Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis


Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Fliselin wallpapers - a good choice for decoration staining to start the cosmetic repair of your own dwelling, first of all, it is necessary to decide which will be finished by the walls. Usually used 2 options - painting of walls, or wallpaper sticker. But what if you want to beat the wallpaper, but it is not possible to find suitable colors? In this case, the ideal option will be a canvas on Fliselin, it is possible to paint into any suitable color. What kind of flieslinic canvas, and how to apply glue - read further.

Types of flizelin-based wallpapers

Currently, Russian and foreign (reviews are not very different) Wallpapers on a flieslinic basis are quite often used by designers when finishing the premises. This is not surprising, because such wallpapers are environmentally friendly, do not shine, simple in pasting are durable and breathe well. Unlike wallpaper on paper or vinyl-based basis, "Flizelinki" can paint a special paint several times.

It is profitable, since placing such a canvas, it is possible to change the interior without spending special physical efforts and financial costs.

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Fliseline wallpapers are attractive to what can be painted several times

Wallpapers are popular, thanks to the properties of the material from which it is manufactured. Flizelin includes pressed pieces of cellulose, due to which phlizelin wallpaper retain strength and resistant to deformities.

Wallpapers are divided into 3 types:

  1. Smooth. Most often used under painting.
  2. Relief. Used under painting. Due to the vinyl coating and the textured outer layer, sufficiently mask sufficient coating defects, the canvas are permissible repeated repainting.
  3. Structural. Usually have a vinyl coating. In the production of such wallpapers, foamed vinyl is applied to the fliesline basis, with which various original ornaments are created.

In the current market with varying success, vinyl on the fliseline of hot stamping is leading. Why do they attract the attention of people planning to repair? Wallpaper, first of all, attract attention the variety of colors and ornaments. Wallpaper hot stamping is well preserved heat, hide sufficient damage to the walls, and if necessary, they can be washed with a sponge using conventional detergents.

Proper blowing wallpaper on the fliesline basis

As you know, the ideal materials do not exist, as a result of this, hot embossed, there are disadvantages - Vinyl has no ability to pass the air, so the room is placed by such wallpaper, you need to often ventilate.

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Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

When choosing wallpaper, you should pay attention to the labeling

The label helps to know the following wallpaper parameters:

  1. Basis of wallpaper.
  2. Moisture resistance.
  3. Light resistance. To avoid the burnout of the wallpaper, you need to look at signs that are sustainable in relation to the direct sunlight.
  4. Direction of drawing. Signs indicate how to properly arrange a drawing on the displacement of the pattern, and also inform about whether the fitting is needed at all.
  5. Wood alignment. Symbols indicate the method of the reign of the drawing - a mustache or changing direction.
  6. Method of sticking wallpaper.
  7. The method of applying glue.
  8. The way to remove wallpaper from the walls.

To prevent an error when buying wallpaper, you should know the decryption of special characters, otherwise as a result of wall pasting, risk obtaining a displaced pattern and other troubles that require additional costs and alterations of all work.

Despite the fact that the flieslinic wallpaper waterproof, they have their own limitations. Not everyone will withstand intensive friction with a sponge, so in order to avoid the appearance of spots from detergents or any other troubles, you should look at signs informing about moisture resistance.

It is worth noting that any wallpaper have a water-repellent layer, so they can be washed.

Some experts recommend sticking wallpaper strips not standard vertically, but horizontally. This mixing method gives the walls the original look and hides the joints. The way is quite complicated, so if we decided to glue the wallpaper in such a way, you should find a partner to work.

We define what glue is better for Flizelin-based wallpapers

For gluing to the wall reliably and efficiently, you need to choose the right glue for wallpaper. It is necessary to buy that glue that is produced precisely for the available type of wallpaper. Currently, there are many brands - manufacturers of glue for wallpapers on Flizelin.

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

The quality of glue has the quality of glue

Here are some of the foreign:

  1. MetyLan. - The most in demand in the market and universal glue for cloths on Flizelin. When preparing this glue, German technologies are used. The glue is applied only on the wall, it is well compatible with cement and lime. Buyers note full compliance of the amount of consumption indicated on the packaging and high quality of glue.
  2. Quelyd. - This glue is sufficiently silence, but it is justified, since glue has many positive feedback. The glue is applied to the wall, it is not necessary to smear on the wallpaper. The advantages can also include the absence of unpleasant odor and rapid surface drying.
  3. Kleo. - glue of excellent quality, quickly prepared, not toxic, in the composition there are antifungal components. Also, plus this glue is that it can be stored for a long time in the finished form. Wallpapers, when using this product, can be painted after 1.9 hours after sticking.
  4. Axton. - French-made glue. This glue is universal and suitable for finishing the premises by other types of wallpaper. Adhesion has a large number of positive feedback. This glue has no smell, low price and high quality gluing.

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The moment is the glue of Russian production. As well as others, applied directly to the wall. Contains antifungal additives and after cooking can be stored up to 6-8 days at room temperature. Lacra is another glue manufactured in Russia. Its advantages include relatively low price and high quality gluing.

Instruction: How to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Often, in front of people who have settled repair, the question arises where to make shook wallpaper. Starting recommended from the window frame, moving to the distant corner of the room. Prepare the walls, you should prepare all the tools with which the wallpaper stick will be carried out.

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Sut off the surplus of wallpaper, you can leave a small indentation under the plinth

You will need:

  • Pencil;
  • Roulette;
  • Building level;
  • Ladder;
  • Rollers for applying glue;
  • Capacities for glue breeding;
  • Dry towels.

Actions with the help of which the label of flieslinic wallpaper is carried out, not complex. Divide glue - it is important to remember that when gluing fliesline wallpaper, glue correctly apply directly on the wall. If the glue before sticking to the wallpaper, drying out, any composition forms a slot between the canvas up to 5 mm wide. Prepare the first sheet is an important stage, since the overall result of all work depends on the smooth and neat gluing of the first sheet.

Cut off the excess wallpaper from below - usually the plinth can hide approximately 4 cm, so it's not worth cut too much. In order to survive a smooth cut-off line, the following technology is used - excess wallpaper need to cut off, pressing wallpaper to the wall with a spatula. At the same time, the knife does not break off from the cut line, and only the spatula moves. Elimination of excess glue - it is necessary to remove the excess glue from the surface, rub it with a damp cloth or a sponge.

It is not necessary to fear the way out of water on the wallpaper, while it is important that the glue does not fall on the wallpaper, otherwise the surface will be corrupted.

As a rule, coming to the store, people choose wallpapers, suitable for the price and drawing. Few know that there is such a useful thing as marking. The marking sheet is embedded in each roll of wallpaper and contains signs containing in turn a huge amount of information in itself.

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Tips: how to glim the wallpaper on the phlizelin basis

It is well known that the wallpaper is poorly held on smooth surfaces. And if the walls are also painted, before sticking it will be necessary to clean the walls from the paint.

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Before pasting wallpapers, the wall must be prepared

The walls need to be processed so that they are completely absent:

  • Irregularities;
  • Cracks;
  • Differs.

Usually in places such flaws wallpaper bubbles and pee out. Next, the walls must be primed. Also, if there are fat stains on the walls, they must be eliminated. Next is the sticking of the canvas. The next sheet adhesive is made with a previous sheet. It is necessary to ensure that all the angles and drawing of the canvas coincide.

Docking places should stroke the roller.

Surplus wallpaper and glue are also deleted. Similar actions are made with subsequent sheets. Painting wallpapers - it is recommended to paint, 2 days after stickers. Collect such wallpapers specially intended for this paint.

According to the technology, how much the wallpaper on the flieslinic basis

Fliseline wallpaper drying is an important question, as the quality of the wall cover depends on this. After sticking wallpaper wallpapers, any other actions contributing to air movement are prohibited. Also, the room can not be tired.

Wallpapers dry at least a day at a positive temperature from 17 to 30 ° C. If the room temperature is lower, then the wallpaper will dry for a longer time.

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Flizelin wallpaper color should be made only after their complete drying

Crab can only be completely dried wallpaper. If the dried wallpaper is not completely painted, there is a high probability that they will be sucking from the wall. If you want to create the most cozy atmosphere in the room, the ideal assistant in this situation will be textile canvases on Flizelin.

Mostly, textile wallpapers are used to design such premises as:

  • Bedroom;
  • Cabinet;
  • Living room.

Such wallpapers are safe for human health, as they are made from environmentally friendly natural materials.

Safe textile wallpapers on the fliseline basis

Textile wallpaper is resistant to moisture, but in rooms with high humidity, they are still not recommended.

The advantages of textile wallpapers are that they provide additional thermal insulation, absorb noise and do not fade under the rays of direct sunlight.

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Textile fliesline wallpaper do not burn out in the sun

The production technology of such wallpapers is quite complicated, so they make them mainly in Europe.

How to glue phlizelin wallpaper (video)

Following all this recommendations, you can produce high-quality wall decoration with wallpaper on Flizelin, if necessary, painting them into favorite color.

Details: Wallpapers on a fliesline basis (photo examples)

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

Recommendation: how to glue wallpaper on a fliesline basis

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