Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children


To make the child easier to learn school material, there are visual benefits. And to learn to think "universal scale", the universe should be placed on his desk. And this is a great opportunity to show your creative abilities and together with the child to make a layout of the solar system with your own hands.

The joint work of parents and children is always beneficial for friendly and confidential relations between them. And in this case, has a cognitive goal, which will expand the horizons not only a child, but also an adult. Our solar system includes the sun and nine planets with their companions.

This is Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptun, Pluto. They have different sizes, colors and at different distance from the sun. This must be considered when making the layout of the solar system.

In the layout we simulate only the planets, but if you wish, you can designate their satellites. To comply with the dimensions of the planets in relation to each other, you can focus on the photo:

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Infinite universe crafts

So how to make a layout of the solar system for children with minimal cost? There are several ways.

The most primitive model of the solar system can be made of plasticine or salt dough, painted in the desired colors. It is suitable for the smallest kids.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

This model will give the child an idea that all planets rotate around the sun, about their quantity.

  • Slopim orange sun;
  • Brown-orange Mercury;
  • In the same color, I sculpt the Venus;
  • Blue and green will be the earth;
  • Black and Red Mars;
  • Brown will be Jupiter;
  • Saturn Slopim with rings;
  • Uranium will be from blue + gray mass;
  • Neptune sculpt from blue;
  • Gray Pluto.

We ride all the "planets" on the wooden skewers and attach to the "Sun.". For greater clarity, ships can be made of different lengths. Ready.

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Plasticine layout can be made on the plane:

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

As a gift, a small schoolboy can make a layout of a solar system from papier-mache.

Paper-Masha (translated from French - "chewing paper") - plastic mass made on the basis of paper, with the addition of binders and adhesive substances (starch, gypsum, glue).

Paper layout is the easiest and most affordable. In its manufacture, a detailed master class with a photo will help.

Materials for work:

  • newspaper;
  • Gray toilet paper;
  • stationery glue;
  • plywood sheet;
  • Colored gouache paints;
  • quick-drying blue paint;
  • Some silver beads.

We make a lump from the newspaper moistened in the water.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Watch it to the toilet paper and roll this lump in a bun. Lubricate the paper bun with glue, evenly distributing it on the surface.

Leave balls to dry at room temperature or on the battery.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

While the details on the dryer, prepare the basis of the layout: drink the circle of the desired size from the plywood, taking into account the magnitude of the prepared planets. Praying his blue paint.

Moting stars make from the bead of silver color, evenly distributing it on a circle, according to the picture of the starry sky.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Dried bunks paint, imitating the color of the planets.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Saturn Rings will produce silver paper.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Be sure to accurately position the planets towards the Sun.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

We screw in the bottom of the plywood screws, according to the location of the planets.

From above, they screw our "planets" on them.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Our solar system layout is ready.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

In the process of manufacture, you can tell the child about the device of the solar system, about the planets and about everything that it will be interesting. And such a gift will acquire special importance for him.

The wonderful idea of ​​creating a plan of the solar system as an element of the interior of a children's room.

First, we make a part of the ceiling as a starry sky.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Planets make from papier-mache by description above.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Coloring them with acrylic paints. Specite use glossy.

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Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Sun pay a little more attention. Color and make rays from a strip of artificial fur.

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Freshing to the "planets" of the fishing line and fasten the clips or stapler to the ceiling, observing the order of their location from the "Sun".

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Simple memorines

Sometimes children are difficult to memorize the names of the objects with which they do not occur often in ordinary life. To facilitate memorization, adults come up with special poems, in which the first letter of the word coincides with the first letter of the name of the subject to remember. Such poems are called mnemonic.

Probably, many in childhood learned the names and the order of the colors of the rainbow on the phrase "every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits."

To memorize the names and order of the planets of the solar system, children's poems and funny phrases are also invented. You can learn with the child the poem Arkady Hight:

  • In order, all planets will call any of us: Mercury, two - Venus, three - Earth,

Four - Mars, five - Jupiter, Six - Saturn, seven - Uranus, behind him - Neptune.

Another famous funnemic phrase for older schoolchildren:

  • We all know - Mom Yuli sat in the morning on the pills.

Or another poem:

  • I lived on the moon,

He planets led to account.

Mercury - Once, Venus - Two-C, Three - Earth, Four - Mars, Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn, seven - uranium, eight - Neptune.

During the manufacture of layout, the child will gladly learn the names of the planets with the help of merry poems.

More options for layouts can be viewed in the photo:

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

Layout of the Solar System with her hands from paper for children

As you can see, make such crafts are not at all difficult. It is enough to know how to make balls from different materials and be able to fantasize. And the benefits and pleasure will receive all the participants of this cognitive process.

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