Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade


Not only the appearance of the apartment building and the office of the company depends on the state of the facade. In the destruction of the protective layer and the formation of cracks, moisture begins to leak into the structure. Black spots fungus appear in the corners. More energy is spent on heating. The noise from the street is stronger. Repair of the facade returns comfort to the apartment and office. The building acquires an attractive look. The protective finishing layer is restored, and the life of the house will last for several years.

Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade

Repair of the facade of the house

Timely repair and facade finish prolongs life to life and creates comfort in the house

Cosmetic repair of facades must be carried out regularly, about once every five years. At the same time, only finishing at home is replaced, fine thin cracks are closed. The walls are covered with decorative and simultaneously protective facing. Regular prophylactic work will help to avoid highly high costs for the reconstruction of the framework of the building during major repairs.

Finding into a small crack, water is expanding it during freezing, destroying the material. The next drop will penetrate deeper. The wind blows particles of finishing and binding material. The breakdown drain does not remove the water and wet the foundation, sends a portion of the base. The house begins to coat, cool and get out more. In this case, only overhaul can restore the building.

Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade

Replacement of drain

Repair of facades of buildings and apartment buildings in the city make special brigades that have lifts or climbing equipment. A private house can be put in order with your own hands.

The sequence of work is the same:

  1. Inspection of the entire facade, determining the degree of destruction and volume of future repair.
  2. Stripping of all cracks, moisture stains, salt spectacles and places where the finish is sat down.
  3. Eliminating the causes of wetting and salt formation, processing stripped places.
  4. Cleaning from dirt, dust, applied to the walls of primer or protective composition.
  5. Facade finish.

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When large cracks are found, overhaul is required.

Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade

Fish on the facade

Cosmetic repair of plastered facade

Brick masonry and plaster More other types of finishes suffer from rain and frost destruction. Such buildings require regular repairs of the facade. These are mainly apartment buildings built in the second half of the last century.

I am constantly engaged in repair work. I start with cleaning plaster from dirt. At the same time, climb the entire surface in search of hidden emptiness. It can be cracks and detachable finishes. Salt awesome is noticeably immediately, it is highlighted by whiten stains. All defects closely close. In places of accumulation of moisture and salt, the walls examined inside. Perhaps, on old pipes, pores or dew are formed, due to impaired heat insulation.

Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade

Facade shuttering

I continue after fixing breakdowns:

  • I cleaned all empties and detachments;
  • Solveviki choose to the entire depth and processing the place of their formation by a special composition;
  • I first close the cracks and deep dents, we use the reinforced mesh of fiberglass;
  • Cover the layer of plaster with a wall, I completely intervene the grid vertically with the allen;
  • In the corners I establish a profile to strengthen them;
  • Introduce my pure layer;
  • After drying, cover with decorative acrylic putty or paint.

The walls trimmed by plaster are less destroyed. The seams absorb moisture and fall out. It is necessary to check and catch out at the beginning of the repair.

Wall insulation work

Brick absorbs moisture and does not keep warm, especially silicate. Repair of the facade of an apartment building often includes insulation. For the right choice of materials and type of installation, it is necessary to make a project for the reconstruction of the facade and the technical task for builders. This is engaged in architects. The procedure for work remains the same, only after processing and aligning the walls on the facade, the insulation is mounted.

Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade

Warm house insulation with polystyrene foam

For dense adjacent, thermopanels need a smooth surface. All cracks and potholes close. Then the flatness is examined using the ruler. Deviation up to 2 mm. The angular level is checked the vertical position of the wall. When the slope will die water, and icicles are formed. To improve adhesion, the facade is covered with primer.

Plates are glued to the surface of the wall with special glue. It is bought in the store ready. It is selected based on their materials that will glue. The insulation from basalt and stone wool is additionally fixed by umbrella dowels. Minvata lays between wooden planks and is covered with fiber or film. Waterproofing is done. It will turn the moisture to be flushed out of the wall outward. Then the plaster with the grid for strength and finishing. The repair of the facade should be carried out in dry weather, preferably in the summer.

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Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade

Wall insulation work

Survey and overhaul of the building building

The signal for urgent overhaul is the formation of cracks from the foundation to the roof and horizontal in the places of overlaps between the floors. This means that the house gives shrinkage and throws. Repair of the facade of the house should be started with a detailed examination that needs to be performed in one of the specialized firms with a license to carry out these works. The reasons for the formation of cracks are eliminated before the start of the facade works.

Basically, the skew of the house design causes soil sewage in a small area. It can trigger groundwater, broken drain, impairment of waterproofing foundation, simple negligence and water leakage from water supply or sewage. An inspection of an apartment building is carried out not only outside, but also inside.

Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade


A technical task is drawn up to eliminate the reasons that caused the destruction of the house and conduct a major overhaul. The foundation is strengthened, the waste gutter is repaired. After that, cracks are seed and embarrassed. The use of the grid is required. All work should be made by specialized organizations on the project of reconstruction and repair of the facade.

Attention! In major cities, historical places and for old buildings, it is necessary to arrange a colorable passport on the facade. It is impossible to change the color and decor to change the color and decor.

Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade

Overhaul of the house

Wet and ventilated facade

Insulated facades are inspected, and a list of defects is compiled. It may be corrosion of methockrofil, destruction from moisture insulation or siding panels. Rodents like foamflast. Mineral wool rotates when moisture getting. Then all damaged materials are removed, defects are cleaned. Replacing insulation and new facing.

Finishing plates protect the outer walls from wind exposure, rain and fencing from frost. Therefore, insulated facades are enough to carry out cosmetic repairs every five years. Facing from natural and artificial stone is preferably covered with a protective composition every three years. On the seams between clinker and porcelain tiles to apply a waterproofing coating. Then the overhaul will need a facade of years after 50 or later.

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Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade

Waterproofing for seams between tiles

Repair of the facade of the private house do it yourself

The advantage of a private house in a small height. For repair work, no special lifting equipment is not necessary. It is enough to make forests or put a sliding staircase. Caring and the integrity of the house. It is necessary to regularly examine the house from the outer and inner side for the formation of cracks, stains of dampness and salt.

Warming and finishing should be done immediately after the installation of walls and roofs is completed. Then the house will have a long time and will be cozy. The order of repair is the same as an apartment building. The facade is cleaned, the surface is aligned and decorative decoration is made. All work is carried out at a plus temperature.

Capital or cosmetic repair of the facade

Repair work is over

Before finishing the structure, it is necessary to make calculation on vapor permeability of materials. It should increase from the inside of the wall to the external. Then the moisture that fell into the masonry will be outdoor. The bearing capacity of the foundation should be sufficient to withstand the additional weight of the insulation and cladding. In case of doubt, use lightweight materials: foam plastic, mineral wool, acrylic and vinyl siding on a wooden bar.

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