Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?


Furniture from Ikea is considered one of the most accessible and optimal price / quality ratios. The only weighty minus is the same type. Therefore, almost everyone who buys furniture there, tries to give her originality. It is mainly achieved by repainting and adding decorative elements. Sometimes you have to buy furniture is not the color that you like. In such cases, it is necessary to remove the factory paint layer to apply the primer and dust.

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Painting for all the rules

  1. Furniture need to disassemble.
  2. Remove dust and contamination from the surface, otherwise the primer and paint will continue to lie unevenly.
  3. As the first layer, there is usually white agidemeted soil. It is easily applied with a roller suitable size. It is recommended to perform primer in 2 layers, carefully dried.
  4. The next step is paint.
  5. Do not worry if after painting there are some kind of rollers or spaces . It is all easily overlapped with a second layer of paint.
  6. After drying the second layer, you can collect furniture.

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?
Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Some finishes work on this. But it is best to protect the color and giving a better species to the surface of a colorless wax. Surplus can be easily removed with a paper napkin.

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

As an additional decor, you can not only paint the finished products using stencils or manually. To decorate furniture, for example, tables and facades will also suit the usual ceramic tile. You can select different instances and combine them in any way. So that the tiles organically fit into the style of furniture, it needs to be also primed and painted. If solid staining appears too boring, their own artistic skills or plastic stencils will come to the rescue, with which you can create any drawing in a matter of minutes. To secure the pattern applied through the stencil, it is necessary after drying the paint cover the lacquer tile. Fasten the decorated tile on the table or other furniture will not be difficult, only the mounting glue is needed.

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Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Without excess spending

In addition to standard repainting, you can comply with Ikeevian furniture.

  1. Without disassembled furniture, wipe it with a dry cloth.
  2. White matte paint will go as the first primer layer. It can even breed a little with water.
  3. After drying, the surface is wiped with a conventional paraffin candle. Surplus erase with a dry cloth.
  4. After that, carelessly unevenly with small spaces to apply color paint.
  5. After it dries, you can create a pulp effect with shallow skins. As a result, through the upper color layer, it must break the bottom slightly, creating the effect of multilayer staining.
  6. For completeness of the effect, white paint is applied, 50/50 diluted with water.

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Registration of children's furniture

An interesting castomization option for children's furniture.

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

  1. If necessary, you need to sand surface, checking the floor to protect against small garbage.
  2. Then put the primer, for the night it should dry.
  3. The next day you need to decide on colors. White acrylic paint and kernels are taken as the base. To select color, you need to dissolve them in small cups and apply to an unnecessary plank to appreciate the color.
  4. The resulting shades are applied in one layer. Over the night, they dry.
  5. The dried layer can be sanded a little and cover the surface with the second layer.

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

As an additional decoration, you can stick out pictures and patterns cut from wallpapers. If the wallpaper is too dense, for example, phliseline, they need to be ground in water so that it can be carefully removed the top beautiful layer. It is easily glued with painted furniture using PVA-glue. From above you only need to apply acrylic varnish on a water basis.

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Alteration of furniture from IKEA with minimal cost (1 video)

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint? (9 photos)

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

Wooden furniture from IKEA: what and how to paint?

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