How to make noise insulation of walls in the apartment?


Permanent noise is not just an external stimulus, but a real interference, seriously affecting the quality of life and human health. The house is exactly the place where we come to relax, so it is worth doing everything possible to ensure the high quality of such a holiday. If there is such a need to be carried out and noise insulation of walls in the apartment, especially since a lot of modern materials are presented in construction stores that guarantee excellent results.

Types and sources of noise

For measuring the intensity of sounds, special units of measurement are used - decibels. Accordingly, there are certain norms that are recognized as optimal meaning of the intensity of sound, allowing a person to feel comfortable.

I will give an example of this level of noise - this is a quiet conversation of two adults - 45 decibels. At night, this rate decreases, so the apartment can be filled with sound sounds up to twenty five decibels. Naturally, there are places where noise levels significantly exceeds the established norms, for example, on various heavy industries, it can fluctuate at the level of eighty five decibels, but still in this mode, an employee of the enterprise operates no more than eight hours a day.

How to make noise insulation of walls in the apartment?

Presence in premises with a higher noise level involves the use of special protection tools. Unbearable noise level, after which a person begins to experience unpleasant skin sensations.

When your apartment ceases to be a reliable protection from the noise level created by the neighbors, it makes it makes noise insulation of the walls, gender and ceiling. Before starting the choice of material and noise insulation will be mounted, I recommend spending a thorough analysis of the noise level.

This will allow you to choose the most optimal solution in which the apartment will be reliably protected from foreign sounds.

It is customary to allocate several types of sounds. The first is air, and it belongs to the conversation, cry and other sounds that can be transferred by the air in the way, even if the wall is on the spread of the sound wave. This type of sounds penetrates the house through numerous slots, windows and doors.

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How to make noise insulation of walls in the apartment?

The second type is a shock, it is exactly the type that Lyuto hate absolutely all residents of multi-storey houses. It includes the sounds of the working perforator, drill or any other tool processing the wall. It is the wall and is the main transmitter of this type of noise in the apartment.

The third type of noise is structural transmitted from vibrations. In essence, it differs little from the previous one, as it is also transmitted through walls and overlaps. The key to the calm life and the lack of such noise is high-quality noise insulation.

Preparation for sound insulation

If you finally decided to provide high-quality sound insulation in your apartment, then start with a thorough inspection of the walls. I guarantee you that under the layer of wallpaper and numerous plaster you will definitely find a lot of interesting things, for example, a huge hole, poorly sealed seams or through sockets - ideal sources of penetration of foreign sounds. Sometimes high-quality noise insulation requires only eliminating these moments.

How to make noise insulation of walls in the apartment?

In the event that the main reason for the penetration of extraneous noise is the socket - it can always be transferred to another place, the starring of the old hole by mounting foam. In addition, it is not necessary to enjoy housing with sound insulation if all the windows and doors in it are old and breaking.

It is best to make them a replacement using noise-insulating double-glazed windows and metal doors tightly adjacent to the box.

Often such measures enough so that the apartment acquires the desired level of protection against outsiders, but if there are no positive results such procedures, it is possible to start choosing materials for noise insulation.

Material for sound insulation

Perhaps the most widespread material for noise insulation is a combination of noise insulating fibers and drywall. The frame is mounted, the frame is mounted, the distance to the wall in which is filled with cellulose, eco-hand or mineral wool. The feature of the use of this material is the need to lay it as close as possible so that noise insulation is as efficient as possible.

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After the noise insulating material is laid the wall is covered with plasterboard and putty, with which all seams are closed. According to the result, your apartment receives perfectly smooth walls, which can then be sealed or painted. This method "eats" part of the inner space of the room, because the wall thickens on the thickness of the material used, but is very effective.

How to make noise insulation of walls in the apartment?

In addition to the design of drywall, noise insulation can be created from a cork cover made from cortex cortex. Such a finish will only protect your apartment from noise, but will become her decoration.

I recommend paying attention to another material with which your apartment will be the abode of silence and tranquility - noise insulating panels that can be attached directly to the wall with a further room on them of drywall and finishing finish. The joints in such panels are sealed.

Perhaps the biggest novelty of the noise insulation market is thin, but very dense material: membranes that do not pass sound. They are completely safe for human health, because they are made from aragonitis - natural mineral. This material is very effective, as it can be bent under the desired angle.

How to make noise insulation of walls in the apartment?

A huge plus membranes is an opportunity to combine them with other popular materials from which noise isolation is created, thus you can achieve maximum efficiency. Another positive side of such a material is the ability to save residential space, because the wall is covered with a layer of membranes, the thickness of which is only three and a half centimeters.

At the same time, such a small thickness ensures that the apartment will be protected from noise one hundred percent. I am confident that any forum dedicated to construction and repair work is overflowing with a laudatory reviews of this material, so pay attention to it when choosing noise insulation.

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Order of work

I want to consider in more detail the work of the classic scheme for mounting noise insulation with a frame. Before direct insulation, the wall should be cleaned and thoroughly verified for the presence of slots and holes. When the lack of integrity of the surfaces, it is necessary to smell them with conventional cement mortar.

How to make noise insulation of walls in the apartment?

After that, you can start mounted the framework, which is necessary in order that the insulation was distributed in the whole room as evenly possible. Profile should not be fixed directly to the wall, it is better to make an indent to two centimeters. So that the insulation obtained is the most efficient, it is necessary to put the rubber or cork pads under the profile.

After assembling the frame, it is necessary to carry out a procedure for booking a sound-drive material. The next step, during which the wall is formed, will be screwing to the profile with the help of silicon sheet screws, and the calculation of all newly formed seams. After that, the wall can be painted, saves wallpaper or decorated with decorative plaster. Your apartment will remain under reliable protection against outsiders.

Video "Installation of frameless noise insulation in the apartment"

Demonstration of the installation of sound insulation cardboard without the use of the frame by gluing it to special tape.

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