How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill


The quality of blending wallpaper directly depends on the correctly selected adhesive composition . There are a huge selection of glue for wallpaper: different costs and composition. How not to get confused and choose the desired wallpaper glue?

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

After studying the peculiarities of each of the species in advance, you can safely go to the store for purchase.

A variety of types of wallpaper glue. How to choose?

By studying the characteristics of each type of wallpaper glue, the problem of choice will disappear by itself:

  1. Universal glue PVA. Its composition provides excellent clutch of wallpaper cloths with almost any surface. After applying, the PVA glue does not allocate toxic substances, does not change the structure with a sharp change of temperature and humidity indoors. Most often, PVA glue is used for paper or vinyl wallpaper.
    How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill
  2. Bustylate. The difference of this type of glue is the ability to change the color after drying with a milky white on transparent. Using Bustilat eliminates the appearance of yellow spots on the already crucial wallpaper. Bustylate is a budget version of glue, which is very relevant with a small budget of repair work.
  3. Vinyl adhesive . Depending on the manufacturer, the composition of the vinyl adhesive may differ. For high-quality sticking of wallpaper, it is necessary to choose compounds based on methylcellulose. Such vinyl glue deep penetrates into the bonded surfaces, resistant to low temperatures.

Tip: Do not knock out vinyl glue based on carboxymethylcellulose. The adhesive composition of such adhesive is more suitable for light paper wallpaper, rather than for heavy vinyl canvases.

  1. Flizelin wallpaper glue is characterized by good adhesion, antifungal and bactericidal additives. . Very often, the manufacturer adds special color indicators into the composition of flieslinic wallpaper, helping to control the process of applying glue (the nonplusions remain white).

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How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

We choose the wallpaper glue correctly: the secrets of the masters

Choosing glue for wallpaper in the store. Special attention is paid to the following characteristics:

  1. Adhesion is an indicator that determines the degree of penetration of glue, the strength of the compound of two materials. Most often, the manufacturer indicates the adhesion indicator of the following wording: "Good adhesive ability".
  2. The number of fungicides and bactericides. For the wallpaper glue, this indicator should not exceed 3%. Excess this percentage may adversely affect human health.
  3. Acid-alkaline indicator - pH . For the wallpaper glue, the pH level varies within 6-7. The excess of this norm may cause yellow spots on the already crucial wallpaper.
  4. Moisture resistance - the ability of glue to maintain density and structure under high humidity conditions.
  5. Type of wallpaper. It is important to understand that the wallpaper glue must be selected for a specific type of wallpaper. So for paper canvases use bustide, universal PVA glue. For dense vinyl wallpaper, poorly transmitting air, it is necessary to select special quick-drying compositions based on methylcellulize. For glass windows or textile canvases, only dispersed compositions are used (hold the high weight of wallpaper, referred to frost and moisture).

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

It is important when buying a wallpaper glue to pay attention to the appearance of the packaging. Damage to the box, disturbed view, traces of subtops are not allowed.

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

What is better: buying ready glue or breed a dry mix yourself?

You can see the wallpaper glue ready for use and dry adhesive mixture, which you need to independently breed with water.

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

Buying the finished composition allows you to save time I. However, it is worth understanding that the finished mixture is more expensive than dry powder. It is also necessary to remember about a small shelf life of the already open bank of the finished glue.

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

The dry mixture will be cheaper at times (which is important with significant volumes of repair work) . But it is possible to prepare high-quality wallpaper glue from dry powder only if the manufacturer's instruction manual is accurate.

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How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

A competent approach to the choice of glue for wallpaper guarantees high quality of repair work, a beautiful view of the sealed surface.

What to choose glue for vinyl wallpapers on paper and fliesline basis? (1 video)

Glue for wallpaper: how to choose the right (photo)

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

How to choose the right glue for wallpaper: species and secrets of skill

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