How to crochet in a circle?


How to crochet in a circle?

In this article, I will clearly show you how to crochet in a circle . In order to understand how to crochet in a circle, you must first look at the schemes for which the circle is offered to crochet.

Read more about how to crochet in a circle, read in today's article.

On some circuits from the center to the edges there is a walkway from p., And there is no one on the other.

Accordingly, in the first case, a canvas consisting of closed concentric circles is obtained, and in the second - spiral-shaped.

It should be noted that the method used to create a round product can be safely used to form any polygons, ovals, and both flat and volumetric.

Engineering knitting in a crochet circle is used to create openwork tablecloths, ornamental napkins, hats, toys, one-piece dresses, blouses, sweaters.

Beginning of work

And spiral, and circular crochet begins with a central ring. It can be created in two ways:

  1. Run a chain from the War. p., and then closure to it. Art.;
  2. Fit thread and make a moving loop.

How to crochet in a circle?

The initial row, as a rule, is formed from the B / N. The hook can be entered in the War. p. Chains or to tie the chain itself or sliding loop.

In the first case, a small hole will be in the center of the canvas. The size of the sliding or moving loop can be easily adjusted and tighten so that the product happens without hole in the center.

The principle of circular knitting

Each new row should be wider than the previous one. How to crochet in a circle so that the product is not tightened and waves have not formed?

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To do this, with crochet circles, it is necessary to make additions in certain places: to lies from one loop of the base 2 column. The increment scheme is determined by the so-called circle rule.

For various types of columns there is a rule. For example, for the canvas from Art. B / h make a chain of 3 removals. n., and then knit according to the following scheme:

How to crochet in a circle?

For a half. C / H Chain of 4 Wards. p. Take the 8th half woof. C / N, which become grounds for 8-wedges. In each of them you need to make an increase one time over a row.

If you need to tie the web from Art. C / N, then the first circular row is formed from 12 st. C / H on a chain of 6 and weeds. p. and make 12 additives in each row, distributing them on the 12th sectors.

When the additional columns are tied at the beginning of each wedge, its borders can be visible in the form of radii or straight lines coming from the center to the edges, and the canvas itself becomes like a polygon.

If the additions are performed at the end of the sectors, they form paths similar to the swirling lane.

The third option involves dispersing double columns by the sector, making them absolutely invisible, and the external perimeter of the product is a flat circle.

How to crochet in a circle?

Please note that when counting the loops in the first wedge when knitting in a circle p. P. They are considered for the first column. That is, if in the remaining sectors is performed, for example, by 12 tbsp., In the first - only 11 tbsp.

If it is necessary to make an increase on the first loop in a row of the loop, then after paragraph. in the same loop.

With independent compilation of a new scheme, especially the openwork pattern, it is necessary to thoroughly consider the place of additions so that they do not violate the drawing, that is, the main sections on which the main pattern is located.

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If it consists of columns, then made in the form of a grid from the rewards. Intermediate fragments are considered background. In case the chief emphasis in the pattern is placed in the figure from the War. p., then the background to it serves a dense area from Art.

Circular crochet with a circle extension should occur so that the gains are located:

  • only on background areas so that the main pattern is not deformed;
  • Only on the main fragments, when the scheme requires a change in their shape;
  • Combined concentration and background, and on the main areas, if the emphasis is placed on a dense figure with changes in both groups.

Formation of a circle

In order to knit spiral, you need to start knitting immediately after the end of one row. At the same time, the first loop of the new turn will be eliminated over the last column from the lower turn.

In order not to get down and not losing the place of the beginning of the new row on the canvas, it must be marked with a marker (pin, thread of contrasting color).

How to crochet in a circle?

If it is necessary that the canvas turn out with concentric circles, each row need to be closed. To this end, it must be started from a certain number of p., And to complete the compound. Art., performed in the last of the p. p.

The site of the beginning and end of the row is almost imperceptible if the product is made of a dense viscous and loop compound. The column is well tightened.

How to crochet in a circle?

Another thing is an openwork napkin or a motive, to create which also uses knitting in a crochet. The scheme may indicate that the new row must start from the middle of the arches from the War. P.

In this case, you will have to make several semi-solids to go to the desired location, and then execute P.P. And start a new circle.

Sometimes the question arises: how to knit with a crochet in a circle of turning rows?

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For this, after the circle of the circle is compound. The chamber of the canvas rotate on the other side (invalid) and knit a new row in the opposite direction.

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