How to separate the kitchen from the living room partition - 10 correct options (44 photos)


The kitchen has strategic importance in the house. In this room, tenants spend the most time: the trapes, conversation, prepare food or just work. A big kitchen is a dream of any mistress. But you need to know how to separate the kitchen from the living room partition so that it does not occupy a lot of space.


Kitchen partitions help create a comfortable and functional space in the apartment. Sometimes they act as decorative elements. But this is not all the tasks that partitions will perform.

  • With their help, the space is distributed, rules of ergonomics are performed.
  • A good mistress every piece of furniture performs certain functions. In particular, the partition can be equipped with a wardrobe, bookshelves, or simply install additional lighting in it.
  • This piece of furniture must please the eye and fit into the design.
  • You can separate the kitchen from the living room with a bar, rack, arch, shirma, or any other design.

Blue pillows

Consider the most detailed types of partitions.


Fals-Wall - This is the most common type of partition. It is made of drywall due to which it can take any form.

Main advantages:

  • Simple installation;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • shielding noise devices;
  • variety of forms;
  • low cost.

picture on the wall

Basic disadvantages:

  • Shading in the living room;
  • relatively rapid wear under the influence of moisture;
  • fragility of material;
  • Need additional decoration.

Bar stand

You can split the kitchen with a living room with a bar counter. This piece of furniture can also serve as a dining table or work area. Bar rack most often zona space in a small kitchen-living room.

Bar stand


  • preservation of visual perception of the kitchen;
  • the presence of an additional table;
  • uniform distribution of light;
  • Multifunctionality.

Article on the topic: Tips for the organization of space and selection of style in the kitchen 9 sq m


  • A large family of 4-5 people will not be able to fully dine at the bar;
  • In a narrow kitchen, it is impossible to divide the space by a bar counter.


Racks perfectly fit into the interior of any living room. They serve not only with a decorative element, but also used for storage of books, VAZ and other trinkets. Racks bring comfort, do not reboot the atmosphere of the living room. But at the same time they skip all odors and noises from the kitchen. Without constant cleaning, racks can spoil the aesthetic view of the room.

Table chairs

Sliding partitions

You can split the space between the large living room and the kitchen of the sliding, swing or folding partition. All of them perform the functions of the doors, which, if necessary, can be closed and divided the room into two parts. Such attributes have a lightweight design and can be made of various materials.


Due to the frequent use, sliding elements are rapidly wearing and damaged. They are not desirable to use in the apartment where small children live, especially if most of the glazed area.

Glass blocks

It is possible to divide the kitchen with a living room using glass blocks of square shape. In the designer's skillful hands, the refractive light can give chic room. But this is not all the advantages of glass blocks. They create good sound and thermal insulation. Multicolored blocks give an elegant look room.

Black lamp

Glass is a rather fragile and expensive material. Without additional elements, such blocks only aggravate the situation in the living room.

Elements of furniture

Various furniture elements can be used to share the kitchen with the living room. It may be an arch, wardrobe, sofa, table. The advantages of such redevelopment lies in a cheap, mobile and non-standard design. Zoning is carried out by primary furniture items, which can be rearranged at any time from place to place.

Article on the topic: Design of kitchen space and living room (+50 photos)

Corner sofa


Screen - This is a lightweight design, with which you can quickly resolve the task of redeveloping the kitchen and the living room. At the same time, this sensitive design does not tolerate damage and easily skips all odors, noises.

Selection of material

Before purchasing one or another design, you need to analyze the parameters of the room. What kitchen size and shape? Are there any need for additional lighting? Little children live in the family? Such a detailed analysis will help to cut off a large number of not suitable options, save time, money and nerves.



Due to the low cost and easy operation, plasterboard is the most popular building material. It is used as in its pure form. So in combination with other elements. False walls and arches make plasterboard. In order to further decorate the surface can be attached. Bloom up with wallpaper, hang picture or family photo.

Lamps over the table


This "warm" according to the properties and in the form of the material says for itself. The tree perfectly fit into any style of the room. Eco-friendly, reliable and universal material is used to make the rack, rack, sliding partitions.

Wood partition


The chipboard is most often used as a decorative substitute for a natural tree. The only outstanding characteristic is low price. The chipboard is widely used in cabinet furniture, racks and sliding partitions.

Black shelves


This material should be used if you need not only to divide the room, but also brighten the room. The effect of reversible light visually expands the space. It is used for the manufacture of glass blocks, the insides of partitions, decorative stained glass windows and other furniture items.

round table


This practical material most often appears as decorative parts and inserts. Frames, chairs, racks, parts of racks, etc. are made of it. But in large quantities in the kitchen it is better not to use it.

Tip! Separation partitions can be decorated with metal, cloth, to put pots with alive plants.

Blue furniture

How to put furniture?

The interior begins with the right place of furniture. Before separating the kitchen with the living room, it is worth considering the interior of the future room project.

Article on the topic: Combination options in the kitchen interior

Make a room layout on paper or in a special program. Specify the location of windows, doors, niches, beams and protrusions. Then make a plan for the placement of furniture, given not only its size, but also the presence of free space (minimum 60 cm). You should consider the route of movement on the room and draw it a map to make sure that the furniture will not perform a barrier.

Mirror on the wall

You need to determine the focus point - this is the main subject in the room, around which the space will be built: fireplace, rack, wall with photos. The elongated living room should be visually made square. For this purpose, you need to install the rack, which will match the color with the walls. The second option is to shove bright wallpaper on one of the walls.

Important! Do not install all furniture along one wall. It will violate the balance.

You should choose a place for the TV. It is desirable that the screen is visible from the living room, and from the kitchen. At the same time, the TV should not be near the window. Otherwise, glare will appear on the screen. As a last resort, you should buy blinds to disperse sunlight.

TV on the wall


The partition in the kitchen can be made of drywall, wood, chipboard, glass or plastic. Each of these materials has its own properties. You should not fit into Kusnu a glass partition if small children live in the family. At the same time, the chipboard shelves will not save from the penetration of smell and noise in the living room.

How to separate the kitchen from the living room (2 video)

Methods for separating the kitchen and living room (44 photos)

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

round table

Black lamp


10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

TV on the wall

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

Corner sofa

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

Mirror on the wall

Black shelves

picture on the wall

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

Blue furniture

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

Table chairs


10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

Wood partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

Lamps over the table

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

Bar stand

Blue pillows

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

10 ways to separate the kitchen from the living room partition

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