Budget options for greenhouses do it yourself


Greenhouse with his own hands will help get the first harvest of greenery, cucumbers, tomato. It is very convenient to grow radish, seedlings of early cabbage. Using seasonal crops, from early spring and to late autumn, the family will be with fresh vegetables.

Types of greenhouses

Greenhouses do it with their own hands. To get an early harvest of thermal-loving vegetable crops, you need to build a simple design. It will protect the spring plant from cold and frost.

Greenhouse designs

The greenhouse consists of a pit, box and greenhouse frames.

Constructions are:

  • Greenhouses.
  • Greenhouses.
  • Insulated soil.

Greenhouses have their own classification:

  • In-depth monosicate.
  • Double.
  • Arched
  • Tents
  • Wasted, on solar heating.

Budget options for greenhouses do it yourself

For the construction of greenhouses, greenhouses choose a flat or with a small slope. It should be protected from northern and eastern winds buildings, hedge, trees and not shade them.

In early spring, the soil is covered with film shelters before sowing seeds. Special agricultural or synthetic coatings. They will well hold moisture and warmth.

For growing vegetable crops and early seedlings use a single-skate in-depth greenhouse. Kopping is digging in autumn, upward width of 150 cm and 120-125 below. The depth of such a greenhouse will be 60-70 cm. On the perimeter of the pit, the box is installed on which greenhouse frames are placed. Where groundwater is suitable close to the surface, terrestrial greenhouses often use. There are also double greenhouses resembling small greenhouses. Constructions can be heated and without heating.

For heating, it is necessary to pre-bury along the entire length of the metal pipe of the large diameter. One edge of such a pipe is in the greenhouse, heated firewood is made directly from the greenhouse, and the second end of the pipe goes beyond the greenhouse so that the combustion products come out.

For self-heating, use manure use technology. It is better to take Konsky - there is more straw in it. In the cooked wooden box, fall asleep horse manure, filter the ground on top, then pour warm water and leave for several days to heat the greenhouse itself. Next, to dry out plants to seedlings. The greenhouse itself will provide warmth. In the afternoon, energy will come at the expense of the Sun, and at night - due to the manure.

Often gilders near the room from the south side build a wipe greenhouse. For its shelter, greenhouse frames are used, installed at an angle of 45 °. A frame of the frame of the frame is fixed with a belt or metal loops. This will allow you to raise them for venting or work in a greenhouse.

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Preparing for the construction of a greenhouse

Greenhouse does not require a lot of hand to make a lot of money, it is used for its construction.

Tools and materials:

  • Bricks for the foundation of the greenhouse.
  • Frame for a greenhouse (you can use a wire or fittings).
  • Film or synthetic coating.
  • Glass or window openings.
  • Wooden bars or rails.
  • Shovel.

Location on the site

When preparing for the construction of a greenhouse, choose a plot illuminated by the sun. You should choose from trees and buildings so that the greenhouse is well warmed all day.

Budget options for greenhouses do it yourself

Selection of material

  • In the role of a material for a greenhouse with their own hands the film is suitable or agrofibular.
  • You can use boards - knocked down the wooden frames and cover them with a film or glass.
  • If there are old windows with glasses, you can make wooden boxes under their size. The height of this box is from 20 to 50 cm. In service, they are very simple and available. Seeds quickly take the plants strong and hardened.


If a film is used, then a wooden box of rectangular or square shape is knocked down. It is filled with special land for seedlings. Seed seeds and covered with film. In the afternoon, such a greenhouse will warm up the sun. It should not be opened before the appearance of germs, only for watering.

Budget options for greenhouses do it yourself

Any temperature drops are delicious for seeds, plants will rise weak, painful.

  1. On the wooden box to strengthen the wire arcs, fasten the remnant of the hose. Such a greenhouse with watering and convenient to open for ventilation.
  2. Options for designing surfaces above the rectangular frame can be different. You can build a triangular roof from above, strengthen the film from above and put the crops in the greenhouse.
  3. Define height, depending on its preferences.
  4. In addition to the wooden basis, a metal frame is used. Design Select yourself: or arched, or a house. Strengthen it on the land plot.
  5. Next, cover the film and leave for several days to warm the soil.
  6. Place radishes, parsley, put onions on the greens. In such a greenhouse, it is convenient to grow early cucumbers and tomatoes.


Polycarbonate greenhouse more serious construction and in use such a greenhouse is very profitable.

First design and install the frame. Fasten polycarbonate sheets according to the design.

Budget options for greenhouses do it yourself

From early spring and to late autumn, vegetables and greens can be grown. Seeds sown in such greenhouses. No frosts are terrified by plants in polycarbonate greenhouses. Vintage tomato or cucumbers earlier than in ordinary film shelters.

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Using the glass when the greenhouse is facing with their own hands, you need to make a low foundation from the brick.

  1. To do this, you need to dig the pit and build a foundation.
  2. Next - to sow seeds and cover with ordinary glass. The sun rays will warm the ground under glass, this temperature is enough to appear friendly shoots. Remove the glass is required only for watering. To completely remove such a coating only after establishing warm weather, when the threat of frosts on the surface of the soil will take effect.
  3. You can use a wooden box under the size of the glass.
  4. Fill it with earth and cover the sinky seeds.
  5. After replacing in the house of wooden windows on metalplastic, ideas appear for the construction of a glass greenhouse.
  6. It is best to prepare a small pit. Next, depending on the size of the future greenhouse, determine the size of the foundation. On it a wooden greenhouse will stand more reliably than just on Earth.
  7. After building a foundation, install wooden with a glass section, fasten them with self-draws. It turns out a glass greenhouse in human growth. It is convenient to care for plants.
  8. Roof over a greenhouse make a triangular, film covered. It will take a hot day to open the roof, to ventilate a greenhouse.

Budget options for greenhouses do it yourself

Project of Greenhouse

For a more solid design, a project is needed. When laying such a greenhouse, you need to use more building materials. Its size will depend on the site and choose the host. When organizing heating, the greenhouse can be used throughout the winter.

When building such a greenhouse, you will need:

  • Cement.
  • Sand.
  • Armature or wire.
  • Crushed stone.
  • Brick for walls (depending on the project).
  • Glass structures (from wood or metalplastic).
  • Wooden bars.
  • Metal tile.
  • Synthetic insulation.

Budget options for greenhouses do it yourself

Marking of the territory

Such a greenhouse is better to build on the same line with the main buildings on the site so that water is possible. In addition, it is necessary to consider what the heating in this form of the greenhouse will be. Rather, it will not even be a greenhouse, but a whole greenhouse. Because in winter, and in the summer there will be cozy and beautiful. In addition to vegetables and greens, exotic plants, such as lemons, chipstands, grenades, etc. will grow in the greenhouse.

Budget options for greenhouses do it yourself

Depending on the time of year, rationally use the energy of the Sun.

Kotlovan and Fundam

The foundation must be solid and retain a rather solid design.

  1. First you need to prepare wooden shields for filling cement, dig a trench for the foundation.
  2. Install shields and liqueuly positioned wire or fittings.
  3. Strengthen the corners of the larger diameter reinforcement.
  4. Next prepares a cement solution in the calculation of 1: 3, i.e. One part of cement and three pieces of sand. Cement is chosen by m 400 or m 500.To it was a strong foundation, it is better to fill it from autumn. Basic construction work is better to start in the spring.

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Budget options for greenhouses do it yourself

Installation of greenhouses

When installing the greenhouse, follow the instructions:

  1. Laying the foundation.
  2. Erecting walls and angles.
  3. Installing glass sections using mounting foam.
  4. Preparation of materials and markup of the future roof
  5. Installation of the roof.
  6. Roof coating with slate or metal tile.
  7. Ceiling insulation.
  8. Interior designs: wall cover with wooden clapboard, construction of the furnace.
  9. Installing Door

Budget options for greenhouses do it yourself

After filling the foundation, you can start the installation of the greenhouse itself. Optionally, it is performed completely from sections with glass, and you can use a brick. Lower low walls, install and strengthen large windows.

  • Narrow bars are used on the roof. Next, you need to cover with slate or metal tile, but to pre-make the ceiling warming with special fiber.
  • Part of the roof can be made of glass so that more the sun fall into the room of the greenhouse.
  • Install the door.
  • Along the windows to establish wide window sills. They put boxes or pots with plants.
  • On the one hand, such a greenhouse fully post the wall. Along it, install a stove or fireplace.

In order for the heating system well, it is necessary to properly fold the oven and heating pipeline. The walls of the furnace will be made of bricks, thickness 18 - 20 cm. When using coal, the furnace is laid out with refractory bricks. The heating pipe is placed in the middle or on the edges of the greenhouse. He is made of brick or tin. To create a good thrust, the heating pipe is installed at an angle (exceeding 1 m 1 cm) towards the chimney. Near the chimney it should be 1.5 times thinner than near the furnace.

Approximate estimate for the construction of a greenhouse


Stamps 400.

Bag 50 kg200 - 300 rubles.
sandBag 50kg60 - 95 rubles.
crusheden1 ton560 rub.
Armature1 meterFrom 24 rubles.
brick1 PC.From 8 rubles.
Glass structuresDepending on the project
Wooden bars1 meterFrom 50 rubles.
Metal tile1 m2.From 316 rubles.
Heater for ceiling8 plates 0.288 m3From 278 rubles.
a door1 PC.60000 rubles.

During the construction of such a kind of greenhouse-greenhouse, it is necessary to carefully calculate the amount of materials used.

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