Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas


Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Good afternoon friends! Among the crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree, probably more often and more others, this is such an indispensable attribute of our beloved holiday. And besides a large genuine or artificial Christmas tree, small decorative Christmas trees will serve as an excellent decoration on your desk.

I collected the ideas of the Christmas tree for a very long time and everything as it was not solved to publish them on the blog. But here, judging by the reviews to my last recent post, many really liked models from buttons. Therefore, I thought that from my collection photo someone can pick up new ideas of the Christmas tree.

Used photos from open sources of the Internet.

What makes a Christmas tree

Decorative Christmas trees are knitted and knit, and made of paper, and made of cones, coffee grains, ribbons and fabrics, from wire, foamyran, plasticine, salt dough, and even unusual from the heroic for bottles, shoulders, books, shelves, tripods and bottles beer.

I will not tell about all the ideas, I will stop at the most popular - Christmas trees based on a cardboard cone.

Cabon cone is usually tightened with cloth and / or adorn the most different materials to their taste, fantasy and from what is at hand.

For convenience, the cardboard cone is stuffed with newspapers for convenience.

Than you can decorate the Christmas tree:

  • Beads, Beads, Sequins
  • Beads
  • Small balls
  • Buttons
  • Shelli
  • Shishki.
  • Beautiful fabric
  • braid, ribbons, lace
  • Floral tape
  • tinsel
  • feathers
  • Pompons
  • Flowers
  • Yarn, incl. "Hestern", threads, twine
  • Coffee grains and beans
  • Colored paper
  • Old newspapers and magazines
  • pasta
  • Coins and cash bills
  • candy.

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Heavy decorations are most often glued using glue type "moment", hot pistol.

In some cases, sewn with a needle, fasten the pins and plant onto tape.

Tree from cardboard with your own hands

Making Christmas trees, I think, will certainly delve pleasure from the process and result. And how to make a Christmas tree of cardboard with your own hands, we learn from the master class.

I revised a lot of video and tried to make a paper cone myself. But, probably, my hands do not have such that it was beautiful and neatly did not work, it was grieved while his glue.

More recently, she accidentally saw these photos on one of the foreign sites. Unfortunately, I did not save it right away and lost a link to it. And what I want to say, according to this template, the cone is very easy, quickly and perfectly neatly without the use of different clips and scotch.

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Next, I'm talking step by step, how to make a cone from cardboard.

  1. We will need a sheet of cardboard (watman) of the square shape of the size we need, i.e., measured on a sheet in both directions up and down equal distances with a pencil, let's say 20 cm, diameters on line marks and cut the square.
  2. Now we need to draw an arc. Measure the distance from one vertex of the square for 20 cm with the help of a line (Portnovsky meter) and we make pencil pendulum. We make more often.

    According to these tops, we draw a flattened arc.

  3. But do not rush to cut. From one bottom side of the square, step up a pair of centimeters up and forth the horizontal line.
  4. Now, cut out along the drawing lines in the figure as in the photo.
  5. Let's try to twist it into the cone, starting with a short (cut) side so that it is inside the cone.
  6. When the cardboard becomes pliable and starts to take the form we need, we welt the edge with a narrow side outside and the edge from a wide side inside, glue the cone, connecting points 1 and 2 below.

Article on the topic: Plaid Crochet from Simple Squares for Beginners

Received a wonderful billet for Christmas tree.

The next stage will be decorating it, here I will show you different ideas.

New Year's Christmas trees: ideas

Pretty paper Christmas tree

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

If you have shredded the remnants of wallpapers, make a simple Christmas tree of them with your own hands in different sizes, and small, and large. They do not need to decorate. You can glue a little braid on the bottom or, wrapped the cone around.

Christmas Christmas trees from cardboard and paper

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

  1. First we make a cone from cardboard.
  2. Draw and cut the same size or hearts from colored paper. They will need a lot, so this work is painstaking. Journal pages will be suitable as the material, of which the Christmas tree will be made in motley and cheerful.
  3. You can wrap a pencil with cut circles so that they twist are slightly.
  4. Enclose items from the bottom up to the cone tightly to each other so that there are no clearance of cardboard.
  5. Experiment with different combination of colors and distance between decor elements. You can overlap them a little or, on the contrary, leave the space, but in the latter case, the cardboard should be green or green paper. In addition, you can change the materials in some places: the cone is made of paper, and the hearts are from color cardboard.
  6. At will, decorate the village of Pomponchiki, cotton balls, ribbons.

For the same technology, you can make a Christmas tree of cotton disks.

Christmas tree from Mishura

Master class on making Christmas tree from Mishura, the one that on the top photo, you can look at the author's blog by Eugene.

And you can make a Christmas tree with a cool mischievous maquet.

  1. The side sides of the cardboard or paper cone glue two-way scotch all over.
  2. We insert a piece of thin wire to the top.
  3. Starting from above, wind the Mishur cone, while leaving a small tail at the top.
  4. Wire with this "tail" wire along the entire length, bending the arc. We get a mischievous mac.
  5. Mischura ends glue on thermocons.
  6. Additionally, you can decorate the Christmas tree with bunches.

Textile Christmas trees

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Very beautiful will get a Christmas tree made of fabric with your own hands, you can find a lot of such photos.

Here you need to get a cardboard blank with a cloth, after after handling it in the form of a quarter of a circle.

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Any colored polka dot cloth is suitable as a material, into a cage, striped, in a flower, red under the outfit of Santa Claus, felt, fetat, even burlap and denim.

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Fetra tree

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

You can make a Christmas tree from felt differently.

  1. Decorate the felt carved from cardboard cone, glue an elegant application to it.
  2. Cut from the felt of two colors strips in the form of arcs and sew them among themselves in the rows, alternating color, so that the top row is a little covered the bottom. Cut the cone and sew on the side. You can decorate beads, sequins, beads, ribbons.

    You can also make a Christmas tree and from any thin tissue, pulling it onto a cardboard cone.

  3. We make a Christmas tree in the form of a pyramid: cut out several circles from the felt of different colors one less than the other, the trunk twist from the strip of felt and ride circles on it, we flash the pyramid in the middle of the thick needle with a thread.

Article on the topic: How to make plasticine at home with your own hands from flour with video

Fluffy Christmas trees

Christmas trees from Pomponov

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

We will need to wind a lot of green pumps and several multi-colored pumps are smaller than.

Green pumps are glued to the cone from the cardboard in a circle in a checker order.

Between green pompons insert multicolored toys - pumps.

On the top we put an asterisk of red pompon.

Tie a beautiful ribbon around the Christmas tree.

Ferry Christmas tree

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

I do not know if the feathers of poultry feathers are suitable for such work, but you can try. And in the stores of fittings now sell feathers of different colors.

So you can make not only green or white, but also magic red, blue or pink Christmas trees.

  1. Glue cone from color cardboard - the same color as feathers.
  2. If the cardboard is white, and we will do a green christmas tree, then the cone needs to be painted in the appropriate color.
  3. Feathers are swore and sort the length.
  4. Optionally, you can stick to each feather a bead with a glue gun.
  5. We glue the feathers on the basis of the Christmas tree in a circle bottom up. It is necessary to glue for the rod, then the fluffy part will create a volume.

If you make a few fluffy Christmas trees of different colors, you will have an interesting original winter composition.

Creative Christmas trees from handicraft materials do it yourself: ideas

Of course, the pumps must still be turned off, collect the bumps, but if you need to make a Christmas tree with your own hands, it is quite suitable and firm materials that can be found at home: coffee, pasta, cotton disks, corks, candy, threads and others. Moreover, such interesting creative Christmas trees of them are obtained! I'll show you a few ideas.

Christmas trees from thread

Christmas trees from thread and foil

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

  1. Clear the cardboard base of colored foil.
  2. In the bubble with glue (PVA) to do the needle hole.
  3. Silver thread skip through this hole and neck bottles.
  4. Cutting a cone from cardboard and foil thread, gently gluiting it.

Similarly, we have already made candlesticks from cans and threads.

Air Christmas tree made of thread and glue

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Step-by-step manufacturing process looks like this:

  1. First of all, we need a cardboard cone again.
  2. It must be wrapped in film, adjust the edges inside the cone.
  3. Just as in the previous case, we wake on the billet thread, passing them through glue, in chaotic order. Winding make a posture.
  4. We leave for drying hours by 12 or a day.
  5. Carefully disconnect the Christmas tree from the film.

Christmas tree of yarn

It is completely easy to make a Christmas tree out of yarn, from the remains that we are always fully. Gently glue yarn on the cone, starting below, tight thread to the string.

It is not necessary to lubricate glue to the whole base, because it can quickly dry, lubricate with glue with small sections.

Christmas trees from Shpagata

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

In the same way make Christmas trees from twine. Products from this material are especially like me, and even in combination with coffee decor!

Article on the topic: Decorative vase crochet. Scheme

Knitted christmas

So far I have only a couple of photos of interesting knitted Christmas trees.

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Knitting should be devoted, of course, a separate theme, here in the two words you will not tell, the schemes are needed. This year, I again did not have time to prepare it, I leave until future times.

Coffee Christmas tree.

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Surely in the house of every person who loves to drink coffee, there will be coffee beans, from which you can make a fragrant Christmas tree.

But, before sticking the grains to the cardboard cone, wrap it with brown threads, the grains will be kept much better than on the cardboard.

Then you get a cone with grains of coffee and decorate the Christmas tree with gold beads.

Instead of coffee, you can use both beans, for example, red or white.

Christmas tree from Macaron

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Very unusual material - ordinary pasta, isn't it?

How to make a Christmas tree from Makaron Stepha:

  1. Prepare a cone and paint it gouache in the desired color.
  2. We select pasta. You can take all the long or small different shapes.
  3. On each piece we applied glue and glue to the cone.
  4. After the glue dries well, cover the Christmas tree paint from the cannon in two layers.

Cash Christmas trees

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

The Christmas tree of money attracts material well-being!

As a basis for its manufacture, you can take coins and cash bills.

And it is better to still get more souvenir bills. Since the denomination of such bills above, the Christmas tree with them will look richer.

  1. For a big christmas tree, make a Cone from Watman, fill it with crumpled newspapers. Cut the circle and close the bottom of the cone with the help of a scotch.
  2. Roll the bills in the kules and glue them in the bottom up.
  3. In each next row, place the bills in checkers.

Another option - Christmas trees from bills wound on a pencil:

  1. Hold each bill on the pencil to give it a curved form.
  2. Print bills with a flat side to a cone.

Christmas tree made of buttons

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

  1. The basis - the cone is gluable with a green felt.
  2. We decorate buttons of different colors and size, attaching them with decorative pins and placing tightly to each other.

Tea chrips

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Now it is fashionable to give friends and native little homemade desktop flowers. They can be made from the most unusual materials, even from plastic tea spoons. And if you use candy, cookies or tea, then after the holiday, they are happy to eat.

For the construction of a tea tree, we glue a cardboard cone with a two-way tape and fix tea bags of green with smooth rows on it.

Unusual Christmas trees do it yourself

Christmas tree from Sayna

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

In harmony with nature, try to make a festive Christmas tree made of natural materials, for example, from the hay!

  1. The cone for such a Christmas tree can be twisted even from the newspaper, put inside the crumpled and melted glue pieces of newspaper for fixing.
  2. We laugh with glue cone and gradually impose a hay.
  3. Fix the pyramid to the fishing line.
  4. We put on beads or lace (we take into helpers the glue moment).
  5. We hide the "toys" from dried lemons or tangerines, fixing glue.

Unusual Christmas trees - Photo

And a few more photos of the unusual ideas of the Christmas tree.

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Crafts for the new year of the Christmas tree do it yourself - ideas

Not about all the ideas of the Christmas tree, I told you, of course. But I think there is from what to choose and how to make a Christmas tree with your own hands you know.

I also prepared a video in which not only presented, but also other ideas.

Creative success to you!

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