Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video


One of the modern and popular techniques in needlework is weaving beads. In this form of creativity, there are practically no restrictions on the possibilities, with most of the simple products it will easily cope with the beginner. Rose from beads is one of the variants of such crafts, it can be created using different methods. Let's consider several detailed lessons to create them.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Simple rose

Now we will look at the easiest option of creating roses from beads, it is perfect for beginners of masters.

Initially, you need to decide on the color of the rose. In this lesson there will be a pink flower, but you can choose any color from the classic red to unusual blue, or black, as a fantasy tells.

For work it will be necessary:

  • wire with a diameter of 0.25;
  • white, pink and green beads;
  • Floral tape and floristic wire, or green thread and PVA glue;
  • Weaving scheme.

We start with weaving petals.

We take a wire and put on her one beerinka, placing it strictly in the center.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now, on one of the free ends, we ride two more things, and the other end is drawn through them, so that both ends of the wire are directed to each other.

Such a method wept further, in the following times, dialing four, then six, then eight, ten and eleven beads.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Having finished, the last time you need to return the wire to the beginning. To do this, score beads on the basis and turn the wire, rich petal. The edge of the wire is made in the first beerinka.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

The same actions are made with the second part of the petal.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now we goss out the edges of the wire with three turns.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

For the 1st roses, eight petals should be applied.

Now proceed to the creation of a board of bud. To do this, first cut off the thirty centimeters of the wire.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

We ride seven beads, we skip three of them, and in the next four, we draw the wire, as in the photo below.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

On the same edge of the wire, we make two such stamens.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now we will weave the sewers. The method of creating them, like petals. Only at the end does not need to return the wire to the beginning, but just need to twist, typing the last beerink. We recruit and start one thing at first, then two, three, three, three, two and again one. For one rose, there will be six such cups.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

This technique is called a parallel weaving, we continue to improve it, starting to weaving the leaves. We ride exactly the same, picking up one biserink first. Then two, three, four, five, five, once again five. Then four, three, two, and one more thing.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

For the manufacture of one rosette you need ten such sheets.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now we connect the leaves of five pieces, twisting the wire, form a sprig.

It remains only to connect all the details of the product. For this, take about forty centimeters of floristic wire and floristic paper. On wire, fastening the stamens, winding the bases of the base.

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Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now we take petals and carefully collect a bud, while distributing them evenly from all sides of the trunk around the stamens. Then pin them, winding the barrel with floral paper.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Under the bud evenly distributing sewers. Bend them to giving a rose more realistic appearance, then using the floral tape is fucked them, winding the stem.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

It remains only to attach leaves. You need to attach them at different heights. In this case, I will fix three centimeters below the cups, and the next sheet is five centimeters below the previous one.

We complete the creation of roses by wrapped the floral ribbon stem to the niza itself. In completion, wind the paper stem to the very end.

If the work uses threads and glue, then the stem will be created by twisting the wire from all parts. And then it needs to be wrapped in a thread and glue glue.

Unusual technique

Now we will look at weaving in Greek style - this is a very original, but easy technique.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

For a master class will need:

  • red, burgundy and green beads;
  • thin wire;
  • silk tape;
  • scissors;
  • Acrylic glue.

We take a piece of wire with a length of forty centimeters and fold it in half. We ride five beads on one of the sides, and then we ride the beads on the opposite end of the wire. When I score the required number of beads, we start wrapping the wire around the 1st axis, while dripped every arc, wrapped the wire several times. We continue these actions until we obtain the oval petal of the desired size. The flower will be more expressive if you alternate red and burgundy burgundy.

Now we take green beads and create oval leaves as the same method. It remains only to collect a rose and re-establish a green silk ribbon stem, fixing it with acrylic glue. Such a rose can be fixed in a pot, and it will become an excellent option for the everlasting room plant that does not require special care.

French motifs

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

And now let's analyze the method of creating roses using French weaving.

For work it will be necessary:

  • pink and green beads;
  • Wire 0.5, 0.7 and 3 mm;
  • green thread or floristic tape;
  • scissors;
  • Provins for wire.

Rose consists of four lobes circles. Let's step by step will analyze the method of creating each of them.

So, the first circle. First we prepare the wire for the central axis. To do this, we take a wire with a size of 0.7 mm and cut two segments of fourteen centimeters.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now we gain five pink beads on each of them, lay aside.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then we type 0.5 mm alone on the wire, or two meters of bead of pink color.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then, without cutting off the wire from the coil, the end we twist around the axis, retreating four centimeters from the top edge of the axis.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now weave arcs, for this we turn the working wire around the wire axis.

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Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

For petals it is necessary to make five arcs.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now the top edge of the axis, leaving four millimeters cut off. The remaining wire bend inside from the outbound rows.

Making bud. To do this, we take a pencil and envelope his petal perpendicular to the axis. Working wire bend on ninety degrees to the side.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Insert them into each other so that the ends of the axes are inside the booton, fix the floral ribbon.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then we tying a bout of green threads to the wire of 5 millimeters, we take thirty centimeters seg.

Now we will do the second round of petals, it consists of three pieces. We will weave the same method, except that the end of the working wire will be wrapped around the axis, retreating from the end, five centimeters, are made seven arcs.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now we are wearing the third pieces of petals, in its composition there are four sharp petals. We are wearing in the same way, but we pay the end, retreating six centimeters from the edge of the axis, we tweak, having typing five beery in advance. We do two arcs. After that, on the axis we type one auxiliary bead.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then we make two more circles and again we ride one bisper on the axis.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then make two more circles and again we ride one bisper on the axis.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now we are wearing three more circles and the petal is finished. It remains only to cut off the top edge of the axis, retreating four millimeters and bent them inside, on the side of the invalid rows.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

All petals are finished.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

It remains only to give the petals a cup-shaped form to do this, the upper edge is flexing on the wrong side, and the middle is slightly pressed inside.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

We make the fourth round of petals, they need three. For them, we take a wire 0.7 centimeters and cut off twice the fourteen centimeters. Bend them in the center of the cross-cross.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Make a slingshot.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

The edge of the working wire is now paying around the axis.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

We will weave on two axes. We enhance the working wire with the beads around the right axis.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

We skip four beads on the working wire.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

We enhance the working wire with beerinks around the left axis.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then you need to go into the working wire the base of the slingshot.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

We continue to weave, alternately rich axis and slingshot.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

We ride so ten circles.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now we cut off the upper edges of the two axes, leaving four millimeters, they need to be beaten inside to the purl rows.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Petals are finished.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

It remains only to give them the form to do it need, bend the top edge of the petal on the wrong side.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now weave sewers. To do this, take green beads and wire 0.5 mm, we ride about one meter. Then we take a wire 0.7 mm, and cut off a piece of fourteen centimeters.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

On the axis we ride five centimeters of beery, and we enhance the end of the working wire around it. Now you need to heat the top edge of the axis.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Having made one pair of arcs, we leave for about ten centimeters of beads on the working wire and cut off the wire, setting up the end of about twelve centimeters. Now we spend the working wire between the axis and the arc at an altitude of about three centimeters, tighten so that the new half-thug fits tightly to the past, we twist once.

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Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now the working wire is envelope the axis.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video


Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then we enhance another arc and tighten.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

We finish the half-breed and pay the working wire axis, then cut off.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now you need to make four more cups and attach them a form.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now you need to weave six sharp leaves. We take a wire of 0.5 mm and type one meter with a green beads. Now we take a segment of wire 0.7 mm sixteen centimeters long.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now we ride five green beads on the axis and wind the edge of the working wire around the axis.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

We will weave the same as the petals of the first circle, and so that the leaf is saved, the working wire is summarized to the axis under an acute angle.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

We make five arcs, and leaf is complete.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Thus, we make five more sheets.

Of the six obtained leaves we collect branches. This requires threads and two segments of wire 0.7 millimeters for twenty centimeters. We will use it to make branches thicker. To the leaves we apply one piece of wire and twist.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Threads wind the branch, starting from the top sheet.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

After two and a half centimeters, we apply the second sheet, retreating three millimeters, wech the branch to two, or three turns. Then we apply the third sheet, passing three millimeters, wind at three and a half centimeters.

Breeping the thread by skipping it between the wires and collect the second branch in the same method.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

It remains only to collect flower. To do this, to the bud on the stem in the same direction that the bud is wrapped, we begin to apply the petals of the second circle, creating their thread. Bending ends of petals should be slightly higher than the level of the first circle.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then, in a circle, we begin to apply three circles to the stalk in the same direction, attaching them with the thread.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then secure the fourth circle of petals in the same direction.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Excess wire edges cut off and grind the thread.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Now invert the resulting flower, with the help of the thread alternately fasten the cups to the stalk so that they firmly fit to the stalk of the bottom.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then we turn around the nine rows of green beads on the wire of 0.5 millimeters, take off the extra beads with removing and straightening along the barrel.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Then turn the stalk threads. After three centimeters, we attach a branch with leaves.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Carefully straighten the edge of the wire along the pillar, wind the threads are two more centimeters. Then we join the second branch with sheets in the same way and continue to wrap the thread to the edge of the stem.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Krepim and cut off the thread.

Rose of beads in Greek style for beginners with photos and video

Our wonderful rose is finished.

Video on the topic

Needlewomen made a lot of techniques for creating roses from beads, we apply the video of some of them below.

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