Glass curtains for the bath, reliable way of protection against splashes


Glass curtains for the bath, reliable way of protection against splashes

In the formation of the interior of any bathroom, various plumbing devices and decorative elements are involved. Under additional accessories implies towel holders, shelves for personal care products and curtains. At the same time, the curtains for the bathroom perform not only decorative value, and the protection against splashes, flying down when bathing.

Feeding the product, harmoniously emphasizing the overall style, the homeowner will be able to put on the bathroom with the notes of originality, which will emphasize the individuality of the overall interior design. Greater and durable glass curtains are enjoyed in great demand.

Such products made of glass for the bathroom in their own functionality are no different from the plain or polyethylene analogs. All of them Designed for the fence of the shower cabin or bath From the common room, protecting the bathroom from water splashes. At the moment, several such fences can be considered, which are made of glass is both their dignity and disadvantage.

Design features of a glass curtains for a bath

Glass curtains for the bath, reliable way of protection against splashes

In most apartments and private households now, as many years ago in the bathrooms Used curtains from water-repellent materials or all the usual polyethylene. But progress does not stand still and today is becoming increasingly popular for the fight against splashes, flying out in the process of taking water procedures, curtains made from glass.

Structurally, this product consists of individual sections that act as Bathroom fencing from total bathroom , protecting it from water sprinkling during swimming. It is used to produce tempered glass, which has a high level of stability to shock, which makes them absolutely fireless for humans. When dividing such a material, it is scattered into small fragments with rounded edges, which cannot be cut into.

Varieties of glass bathroom

To date, products with one or two curtains, swing or sliding type are available. Some designs can protect the bathroom with both four sides and from one edge. At the same time, the most popular are the following products of their glass:

  1. Glass curtains for the bath, reliable way of protection against splashes

    Glass curtains for swing bath resembling interroom door. When opening, such a curtain occupies a lot of space and therefore used in large-sized bathrooms. For the manufacture of fittings such structures use chrome metal.

  2. Glass sliding curtain - Such a partition has received maximum popularity. Thanks to its design, it practically does not occupy space when opening. Opening and closing of the design, very smooth and light. In this case, the sliding mechanism of glass canvases is a few species: roller and sliding in guide grooves.
  3. Folding products which consist of stalks folding on the principle of harmonica. This design can be folded in a smooth movement of a hand near the wall surface. At the same time, its installation does not cause difficulties in baths of any type.
  4. Corner glass curtains For bathroom or shower. Such products are performed for each bath separately, depending on its design features and therefore are sold together with the pallet or manufactured by individual order.
  5. Fixed glass curtain consists of one fixed part without opening mechanism. This design is simply fixed on the side of the pallet and does not scatter the entire bath.

Modern glass curtains are complemented by different decorative elements. The design can use glass with a matte effect, toning or painting. For fastening glass curtains use a metal profile or a frameless system. At the same time, the frameless fastening is best used in small bathrooms, as it does not steal the useful space.

Advantages and disadvantages of glass shutters

Durable, reliable and attractive glass barriers for the bath have a number of indisputable advantages in front of plastic and polyethylene counterparts:

  • Glass curtains for the bath, reliable way of protection against splashes

    Glass curtains have an attractive appearance. Each homeowner will be able to choose a corrugated, transparent or mirror. Glass designs with a pattern are also popular.

  • Modern glass bath curtains are revealed by antibacterial compositions, which facilitates the struggle with different kinds of pollution.
  • The modern plumbing market offers a wide range of glass bath fences. They are made in a sliding, swing, pendulum or folding on the principle of harmonica performance.
  • Glass qualitatively opposes the formation of mold fungus, salt sediments and rust.
  • Glass curtain in the bathroom emphasizes an attractive appearance of the room.
  • Due to the fact that in the manufacture of the curtains, the tempered glass is used absolutely safe for humans.

If we consider Disadvantages of such structures , then they are not so much:

  • The cost of a glass barrier for the bath is much higher than polyethylene or plated analogs.
  • If it is regularly not to care for such products, different deposits can form on their surface.
  • Installation of glass curtains is much more complicated than plastic or polyethylene products. Therefore, their installation is better to entrust specialists.

Features Select Bath Shutters

Before you choose your choice on one or another barrier construction for the bath should carefully examine its structural elements.

  • Ordered glass sash Must have a greater thickness than window analogs.
  • Quality products are covered on top of a triplex film . When breaking such glass, it does not scatter on small fragments, but simply on its surface there are cracks.
  • Glass curtains for the bath, reliable way of protection against splashes

    Choosing a glass curtain It is important to examine the framework, retention, product . It should not be distillation, and the material used in its manufacture should have high strength.

  • In order for the design does not rust Under the constant impact of moisture, it should be made of aluminum or stainless steel.
  • It is important to take into account the processing of a glass surface. . If it is a matte product, then it misses the light, so it is necessary that there is good lighting in the bathroom.
  • Panel type curtains Priprichly fit into the bathroom made in retrostile.
  • High Tech Style Emphasizes sliding glass fence.
  • Folding screen Complement classic design bathroom.
  • Sliding or swing design It is suitable for a rectangular bath.

Very often, the glass design does not cause confidence in the plan of reliability from homeowners. However, in reality, such glass is comparable to the analogue, installed, on cars and therefore can withstand high mechanical loads without visible damage.

Glass curtain - original color and textured solution

Glass curtains for the bath, reliable way of protection against splashes

The main varieties of brakes used, for bathing curtains are matte and transparent products. If we consider the matte material, then the curtains of it dissipate the light rays and therefore it may be necessary to install additional light sources.

To bring in the premises of funny notes, designers use multicolored textured flaps. An interesting stylistic decision is considered Combination of several colors Especially in baths, discharged in different shades. So, very often one sash is performed in a black color solution, and the other in a white tone. Naturally, the combination of combinations depends on the preferences of the homeowner.

Also on the windows use texture patterns that repeat the simple ornament in which the walls of the bathroom are posted. To achieve an interesting textured solution use Special self-adhesive films with chosen . But for this purpose, it is necessary to use, only high-quality material, which will not dug from the glass surface under constant impact of moisture.

How to Buy Glass Bath Shutters - Useful Tips

Glass curtains for the bath, reliable way of protection against splashes

With the purchase of a bath curtain should not be special problems, as they are practically in any plumbing store. But you first need to remove measurements and imagine in the imagination, in order to see ultimately.

The most cheap are products of domestic and Chinese manufacturers, but their quality leaves much to be desired. Therefore, you need to give preference German, Czech or Slovak models . But for the true connoisseurs of glass products, the curtains for the bath, made in Italy, are suitable.

If the buyer does not suit any model presented in the store, you can order a product according to individual sketches. But with this work, experienced designers know the knowledgeable sense in this matter. But, in any case, the main thing is that it was High-quality product with reliable fittings which will serve as a homeowner, protecting the bathroom from splashes, flying during the adoption of water procedures for many years.


Regardless of the design of the barrier device for the bath, they all have the same installation principle. Differences can be found except in the number of attachment points . For example, a full-fledged stationary design is fixed on two opposite walls when the folding system is only on one. But despite this, the assembly process itself occurs according to a certain generalized rules.

  1. The assembly stage implies the connection of individual elements into a single design. This is primarily due to the fact that due to the complexity of the glass transport, it is supplied in a separate packaging.
  2. Glass curtains for the bath, reliable way of protection against splashes

    Due to the fact that all manufacturers in the set of products supply detailed instructions, and the accompanying fastening elements assembly of a glass bathtub should not take much time and strength. Naturally, some questions may arise where the one or another part of the design, however, if you are attentive, then everything is very simple. The only rule is that the door is better to install in the latter queue when the main framework will be assembled and fastened in its place.

  3. At the markup stage, you need to install on your place in the bathroom ready-made frame without a glass and a marker on the walls of the place under fastenings, which will be drilled in the future.
  4. Holes drill on the labels, after which you can go directly to the installation. For this purpose, silicone is applied to the surface of the wall to create high-quality sealing. Well, at the end, the frame is simply fixed to the wall with the help of fasteners supplied, complete.
  5. After the silicone sealant is completely dry, you can hang the glass door on the owl and enjoy the work done.

As you can see, choose and install the homeowner suitable for all the requirements of the homeowner, a glass curtain for a bath is not difficult. The benefit of the assortment presented in the modern plumbing market can satisfy the desires of each consumer. The same installation itself is also very simple due to the fact that Curtains for sale together with fasteners and detailed instructions. All that you need to choose a product, harmoniously fit into the common style.

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