Installing arches in doorways: Recommendations (video)


Create an exquisite interior, to the same way to emphasize its individuality and expressiveness, it is possible by performing the arches in the doorways. Installation of the archer in doorways is carried out not only to increase the space, also such a structure, due to a variety of design, is suitable for zoning any room.

Installing arches in doorways: Recommendations (video)

Calculation of arched jumper sizes.

Designer developments make it possible to arrange arched opening in various variations, from classic shape to complex variants. To determine the selection of the doorway, it is necessary to study every model separately.

Types and features of modern arches

Arched shapes are practically like the type of type, although each designer can make something new, it all depends on his fantasy. But in practice, still distinguish the types of arches:

Installing arches in doorways: Recommendations (video)

Types of door arches.

  • The classic form is a standard model that is cut in the form of a correct arc;
  • Arch in the style of "Modern" - has a raised upper part;
  • Romantic style - rectangular with rounded corners of the arch;
  • Ellipsoid form - its arc is an arc in the form of an ellipse;
  • Arch made in arbitrary form.

Choosing the form of the arch, take into account all the parameters: width, height, architectural building of the building, since any arches model significantly reduces the passage size between the rooms.

In this regard, the arched opening is recommended when the dimensions fully allow reconstruction. If the opening is wide, it will be more appropriate to be a device of an ellipsoid and romantic model, if high - the arch is suitable in the style of "Modern" and "Classic". Well, if we open a very large size, then you can show fantasy and perform more intricate and complex forms.

Performing arches in the doorway

As a rule, before proceeding to perform installation work, you need to prepare all the necessary tools:

  • Scissors for metal;
  • Construction knife with various nozzles;
  • screwdrivers of various configurations;
  • hacksaw for cutting drywall;
  • water level or plumbing;
  • Simple pencil, timed and roulette.

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For installation, the screwdriver will also be needed, and the perforator device.

Installing arches in doorways: Recommendations (video)

Stitching arched loyalty.

Material for arch:

  • leaf plasterboard;
  • Dowel;
  • metallic profile.

The material from which the door arch is installed is very diverse, but the following types are used in demand:

  • MDF leaf, its demand is caused by the ease of installation;
  • Plasterboard, thanks to which you can make the opening of any configuration;
  • foam or polystyrene foam plates;
  • a natural stone.

Before using each of these materials, it is necessary to learn all the advantages and disadvantages separately and deeper to learn all the nuances of the installation.

Methods for performing interroom arches

You can perform the arch by applying one of two ways:

  • using plasterboard and decorative elements;
  • The surface of the wall is cut under the arched opening of any configuration.

If a renovation was rowed, the old partition can be disassembled and in its place to perform a new one of the plasterboard, with additional decorative elements. But it is important to consider that if the wall is carrier, then it will be necessary to take permission on its redevelopment.

Installing arches in doorways: Recommendations (video)

Classic arch scheme.

As mentioned above, arched opening can be performed in the old wall and without the use of drywall. When using this method, the space is expanded, and the arch is formed by stripes the material at the top of the wall.

Before starting the arches, preparatory work should be prepared. First of all, the old stucco and putty are beaten. Then the surface is leveling inside the opening.

It is important to take note that the walls in front of the trim should be already prepared and have a finishing size, since subsequent measurements will be made on these guidelines.

The subsequent action you need to create a project. For this, it is measured by the opening, in particular the height of both walls, and the height of the arched opening is determined, which will determine the distance from the ceiling to the top of the arch. With the help of these points, you can determine the radius of the intended arch. After all the calculations, the arch is transferred to paper.

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The simplest task is to create an arched opening scheme, and therefore measurements are performed directly at the site of the formation of the opening.

Production of the arch of PVC: nuances

Making an arched openness from PVC can be performed with their own hands, and you can order and mount the finished design. But in order to save money, it is better to make it yourself. Since such panels have different colors and sizes, you can pick up profiles and corners. PVC is fixed similarly to lining or other panels. Their mount produce a special lock.

In case the arch is performed by a rectangular shape, a doomlet is not required, you can do the metal profile for PVC and corners.

Installing arches in doorways: Recommendations (video)

Installation size arches of all models.

The main thing when performing work is to correctly cut the panels to get the necessary sizes. When the panel is ready, it is closed with opening. The sidewalls are attached with the help of self-tapping and closed by the profile. This arch is recommended if the wall surface is smooth. During the problem walls, the arch is performed using the crate. For its manufacture, you can use wooden bars or metal profile, it all depends on the wall design.

Use MDF. MDF panels can also be used to decorate arched opening. MDF has a width of 20-25 cm and can be used as one part of the arch, and in connection with this, the panel can not cut, and from solid material to make the arch. This opening will have a portal view. Of course, in the manufacture of a semicircle, it will be necessary to show accuracy to perform everything exactly. This design can be partially installed using the crate at the semicircular arch site.

Plasterboard Arch: Recommendations

The most common material is drywall, with its help, the arch fits well in the opening, you can perform any configuration.

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Installing arches in doorways: Recommendations (video)

The order of pasting arches by wallpaper.

Of course, make an arch without detailed instructions will be more difficult. But an important role is played by the material and design of the opening, since there are transitions that will make it difficult to carry out work.

  1. The first stage is the preparation that includes calculations, the workpiece of the material and the tool.
  2. Next, the design is built. It is schematically produced on the opening or with the help of a metal profile, a framework that creates the size and species of the arch is constructed.
  3. Decorative finish is produced. In the case when a visual frame was performed, it can be simply consolidated.

Practical recommendations for fasteners

Fasteners are selected depending on the material. Wood and polymeric structures can be mounted with self-draws, but PVC panels require caution when attaching, since excessive pressure can give undesirable cracks.

Wood for installation you need to pick up with caution, for the arches of the most commonly choosing the high-class breeds - they are more stable. It is not recommended to take overwhelmed wood, because when performing work, such a material can crack. However, when there is nothing instead, it is used.

When attaching PVC panels, it is better to use screws with a small diameter that can easily fasten into the material, and they will not harm it. But when using PVC, it can be mounted using screws only a metal profile, and the panels themselves are fixed on special fasteners. But in this case it also plays an important role and evenness of the walls.

If after the reconciliation level is in order, the profile is attached around the perimeter, and the plates that can not be fixed are inserted into it. But if the presence of curvature is found, it is recommended to perform a crate for which it is better to use a tree - it is harmonious suitable for plastic.

So, after studying the instructions, we can conclude that it is very simple to install the arch, the main thing is to choose the material and follow the rules of installation.

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