Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video


After a tiring day, I want to relax and forget about the working bustle. This will help with needlework, and in particular, the technique of embroidery beads. The occupation is very exciting and meditative.

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Medicine has long been considered a needlework occupation, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  • In the brain tired, cell activity decreases;
  • The brain zones are activated, which are responsible for creativity;
  • reduced muscle tone;
  • There is a relaxation of the nervous system;
  • Pressure comes to normal;
  • heartbeat normalizes;
  • The oxygen consumption of the organism is reduced.

Beaded embroidery is very common art, in the process of which beautiful paintings are created, original accessories and clothing items. The availability of materials, video and master classes allow you to master this type of creativity beginner needlewomen.

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

The technique of embroidery beads on the fabric is quite simple. It requires only the skill of the needle and performing manual seams. From other types of embroidery, this technique is distinguished only by the fact that before making a stitch, the needle is bispering. This process is quite painstaking, but the result is awesome.

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Mastering with this kind of needlework, you can create not only beautiful paintings, but also decorate the wardrobe or interior beads.

Materials for embroidery

We need:

  • cutting of fabric or canvas of the desired size;
  • special needle for beads;
  • beads of different colors stipulated by the pattern of pattern, scheme;
  • frame for embroidery or hoop;
  • Special threads or fishing line, which is suitable for color to bee or canvas, scissors.

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

For beginner embroidery, handicraft stores offer ready-made sets in which all the necessary materials are collected.

There are several ways to sewing beads:

  1. "Intrippar" - the beads rented on the thread attaching to the canvas with small stitches between beads;
  2. "Archo" - a few beads are riveted at once and fasten the stitch into the last beerink;
  3. "Monastic" - each bead is sewn with separate diagonal stitch.

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The scheme of the "monastic" method:

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Beading art

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

The execution of the picture with beads will require attention from master of attention and amplitude. First you should not immediately take on great job.

It will be reasonable to choose a ready-made set of small format, which is equipped with all necessary material.

Sets are with full firmware and partial. With a drawing applied to the canvas and in the counting technique. The newcomer is more convenient to start with a set with a drawing.

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Practical advice for beginners:

  • Exchange shows the skill of needlewomen, it must be neat;
  • stitches from each other should be at a distance of at least 1 mm, since the smaller distance is CorBRA;
  • so that the finished product does not bother, stitches need to be performed with the same thread tension;
  • If you treat the thread of bee wax, it will become stronger and the slide of the beads on it will improve. And it will be easier to put it in a needle;
  • In one work, you do not need to use different beads. For example, round and flat look;
  • For fracturing, it is impossible to use paraffin, only natural wax;
  • It is necessary to take care of good lighting so as not to be mistaken in the shade of beads;
  • If the canva is less than a fivefold, which is available, then you can sew another fabric to the canvas until the desired size. At the end of the work, the founding fabric fell apart.

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Beaded needle is thin, with a rounded ear to easily pass through beads. Despite the fact that embroidery kits are equipped with suitable needles, you need to have a stock of needles for beads in your handmade chest. The needle for beads is thin and very fragile. And most likely, not one breaks during the training. It will be very convenient to have in stock the desired tool for creativity.

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Bead thread is characterized by special strength, low tensile, weak twist. The thread, which in the process of embroidery is twisted, can spoil the mood and pleasure from the process. Great felt from polyester. It does not twist, not stretching and has "bad memory."

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Good creativity

Many needlewomen apply beading techniques when creating an icon. This work is very thin and painstaking, requiring accuracy and attention.

There are several options for creating an icon:

  • When the vestment of the saint is embroidered with beads, and a face-smoker;

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

  • When the face is applied to the canvas of the finished image, and only the vestments and salary icons are embroidered.

If the bead icon is planned to be covered in the church, then you need to know that work with an embroidered face will most likely refuse. Since this contradicts the Orthodox canons, for which only monks can write the licks of saints. Therefore, it is better to choose a set with a car applied to the canvas.

The answer of the priests about embroidery icons:

In the proposed video there are recommendations and practical tips on embroidery icons:

Embroidery on clothes

Embroidery beads - not only decorative, but also applied art. With its help, you can turn the usual mass to turn into an exclusive designer outfit.

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

For the embroidery of beads in the drawing on clothes, already familiar materials are needed - beads, threads, scissors. And also need a water-soluble canvas, which will greatly facilitate the task.

Drawings for embroidery on clothes:

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Embroidery technique with beads for beginners with video

Video for those who want to learn to decorate the clothes beads:

Having learned to embroider with beads, any needlewoman will create a lot of beautiful paintings for the interior and a gift close. And the applied part of this art will allow her to look bright, fashionable and stylish, causing universal admiration.

Video on the topic

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