Choose and mount a canopy for the car to the country


The dimensions of the household site do not always allow the garage for the vehicle. A canopy for the car will help to hide the car from precipitation, the sun, snow, which will protect the body and wheels, will extend their life. The construction of a canopy does not take much time, does not require large financial spending and hiring specialists. You can collect a carport for cars yourself.

Types of designs

Carports for cars in the country have the following accommodation options on the household plot:

  • Design that stands separately.
  • An extension made to the house, a garage, fence.
  • Collapsible design that can be transferred from one place to another.

The canopy that is put separately can be located next to the entrance gate or stand in the depths of the yard. Often make an extension to residential premises so that the driver can get to the car directly from the house. An excellent option for the cottage is the collection of metal design made of fabric and with an awning. Similar modules are easy to assemble and disassemble at the household plot, in nature, at sea.

You can build a canopy that will stand near the fence, will be connected to the house of the covered gallery. This will allow the driver to get dry from the house to the vehicle.

Choose and mount a canopy for the car to the country

Among the main factors that affect the locations of the canopy are:

  • It is planned or no construction of walls from light shields or a wall-coupe to turn a canopy into a mobile garage.
  • The proximity of the carport to the house allows you to quickly transfer things from home into the car.
  • A carport near a residential building or hozpostroy is often used as a gazebo.
  • The material from which canopies are made are important.

For a car in the country, the use of folding design will be an excellent option. Such canopies are made from a metal frame and a tent roof. The kit may include side walls that make from awning or special type of soft glass. Installation takes from one to two hours. Mobile canopy is easy to put and disassembled, so it is used during trips to nature, automotive travel.

Prefabricated designs are very popular with motorists who care about their vehicle. Efforts to make will have to build construction. In this process, it is important to accurately follow the scheme to connect the items from the first time correctly.

Forged canopies are aesthetic and beauty, but such frames are expensive, and for assembly it is necessary to hire installation professionals.

Materials for carcass canopy

In order to make the main design, the following materials are used:

  • A natural stone.
  • Reinforced concrete.
  • Wood.
  • Metal.
  • Brick.

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Wooden frames are distinguished by continuous operation, especially if the material is treated with special solutions. They must protect against moisture, mold, pests. Supports are treated with resin or poured concrete, and the ground part is made to paint and lacquer.

Choose and mount a canopy for the car to the country

Also, the positive qualities of such a frame include:

  • Installation does not require special knowledge and skills.
  • Installation does not occupy a lot of time.
  • You can cut a wooden bar using a conventional saw, and then process the plane.
  • Low price for some materials made on the basis of wood.
  • Aesthetic and elegant look.
  • It is possible to show creativity, cutting on your own decor elements on the supports.
  • The material is strong enough to withstand the impusts of the wind, snow and rain.

The second most popular material that is used to assemble the frame is metal. Unlike wood, metal in installation and processing requires the use of working skills with metal and a welding machine. Bulgarian, drill with diamond drills are used for metal cutting. Choosing one or another metal to make the frame, it is worth considering its advantages:

  • When using forged metal, a canopy shape will have decor elements.
  • High degree of reliability.
  • Resistance to negative effects of the external environment.
  • Durability.
  • Not afraid of temperature drop.
  • Aesthetic appearance.

When choosing the material for the frame, the budget of the construction site is also taken into account, the ability to independently make installation, an interesting period of operation.

Choose and mount a canopy for the car to the country

Wood like a frame for a frame, suitable for rafters, supporting structures, filling the openings between supports. It is best to use the woods of the following species:

  • Profile bar.
  • Glued bar.
  • Log.

Wood for protection against fires and moisture is treated with special compositions before assembling construction.

Mobile and stationary canopies for cars are made of metal. The main advantages of metal structures include:

  • So that the metal canopy serves for a long time, it is regularly treated with anti-corrosion solutions.
  • You can create a carport design with the help of building blocks, bricks and stones that are great for the construction of the supports under the solo system.

Flooring type for canopy

  • Single. Used for canopies that cost separately or are attached to the house, garage.
  • Double. Apply for structures that cost separately or are mobile.
  • Arched. Suitable in order to make a separate metal canopy.
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Single and two-tight canopies are made from corrugated flooring, ondulin, polycarbonate, slate, tiles from bitumen, metal tile, rubberoid and awning. Arched roofs are made from rolled material and polycarbonate.

Fastening the flooring to the main frame in the following ways:

  • The console reference system, which consists of carrier brackets. They are attached to the wall of the building.
  • The beam-supporting system consisting of supporting racks and a horizontal support that is attached to the wall.
  • Console fastening, which is used for light canopies from the awning.

What material for canopy to choose?

  • Wood. Apply a pine timber or tree of another breed, not very expensive. Material to step onto the backrueoid, which plays the role of the insulating layer. The tree is an economical material that is inexpensive, it is easy to process and styling in the desired design. Suitable only in order to build small canopies.
  • Metal. A canopy of such material is installed on a concrete platform, which is done before building a main canopy for the machine. Metal serves a long time, resistant to fire, reliable, but is influenced by moisture, which is why rust. Metal sheets cost more than a tree. Installation of a metal canopy will not do. Need help for another person.
  • Polycarbonate. The fastening of the material to the main structure occurs with a special type bolts. The advantages of polycarbonate include a high level of roof transparency, excellent protective qualities that help protect the car from sunlight, construction resistance and its durability, the ability to withstand high temperatures. When working with polycarbonate, it is necessary to adhere to the rules of installation, otherwise the material is capable of breaking.

Choose and mount a canopy for the car to the country

How to make a platform

The construction of the site is starting only after the dimensions, design and location of the canopy are defined for cars at the cottage. For the construction of the object, the following types of tools and materials are needed:

  • Cement.
  • Crushed stone.
  • Sand.
  • Water.
  • Soviet and bayonet shovels.
  • A bucket or any other container to make a cement solution.

The sequence of work for the construction of the site under a canopy looks like this:

  • From the selected area, the upper layer of the soil is removed (along with the turf).
  • On the perimeter dig a trench, the depth of which should not be less than 20 centimeters.
  • In the places of installation of the supports and in the corners there are pits, sizes of 20 by 20 per 70 centimeters.
  • Install the columns in the dug holes.
  • The cement-sandy solution is mixed into which rubble is added.
  • The solution is half poured with a solution.
  • Using the level, check the vertical installation of the stop.
  • Pour the remaining part of the pit and trench to the ground level.

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Choose and mount a canopy for the car to the country

The foundation should be established, frozen. Duration of frozen depends on the climatic features of the region and weather. If the weather is dry, then the foundation will free on one or two weeks. After that, it is recommended to conclude a platform, put the pavement tiles on it, and pour crushed stone at the edges.

Polycarbonate canopy: sequence of work

Polycarbonate is the most popular material that is used in the construction of canopies for cars. It is not difficult to make such a design on their own design.

The carcass assembly passes in stages:

  • Make a frame made of metal profile and wooden beams. The cross-sectional area should be less than the support columns, as a result of which the load on the frame itself will be reduced.
  • Tie interrupted racks.
  • Attach the transverse beams from above.
  • Collect rafters.
  • Mounted doom.
  • The frame is installed on the platform and is attached to it.

Choose and mount a canopy for the car to the country

And only then you can proceed to the roof assembly. This process requires compliance with a certain sequence of actions:

  • Billets of the desired dimensions are cut from polycarbonate.
  • In the material drill holes for fastening parts. It is important that the diameter of the holes is greater than the diameter of the screws.
  • Polycarbonate sheets are applied to the crate to outline the places of the future connection.
  • Drill holes.
  • Creare sheets with a profile having a n-shaped form. The edges of the panels start at a profile of 20 mm so that the gaps from 3 to 5 mm are formed.
  • The profile is attached to the frame.
  • Close the ends and edges of the panels using aluminum tapes or special linings. They perfectly protect the polycarbonate from dirt, garbage, dust, pests.

Care for a canopy made from polycarbonate is easy. It is enough to regularly clean the dirt with a soft cloth or lip, which is wetted in warm water. Do not use detergents not to damage the surface.

Make a canopy for a vehicle on your own dacha easily. A similar design is perfectly protected by auto from rain and snow, direct sunlight, wind. A canopy is a practical and functional design, without which it is not necessary to do on the household plot.

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