Features of mounting corner bath


Quite often, producing repairs in the bathroom, except for finishing, perform the substitute for plumbing, including baths. Sometimes the choice of bath is a big problem, due to the fact that the room where it is installed is small. In a limited space, a corner-shaped bath is perfectly fits, the installation of which has its own characteristics.

Features of mounting corner bath

If you wish, get a big bath, but having a small room, an excellent option will be acquiring an angular bath.

Carefully examining how to install an angular bath, its installation will not cause difficulties even at a homemade master who does not have high qualifications in this area.

In addition to forms, the bathroom can be performed from various materials that also affect the installation of angular baths. After all, the bathroom from the cast iron has a mass, sometimes exceeding 200 kg.

Features of mounting corner bath

Scheme of an angular bath with dimensions.

For the owners of apartments possessing creative thinking, the corner bath can be a real "finding", giving the bathroom originality. Despite the fact that its inner space is quite significant, it takes a small area. Its installation can be performed in the corner or near the wall. It has a hydromassage installation. This shape of the bath allows you to take it sitting.

The angular bath can be different shapes, oval or round. It is often installed on a pedestal separately. Complete with such a bath, a frame is usually supplied, which, in addition to the main purpose, plays the role of a decorative element. It can be performed in it and arrange a place for storing household chemicals under the bathroom. Such an elevation can be separated by tiles. Modern models of angular baths often include their installation on the so-called "shelves", which allows not to use a pedestal.

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Installation of angular bath

Features of mounting corner bath

Installation scheme of an angular bath.

Regardless of the material, the installation can be carried out on the legs or brackets that are sold complete with a bathroom or base. Sometimes they use a combined installation method: one side of the bath is attached using hooks, and the other is installed on the legs. According to experts, this method is quite reliable.

Corner baths have a clear straight corner, therefore, before starting their installation, it is necessary to prepare the walls to which they are adjacent. The surface of the walls can be aligned using a putty, checking the straight corner of the construction level. Next, it is necessary to put the tile or perform any other finish according to the interior of the bathroom. After that, you can move to the installation of the corner bath. If the repair is made, you first need to dismantle the old plumbing. To do this, first need to disconnect the sewage. If pig-iron pipes were used for her, it will be quite difficult to do it. They are collected by the grinder, and then release the channel for draining by knocking them out of the landing socket. If plastic pipes were used with the sewage device, this process is greatly simplified. The bath is just tilted, disconnect from plum and bring out of the bathroom. On this dismantling the bath ends.

Prepare tools and materials in order to mount the corner bath, begin to install it.

Required tools

  • building level;
  • Capacity for the manufacture of concrete mortar if the bath is installed on the base;
  • Perforator if you want to stick the wall.

Bath installation materials

  • fasteners;
  • rag;
  • sealant;
  • a drain pipe;
  • Material for the manufacture of base - brick or foam blocks;
  • Cement for the manufacture of the solution.

Features of the installation of the corner bath on the legs

Bath installation diagram on legs.

The sewer hole should be dryly wiped with a soft cloth or rag. Before you put the bathroom in the bathroom and considering that its room is small, the legs are best attached in advance. Checking the level both horizontal and vertical, the bath is installed in the working position. The correct installation of the bath is regulated by legs. The bottom of the bath of any design should be slightly tilted toward the drain hole for the best drain of water. After installing the installation, connect the bath to the sewer system. Seams and joints should be carefully treated with sealant resistant to moisture. Sometimes there is a handrail next to the bathroom, with which to enter the bath and leave it much more convenient and safer. In order not to slip on the wet floor, use a rubber rug.

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In addition, the bath is installed on the legs, you can use the base that must be performed independently. Before making the final installation, the bath is pre-installed when the installation is set correctly. Then you should measure the distance from the bottom of the bath to the floor and remove the bath.

Features of the installation of the corner bath for the base

Corner bath diagram.

The base is usually made of bricks. Although some prefer to use foam blocks for these purposes. The height of the structure should be slightly less than the distance from the bottom of the bath to the floor, which was measured in advance. The masonry solution is prepared from cement. In order to proceed to the next step of installation of the corner bath, it is necessary to wait for the final solidification of the solution to which 12 hours can take. The pairing between the sewage and the drain should be sealed, so this uses silicone sealant. The gap between the base and the bottom of the bath is also treated with a sealant or mounting foam.

After the bath is installed and connected to the sewer system, it is necessary to check how well the water drops. If everything is in order, it is completed, wrapping the gaps between the bathroom and the sealant wall. Then the plinth is attached to the wall.

Sometimes the bath design involves fastening the bath to the adjacent wall. For this, the perforator is used, with the help of the walls of the wall.

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