Private house design


Private house design

Before building a house or give your own hands, you need to think about the design, the conversation about which remains relevant from the start of construction and to the last strokes - the choice of furniture, eaves and curtains.

The current definition of design in the construction industry implies not only good, high-quality, competent finish and volume - planning solution, but also practicality, reliability, durability and comfort. The house itself without design is a simple gray box, and it is precisely with the help of designer solutions it can be "refined", give it a form, color, comfort and practicality in operation.

Therefore, the design of a private house is not only a decision on which paint paint a house and which stucco to improve, but also a lot of concepts about color (color combinations and solutions), proportions for these most architectural and sculptural elements, styles and various combinations and ratios . It makes the design with your own hands

Very volumetric. The house design consists of several of his branches, which depend on each other. Consider them in detail.

Types of design at home

• external house design;

• internal house design;

• Landscape (subsidence) House design.

Exterior design

The exterior design of the house is also called the design of the facade, the design of the exterior. This type of design has a feature that he not only needs to look beautiful, but also to harmonize with the environment, therefore, it is necessary to consider when it is developed and the design of the household plot, including how it will be harmonized with a fence, a gate, gate , landscape architectural forms (fountains, waterfalls, arbors, lavami, etc.).

In addition, the design of the house depends on architectural styles that are used in their design.

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For those who do not know what architectural styles are, I will briefly tell you: here you pass by houses, there are stucco, arched or rectangular windows, their framing, of different column shapes, with different plaster stucco. This is called architectural style. To date, there are 15 major:

• dynamic architectural style (founded from the beginning of 21B);

• Deconstructivism - architectural style (since the 80s);

• High-tech (since the 1970s);

• post-modernism (mid-20th century);

• constructivism (1920s);

• modernism (1900);

• Modern (1980);

• Electric (1830);

• classicism (mid-18th c);

• Rococo (beginning of the 18th c);

• Baroque (con. 16th c);

• Revival (beginning 15th);

• Gothic (12 V);

• Romanesque style (10V);

• Antiquity (8V d. N. E.).

From any of the above architectural style, they take different forms of roofing, window openings, doors, framing, shapes of columns, capitals, banking, eaves, etc. In general, the topic is very extensive and requires serious knowledge in the field of architecture.

Inner design

The inner design of the house is also referred to as the interior design of the house, has its own characteristics, and specifically, it depends on the type of room, the aesthetic preferences of living in it, the number of living, their needs, taking into account not only the household, but also the professional needs of living. The house design inside, as you already guessed, focuses on comfort and convenience of living in the first place.

In addition, the internal finish of the house is an important element, in the interior design an integral part of it also has furniture and fabric / textile elements, pictures, souvenirs, etc. These all elements are selected with the calculation to harmonize with the finish. So, the interior can be performed in different styles. Types of styles:

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• high tech;

• minimalism;

• Art Deco;

• Modern;

• classicism;

• Kitch.

High-tech is designed for high functionality, it combines strict forms of modern household appliances with functional furniture of the modern sample, modern materials for finishing and strict color solutions are used, contrast is often present.

Private house design

Minimalism is the less troubled design style, as it has a minimum of furniture and things, so the room becomes spacious and not lit. Also, the decor at the same room in the room contains a minimum or not at all.

Art Deco has its own horse in which there is a lightness of forms and grace in general. Some decor is used, often paintings, various wooden things, especially the tree has a pink color, the finish itself is made in light color solutions.

Modern is the most original type of design. It all depends on the person himself, the design occurs on its individual characteristics, its favorite things, colors and lines are easy, smooth. There is no features in decorating.

Classicism is a style that expresses the solidity of the owner. Having antiquity, classicism can contain a very weighty decor, a different framework with paintings, elements of architecture, including stucco, gilding, and other expensive materials and elements.

Kitch is a mix of two or more styles, it does not contain any rigorous decorative comprehensive solutions, it manifests itself in two extremes, it is either many frills with decorations from different styles creating the impression of litters, or on the contrary, emptiness, at least.

Landscape design

Landscape design has the main task: landscaping of the household site. The design of the country house does not work out without landscape design, as it is said above that there is a relationship between the appearance of the house and the surrounding household territory.

So, in landscape design, in addition to fences, gates, parisades, benches and arbors, there is a choice of green plantings. There is also the concepts of color solutions and proportions that should also be observed.

As in all other types of design, there are also branching, which carry their own characteristics into appearance in general and separately, each landscape element. There are the main directions of this type of design:

• East;

• landscape;

• Classic.

Oriental style, respectively carries eastern philosophy, which expresses the relationship of man with nature. In the east, there are special attention to the presence of stones in landscape design, as they transmit some philosophical meaning with the help of them.

Private house design

The combination of plants, stones and water, artificial water bodies and waterfalls is signs of oriental style landscape design.

Landscape style eliminates the presence of wide well-groomed lawns. Everything in it comes down to a natural natural environment, that is, a large number of thick-sided different plants here takes place.

The tracks in it are extracts, winding, architectural forms like fountains, ruins of old structures, etc. It is practically no contained. Only natural thickets, of course, there are decorative cultural breeds.

Classic style is often common on account with the east due to its high level of decorative.

Various architectural landscaps are used, a lot of space is allocated under the lawns, there are different combinations of flower beds with plants, shrubs, hollows from shrubs, trees, etc., etc. Apply tracks from various materials and forms. Decorative elements can be densely located.

And what design do you prefer? Write about it in the comments. In addition, be sure to visit the heading for the design and design forum.

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