Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas


The decorative decoration of the Arch should not only correspond to the tastes of the owner of the apartment or at home, but also be a continuation of the main design. About how the decor arches will be in the apartment, it is necessary to think even when you just decided to replace the arch door or window opening.

Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

Beautiful arch in the apartment

Of course, to solve this difficult task, you can seek advice to a specialist, however, if you create an arches in the apartment yourself, to the process of registration of arched openings it is necessary to approach very responsible. Given the fact that the main purpose of the arched openness is the separation of neighboring premises, the design of the arched opening should repeat and supplement their design.

Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

Stone finish

What style to choose for decoration arched opening in the apartment

  1. To date, there are many different styles and design directions. Each of them has its own individual features and characteristic features. Consider the most "sought -led" styles in more detail.
  2. High tech. At the moment, this style is the most popular. Its integral feature is the use of the most modern building and finishing materials. As for the appearance, it necessarily has clear forms and interior minimalism, as can be seen in the photo below.
  3. Minimalistic arched opening finish. To date, the arches in such a style are no longer particularly popular, but, such arched openings are still used in many homes and apartments, due to the fact that they do not require large financial costs.
  4. In the event that you thought about the question of how to arrange the arch in an apartment in a minimalist style, specialists are not recommended to make the form of the classic arches. It is much more relevant if the arched opening will resemble a kind of portal in the form, the upper part of which is absolutely straight, and the angles are rounded. Among other things, the use of asymmetric, irregular forms is allowed.

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Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

A feature of this style is to apply a paint coating, which will repeat the color of the walls of the walls. Small lamps (sides), mirrors and other materials having a glossy surface can be stylistic elements.

  1. Arched opening in modern style. A feature of this style is a sufficiently large radius of the arched opening, as well as a clearly viewed transition from the rounded area to direct. As shown in the photo of the Arch in the apartment, most often, for the design of such arches is a tree or MDF. It is also worth noting that this process is quite complicated, therefore, to obtain a good result, it is best to seek help from specialists. Another option is to pre-purchase ready-made finishing materials and the subsequent fit of the size of the arch in accordance with the dimensions of the "template".
  2. Arched opening in the classic style. A characteristic feature of such an arc is the radius ratio and the width of the opening. As a rule, the magnitude of the radius is half the width of the opening. The main advantage of the classic arched opening in an apartment or house is that it has very correct, elegant forms and can be used in combination with any design style.

Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

Wood can be used as a finishing material for a classic arched opening. Another option is the special moldings of polyurethane shown in the photo that you just need to paint into the appropriate color.

Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

A column (semi-column), which has strict shapes and outlines can be supporting for the classic arched opening. With the help of stucco, thread or sculptural elements, the arched opening will become an excellent addition to the baroque or an ampir.

Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

Features of decoration arches with artificial stone

Arched opening design with artificial stone is the most popular and in demand. This is due to the fact that the artificial stone retains its initial appearance for a long time.

Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

Among other things, it is practically not subject to mechanical effects. A fairly detailed process of design of arched opening with artificial stone is presented on video.

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Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

If you decide to use artificial stone to finish the arched opening, it should be done in several stages. First of all, the surface of the arched opening should be prepared accordingly. In order for the stone well stuck to the base, the surface of the opening is routine.

Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

Depending on the paint coating or finishing material, which is already on the arch, it is enough to make small notches on it, as shown in the photo using a paint or knife.

Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

The next step is to prepare a solution that will perform the function of glue. As a standard variant, you can use a solution using sand, cement, lime and glue. Among other things, experts recommend in advance to ask the seller of artificial stone, which glue is best used for installation.

Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

Another feature when finishing the arched opening, an artificial stone is a sticker of stone not only on the arch itself, but also on the walls of the walls that fit to the impact.

Finishing and decoration Arch in the apartment: photo ideas

How to Make Framing Arch Window

Often the arch is not an opening, separating two rooms, and finishing a window or door. Special attention, in this situation, deserve window arches, the stylistic design of which, as a rule, is often becoming a problem even for experienced designers.

Undoubtedly, choose the right decorative elements for such arches is quite difficult. If you install classic straight eaves, the arch just loses all its uniqueness. Such an option as roll-curtains and blinds is also extremely irrelevant. According to experts, the most optimal option, in this situation, is the installation of special flexible eaves, which can be given the form of radius corresponding to the bending of the window arch.

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