connecting the tape FUM or thread with paste.

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Power supply process

The next step, which includes the installation scheme of the water heater, is to connect the device to power. The method for carrying out this goal can be chosen any. The terminals of the device contacts have the following designation:

A - (brown wire) phase;

N - (blue wire) zero;

Grounding may have yellow or any other color.

How to install and connect the water heater at the cottage?

Scheme connecting boiler to the network.

After the connection is performed, you need to submit voltage. Next, the water heater will turn on the light indicator of activity. After that, in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions, it is necessary to adjust the temperature regime. When all actions are performed, the accumulative water heater in the country can be considered connected and boldly switch to its operation.

Connecting a flow water heater

This type of device for heating water is distinguished by compact dimensions and low weight. Therefore, it is possible to install it, for example, under the sink in the kitchen. The device quickly heats the water, so when it is installed, certain requirements should be taken into account for the electric power meter and wiring. The cable must be 4 - 6 mm², counter - 40 A, automated switch from 32 to 40 A.

How to install and connect the water heater at the cottage?

Scheme of the operation of the flow water heater.

There are 2 ways to connect a flow water heating device: stationary and temporary.

For a temporary connection, a shower hose is used. This method provides for the unimpeded flow of cold water. In the pipe where it will arrive, you need to trim the tee, install a stop valve, and connect the flexible hose with the injection of the water heater. After that, it will take to open the valve for the supply of cold water and the valve that displays heated water, then turn on the device to the network. After about 30 seconds, hot water will begin.

The stationary method provides for the fence and supply of heated water simultaneously with the operation of centralized heating. In this case, you will need to cut 2 tees in the pipes and install the valves having a hermetic connection. After that, the pipe on which cold water is served is connected to the input to the unit. The hose or metal-plastic pipe is connected to the output of heated water with a locking valve. After that, it is important to make sure the tightness, open the cranes and the mixer. Hot water will begin to act when the device will be connected to the power supply.

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Features of the installation of gas and induction heaters

Installing a gas water heater can become an alternative to electrical devices. Its work is carried out according to a flow principle, while the installation scheme assumes the presence of a gas column. With it, it is not allowed to connect this type of heaters forbidden.

An induction type water heating devices also deserve. In the tank of such devices, scale is not formed. The presence of permanent magnetic field of the heating element prevents calcium and magnesium sediment on the heat exchanger surface. Thanks to this, the efficiency of the device is preserved for a long time. In addition, this device has a number of certain advantages, which, thanks to the continuous improvement of this technology, will make it a serious competitor to popular instruments for heating water not only in the country.

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