Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination


Make proper lighting in a country house - the task is not from the easiest. With the help of light, you can carry out zoning of any room.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Modern lighting inside the house

How to organize lighting in the house? Every 2 home owner is conceived. The lighting system must be comfortable and convenient for all family members.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Electrical work on fact is performed before the start of the premises.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Lighting Tips:

  • Pre-make a lighting project or an electrical installation scheme;
  • Observe the ECD Rules;
  • To create a project of lighting, it is better to turn to a specialized organization;

What should be specified in the Scheme or Project:

  • Placement and all branches of cable wiring;
  • Number, view and exact location location;
  • Places of installation of switches;

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Often, experts use template projects, if you want a copyright solution, it is worth incorporating their wishes in the lighting project in advance.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

For each room, the lighting devices must be located in accordance with the zonal principles.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

The main source of light is the chandelier, and then dotted devices: Testers Bra.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Currently, LED - lamps are very popular, because with the help of them you can greatly divide the room to the zone. You can highlight from almost any detail of the interior - a huge advantage in the design of the house.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Lighting the territory of the cottage

The beauty of a plot of a country house with the onset of the night becomes an inaccessible eye. Each homeowner wants his favorite fountain, tracks or a broken parceader to be visible at any time of the day.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Street coverage of the territory is an excellent way out of this situation, while it becomes both a kind of security for residents of a country house.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Types of lighting for the street:

  • Foul
  • Technical - highlighting tracks and decorative elements;
  • Installation of lamps that respond to movement;
  • Installing lamps on solar panels.

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Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

The last option is the most popular. Lamps that are fueled by solar energy during the day and burn in the evening day.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Why lamps with solar panels are so relevant:

  • Do not require cable wiring;
  • Easy installation;
  • Electricity savings;
  • Design manifold;

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination


  • In winter, the recharging of the battery is a maximum of the third part of the day, which is not enough for full light;
  • Do not tolerate low temperatures.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Lighting facade

The illumination of the facade can play and decorative role, and serve as protection against deliberate penetration into the dwelling of intruders.

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Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

In decorative lighting, you can send light into several walls and highlight the accent area.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

When using LED lamps, if the client is desired, it is possible to make any image on the facade part of the country house. What will undoubtedly become an exclusive detail of the house design.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

The contour type of illumination involves the outlining of the building with a LED ribbon or tube along the perimeter of a country house. With the help of contour light, you can select protruding parts on the facade of the cottage.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Due to the use of a hidden lighting, you can highlight the desired elements, such as a balcony. Below are the examples of the coverage of a private house where you can choose your own option.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Lighting of the local area

Non-easy task, because you should choose which parts of the site are especially important and needed good lighting.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Our recommendations:

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  • Divide the lighting into small autonomous systems.
  • The backlight of the entrance and garage gates is a mandatory component of the project.
  • Make the light around the perimeter of the house;
  • Divide the plot to comfortable areas where you spend most of all time: gazebo, barbecue place;
  • Start decorative lighting.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Below are photos of lighting in a private house, where you can watch the embodied ideas into reality.

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Photo lighting private house

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

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Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination

Private house lighting - 100 photos of the perfect combination


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