Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?


The junior school student has to sit much not only in the lessons, but also at home. Therefore, many parents try to equip their child's work area as comfortable as possible and safe for his health. Sometimes they acquire a computer or writing desk. But, perhaps, a special page is a safer baby health solution?

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Why is a special desk better?

The stereotype is common that the parties are a school attribute. And at home you can do lessons on any flat surface. But it is not so. An uncomfortable posture, eye tension - lead to the fact that the child is quickly tired, loses its concentration, and, therefore, performs tasks worse, which affects overall performance.

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Also, a special party zonizes the room . The child begins to distinguish between - where he sleeps where he plays, and where it is necessary to focus and work out. This is the moment of discipline. The child will be easier to mobilize and develop responsibility.

What to pay attention to when buying?

Children's desks are different. Usually, they are designed for age for 6-10 years. Distinguish the following types of part:

  • single, or for two children;
  • with the ability to adjust the height, or without it;
  • With constant or adjustable tilt tabletop.

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Experts believe that the choice is better to stop on an individual regulated desk. Even if children are two, each of them needs its own space on which his personal order (or confusion) will be.

In addition, it is worth purchasing an adjustable model. Children grow very rapidly and this option will allow you to adapt the desk to growth changes.

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Important! An uncomfortable party can lead to the fact that the child will refuse her to sit and will try faster from tasks faster.

It is worth a preference to light, calm shades . On the table top of the wood texture or its imitation. From the glossy surface it is better to refuse - the glare quickly tumve vision. Brighter colors can be used when choosing a chair. The material is better to choose an eco-friendly - MDF, LDSP. The frame should be made of metal. The countertop must be with rounded corners - it will save the child from injuries.

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Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

It is important to check the stability of the parties so that it does not walk. Perhaps you will need to use soft rubber overlays on the legs (if the floor in the apartment is uneven).

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

In addition to the frame and countertops, the home desk can be supplemented with drawers. They are convenient to store the office, notebook. The child is convenient when everything you need is near. "Boeful" around the room distracts from study. It is important to ensure that all fittings and fastenings are high-quality.

Tip! Better to buy the desk with the child. Then she will accurately be comfortable and pleasant to him.

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

According to research, the best manufacturers of school furniture are:

  • Cubby;
  • Fun Desk;
  • Kid-fix.

In 2019, the cost of a party for a younger student varies from 1500 to 40000 rubles . Before buying it is worth assessing the model "on all sides", given the growth, age and habit of the child. It is also important that the table fit into the interior of the room.

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Where to put the party

It is best to highlight a zone for classes near the window . Natural light is less tired of vision, and in general - more pleasant. For the right hand, the light should fall on the left side for left-handed - with the right. This is a simple rule, but it should be observed that the child does not block the light with his own hand.

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Your own party will motivate the child to perform lessons and follow the order on the working surface.

How to choose and organize a written desk of a child (1 video)

Parta Schoolboy for home (9 photos)

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

Caring for Health and Study: How to choose a schoolchild's desk for home?

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