Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom


Street repair in the bedroom, it is worth thinking to think about the design of this room. It is very important that it was comfortable in it so that you can relax fully. To do this, it is necessary to thoughtfully approach the choice of finishing materials, to study what properties they have, as well as their influence on a person.

Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

Wallpaper with a frequently repeated pattern in the bedroom

Wallpaper in the interior of your bedroom will play a decisive role, in this article we will stop on them. Among the variety of types of wallpapers, paper has always been attracted to their eco-friendly and simplicity, whether we want it for our bedroom.

Let's consider the main types of paper wallpapers that the construction market of the Russian Federation is now offers.


Traditionally, paper wallpaper are divided into the following groups:
  • Simplex - single-layer, simplest and cheap;
  • Duplex - two-layer, stronger and practical;
  • washable - usually simplex, but coated with a special water repellent composition;
  • Foam - simplex covered with acrylic foam, creating the texture of the canvas.

For your bedroom, we can choose any of these species, but each of them has its advantages and cons.


Single-layer wallpapers are the simplest and cheap, they have a smooth surface to which the drawing is applied. This is the oldest type of paper wallpapers sold in modern stores. However, since that time, the process of their production was significantly improved.

Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

Simplex wallpapers are very complex in sticking

Use single-layer wallpaper for pasting bedrooms is undoubtedly possible, but it is worth expecting some difficulties in work.

Problems arise if the woven canvas swells from glue, since it is very thin, the edges can stretch and even rush, and therefore, there will be no beautiful junctions.

Single-layer wallpaper are short-lived, they burn out of sunlight and quickly lose their presentable appearance. However, with such a cost, they can be transferred at least every year.


Duplex or two-layer paper wallpapers - more modern and high-quality new finishing material. It creates from several layers of paper, tightly glued together and embossed in a special press. As a result, it turns out a relief cloth, which complements the visual series of the drawing.

Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

The texture of duplex wallpapers from Ukraine

Of all paper wallpapers, this species is optimally suitable for the bedroom. We did such a conclusion, collecting together all the advantages of wallpaper type duplex.

  • A large number of manufacturers, and, as a result, a decent range. What color and embossed there are no colors!
  • Good strength characteristics, allowing to simplify the process of sticking and extend the shelf life of the wallpaper canvas. In addition, wallpapers will be fused for a very long time, for them the sun's color is not so terrible.
  • Moisture resistance of duplex mediocre, but still they are recommended from time to time to wipe with a damp cloth.

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For the bedroom, large pollution is notepins, so this type of wallpaper will perfectly fit into the interior of this room.


Paper Wallpaper Washing type are produced mainly for the kitchen. It is the kitchen color from the world's majority of cauldons. Therefore, for the bedroom, you will most likely not find a decent option.

Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

Washable paper wallpaper always differed in saturated patterns

Otherwise, the washable wallpaper is strongly reminiscent of the simplex, since it is also frankly bad when sticking and not ready for long-term use. Although this type of wallpaper does not absorb smells and is not afraid of water, for the bedroom, these qualities are indifferent to us.


Foam editions have a rather chic look, despite their low cost. They are made from paper and acrylic. A layer of acrylic is applied to the paper substrate, which at a certain temperature foams and is crowned on the press. Thus, it turns out a wobbly canvas with a pronounced texture, similar to Vinyl.

There are not so many colors from these wallpapers, but those that are are good enough to make anyone able to choose the desired option.

Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

Foamed texture looks impressive

For the bedroom, such wallpapers, of course, are suitable. Let them poorly tolerate moisture, and the foamed surface is very fragile, for the bedroom these factors are minor. But the appearance of the walls, which were saved by such canvases, is very elegant, even even gorgeous.

As we can see, the paper wallpapers of different types of properties differ, but there are also the general characteristics inherent in this type of finishing material.


It is very important for us to know what to expect from paper wallpapers piled in the bedroom, so we will consider in detail the features of the material with which we are dealing with.


All paper wallpapers are difficult to compare with analogues from other materials. There are no big difference, you choose the product of domestic production or use wallpaper from imported manufacturers, the cost of rolls is low.


Paper wallpaper 100% eco-friendly and secure. With their manufacture, only natural ingredients are applied, all raw materials, dyes, adhesives have natural origins.

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Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

With directional light paper wallpaper neither glare

Features of the Russian mentality do not allow to end this dignity, but in other countries, such as the US or Germany, this quality of building materials attaches paramount importance.

Using the bedroom environmentally friendly wallpaper, you will protect yourself and your relatives from various chemical discharges that are inherent in some types of finish materials.

Air permeability

This is advantageous or not, you decide for yourself, but it is relifically known that the paper passes air. Thus, salaling the walls of the bedroom paper, you leave the opportunity for air circulation.

Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

Flower Theme has always been popular in bedroom interiors

It is believed that similar ventilation of the walls allows you to get rid of excessive dampness for wallpaper, and how we know, dampness leads to fungus and mold.


Paper wallpaper allows you to achieve some sound insulation indoors. Especially in this, the duplex type wallpaper, since they have the most dense and thick structure. However, other paper wallpapers help soundly insulated the room.

Negative moments, of course, are also present.

  1. The short-life of the wallpaper canvas, the property of most types of paper wallpaper.
  2. Difficulty when sticking and disassembly.
  3. Bad water resistance that we are not so important to us in the bedroom.
  4. Some limitations in size, paper wallpapers are released exclusively in a small standard 0, 53m.

Perhaps these are the main characteristics of the material that is interesting for us. Next, we would like to know what paper wallpapers are present in the Russian market, from which we have options for our bedroom.

Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

Delicate Wallpaper with Floral Inclosures


Paper wallpapers are included in the assortment of any self-respecting store. This is a popular and cheap product that is produced both domestic and imported wallpaper factories. Manufacturers of paper wallpapers are in every big country, we will start a review from the Russian Federation.


If you want to choose for a bedroom wallpaper of the domestic manufacturer, it is worth looking at the products of the Moscow wobbie factory. Duplex production of this company is manufactured on European equipment and complies with world quality standards. Coloring a large amount, in collections there are wallpaper pairs, allowing combining the coloring of the canvas, which is very convenient.

If you want to use foam either, pay attention to Saratov wallpaper. Products of this company are characterized by decent quality and low cost. Once one of the largest factories of the USSR, and at present the modern factory of Russia, produces a solid finishing material.

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Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

Not bad color combination in the bedroom interior


Ukrainian wallpapers are distinguished by European quality and inexpensive price. Large factory Slavic wallpaper offers a wide range of all types of paper products. Enjoy the well-deserved duplex and foam bouquets from this manufacturer.


Traditionally, high-quality paper wallpapers offer us Germany. Leading producers of the company's duplex: AS CREATION, RASCH. German paper is distinguished by very strong texture. Monophonic colors, which are necessarily present in the collections of these factories are very popular.

In addition, German wallpapers practically do not fade, such an effect is achieved by using special coloring compositions, which, of course, hold on to the strictest secrecy. All that we know about them that they are natural.


In America, there has been a cult of ecology in America, so a huge number of plants of this country are produced by paper products. Before us, wallpaper from such brands like York, Aura, WallQuest, Prospero, Seabrook is most often. Compared to our and European wallpaper, these options are more expensive, because the path to us is long.

Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

Americans love paper wallpaper and non-standard interior


This Scandinavian country, like the United States, is very scrupulous in environmental issues. Therefore, the wallpaper from the Swedish masters is made as high quality. Some factories in this country have not yet moved away from manual wallpaper production, because they believe that this is how the highest degree of quality is achieved.

As you can see, paper wallpapers have a whole list of manufacturers, there is plenty to choose from.

On the color range of wallpapers for the bedroom, we will not stop, because each person has their own preferences. Someone is better having fun in the bright room, someone in the dark, someone loves the English stripes, and someone like the monogram. However, do not forget about the classic design rules that allow you to expand, narrow, visually increase the space.

Features of the choice of paper wallpapers for the bedroom

Extremely pretty baby bedroom

Select for bedroom paper wallpaper definitely bold step. Overcoming some difficulties in sticking, you will get an excellent result that will delight you for a long time. Walking you can do both yourself and invite masters, here also at your discretion.

Eco-friendly paper wallpaper will cover the walls of your home as much as you want, and after they can be easily replaced.

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