Warm plinth electric: infrared option


The heating system attracts attention when cold come. The main requirements are low energy consumption and heat transfer efficiency. Interestingly, a warm electric plinth has an effectiveness of more than 30 percent if it is compared with conventional heating radiators. And this leads to additional budget savings. What is the difference between this heating?

Features of warm plinth

In America and European countries, warm plinths have long been used. In Russia, this version of heating became known only recently. While he has not yet become popular and common in our country. This heating system actually saves.

This system has the following advantages:

  1. The system is obtained by energy saving, warm and economical, and this is especially important in modern conditions;
  2. It has a beneficial effect on human health and well-being, and also creates comfortable living conditions;
  3. The system does not harm the environment and meets high ecological safety parameters;
  4. There are great applications in modern design and architecture.

Constructive features

Today you can buy an electric plinth in a specialized store or market, which is characterized by rationality and high efficiency. In essence, it is represented by an aluminum bar, the width of which is 3 cm. The height may be different, but it must be from 10 to 24 cm. Such plinths also differ in form and color solutions.

The structural elements are represented by an electrical device represented by a tubular electric type heater. It has a rather large length of the tube, which occupies all the inner space in the heater. Therefore, it has a special durability and the possibility of creating a warm environment.

Warm plinth electric: infrared option

Electric heating plinth works as well as a system of warm electric floors. Its design includes a thermostat that provides adjustment of the temperature in the room. Thanks to thermal sensors, temperature control is monitored. They are installed on the wall. For convenience, they are installed at the height of the average human height.

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Plinths are connected to the outlet. But it is better to use a separate cable branch that will go from the distribution panel. As for thermostators, choose those that make it possible to program the temperature level a few days ahead.

Warm plinth electric: infrared option

Features of work

  • The warm plinth is mounted directly on the wall, where the usual decorative element is installed. Thus, it passes throughout the perimeter of the room.
  • It responds not only for heating air, but also the surface of the walls. And this significantly reduces heat loss from the walls themselves.
  • Thanks to such heat movement, the Convention of Air Masses is significantly reduced. As a result, thermal energy is distributed from the floor to the ceiling evenly.
  • Heated air rises very slowly up. And this means that dust will not be raised because of it.

Warm plinth electric: infrared option

It is worth noting that infrared plinth can warm up to +70 degrees. Its minimum heating temperature is +40 degrees. In this range you can search for the optimal temperature with which you will be comfortable. As a result, the air temperature will not be below +20 degrees. And this is considered the norm.

Many are interested, where it is better to install a warm plinth. But when it is installed there are no restrictions. An excellent choice is to install this design in rooms where there is panoramic glazing. This is due to the fact that they are cool. In addition, the standard radiators under the following windows cannot be installed. But they need a curtain of heat.

Installation features

To install this design, you will not need a lot of work. Warm plinth is not so complicated. You do not need a lot of experience. Due to the low weight, it can be installed even on those partitions that are made of plywood or drywall. For installation, only a perforator is needed. As a rule, the kit includes the required amount of fasteners. The design can be installed not only throughout the perimeter of the room and on the individual sections.

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This heating device requires an installation in one row at a height of at least 1 cm from the floor surface. At the same time, it is important to set 15 mm from the wall. This clearance is necessary to create convection. It will prevent overheating of heating elements. Works are performed in the following sequence:

  • It is important to determine the mounting height. It is usually at least 1 cm above the floor.
  • The rear panel of the plinth is presented to the wall on a predetermined horizontal markup. It must be performed using a construction pencil or felt-meter. Over the holes in which the plastic dowels are installed. Then the panel is installed and secured with the help of screws.
  • Then hang two brackets. It is on them that a TEN is installed. This device is connected to the network along with the installation of the thermostat and temperature sensors.
  • On top mounted decorative aluminum panel.

Warm plinth electric: infrared option

Installation of plinth

Warm plinth set easy. But it is important to take into account that in this case there are two limitations. The panel is important to install one horizontal level. In addition, manufacturers are advised not to install more than 17 panels in one module. In this case, their common power indicator will not exceed 200 W. They are connected in exact sequence with each other.

Mounting thermostat

This is a pretty simple procedure. But even she has the following features:

  • Installation site is better to choose in the immediate vicinity of the switch or socket. It should be free from decorative elements and furniture items.
  • The posting height according to the standard should be from 1.2 to 1.5 meters.

It is necessary to put the rear panel of the device to the surface of the wall and make the mark on it through the mounting holes. Then dried holes for dowels. The diameter of the opening is 6 mm. The dowel is inserted into them, and the panels are attached using a self-press. Then the cables are connected to the instrument. They are conducted to the outlet, temperature sensor and plinth. Then mount the front panel and mount the desired mode.

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The cable can be laid both closed and open. If you have repair work, it is better to install it with a closed method. In this case, the cable passes along a pre-prepared stroke. If the repair work is currently not conducted, the optimal option becomes an open method of laying. In this case, special electrical boxes are simply attached. It is in them that the cable is laid.

Important! If you plan to install a warm plinth, you need to select the cable cross section correctly. It must be at least 2.5 square meters. See if you plan to connect a whole block of electrical planks. If we are talking about connecting one panel, you should read the recommendations of the manufacturer.

Warm plinth electric: infrared option

The diagram of connecting the thermostat is also present in any installation instructions. It is simple, as a result of which it can be installed independently. At the final stage it is important to test. As a result, the warm version of the plinth must be heated to the desired temperatures. It is important to check the installed design by all variants of temperature modes. It should work both on medium and high or low temperatures.

Only so you can determine how well the system works. In this case, it is necessary to see if the temperature regulator will turn off the temperature regimen. Temperature must fully comply with the data specified in the manufacturer's passport.

Thus, warm plinths can completely replace radiators. And with the correct installation, they will provide proper heating level of air and walls in the room. And due to the fact that they occupy a little space, the decorative attractiveness of the room remains. And this makes them especially attractive for a large circle of consumers.

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