Wenge color doors in the interior: a combination with wallpaper and floor


There is an erroneous view that the choice of interior door is a fairly easy task, which can be solved quite quickly. In fact, the process of choice is often tightened for a long period. This is due to the fact that a good interroom door must combine such functions as versatility and attractiveness.

Wenge color doors in the interior: a combination with wallpaper and floor

Choose the door of color wenge

Among other things, it should provide a harmonious combination with a common interior of apartments and related premises in particular. One of the most relevant options are the doors of Wenge in the interior. As you can see in the photo, they are perfectly harmonized with most of the modern materials, due to the fact that Wenge is quite neutral. At the same time, the shades of Wenge can not be called inexpressive or faded.

Wenge color doors in the interior: a combination with wallpaper and floor

Beautiful door

Doors interior colors wenge in the interior of the apartment

  • If you decide to install in your apartment interior elements of any of the shades of Wenge, it is worth remembering that it is presented in the modern market four different shades: dark chocolate, dark burgundy, black coffee and dark brown.
  • According to professional designers, the use of decor elements with any of these shades, practically does not allow combinations with wood texture, the structure of which is different from Wenge. Otherwise, the visual effect of use in the design of an apartment Wenge will simply disappear. Specialists also note that any bright shades are ideal for the doors of the above shades.

Wenge color doors in the interior: a combination with wallpaper and floor

  • When choosing wallpaper, in this situation, you should pay special attention to vinyl and silk wallpapers, the shade of which will vary from the milk to beige. Some variants of the combination of shades can be seen in the photo below.
  • Contrast shades (light green, blue, pink and other) are allowed, but they should be very attentive. As for those who prefer to issue walls in sufficiently dark colors, they should pay attention to the additional elements of the design, made in bright colors, as well as the maximum light floor covering, which will allow preventing gloomy in the design of the apartment.
  • Having installed the door of Wenge which sex is better to do? Outdoor coating may be darker than wallpapers on the walls, but, at the same time, significantly lighter interior doors.

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Wenge color doors in the interior: a combination with wallpaper and floor

Features of Color Wenge

His name Henge takes from the tree of the same name, whose wood is considered one of the highest quality and expensive in the world. It can withstand heavy loads, while maintaining its original look. Given the high-cost of this variety of wood, most of the interior elements of the shade of Wenge, which are presented in the modern market, are imitation that combines external features of Wenge and quite budget value.

Wenge color doors in the interior: a combination with wallpaper and floor

The most popular shade for interior doors is customary to be black coffee. This is due to the fact that it is this shade that is capable of providing the necessary contrast, style and modern design. Among other things, even the imitation of this shade will look very expensive and unique.

It should also be noted that the designers are recommended to acquire and install interroom elements of the shades of Wenge only when the decoration of the floor and walls is already completed.

Wenge color doors in the interior: a combination with wallpaper and floor

Combine wenge with other colors in the interior

Interior elements of any of the shades of Henge will become an ideal option for those houses and apartments, the basis of the design of which is the contrast of color shades. It is worth only to imagine how the doors of any of the shades of Wenge will be bright surrounded by the most light sex and walls.

As for the question of what needs to be done to "revive" the interior, to answer it is quite simple. In the role of peculiar "surviters" any accessories that have the brightest tones and shades can perform. Among other things, the wenge is perfectly combined with mirror and glass elements, as shown in the photo.

Wenge color doors in the interior: a combination with wallpaper and floor

Among the color shades that will ensure good contrast and at the same time will be harmoniously combined with a dark burgundy or chocolate wenge, you can highlight pistachio, orange, orange, warm red and green colors.

Worships of cooler shades of Henge are recommended to pay attention to blue, raspberry, gray and lilac shades of accessories. As for pink, blue and turquoise shades for accessories and design elements, they will be able to refresh the interior and will be perfectly combined with any of the shades, whether the door is light wenge, or on the contrary, black coffee.

How to choose the door of the color of the wenge

Before you purchase interior doors of any of the shades of Wenge, it is necessary to carefully think about what visual effect you plan to achieve, as well as with which color of the floor they will be combined. The fact is that the modern market presents a fairly wide range of such doors. Many of them have inserts from glass or mirrors, which means the visual effect that you will receive after their installation will be completely different than if you put the deaf interior elements.

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Wenge color doors in the interior: a combination with wallpaper and floor

To date, one of the most popular and popular combinations in the design of the apartment is a combination of laminated doors having one of the shades of the wenge and the laminated flooring, the shade of which is a little lighter. As for wallpaper or plaster, light, and sometimes milk-white shades prevail here.

Among other things, the doors of Oak Wenge perfectly complement products from wood, which, contrary to all expectations and prohibitions, not only will not "interfere with the door of the shade of Wenge, but even on the contrary, their nobility and elegance will emphasize. If you still doubt the correctness of your choice, look at the photo below, you may be able to dispel the last doubts and find the most relevant and appropriate option.

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