Volumetric paper flowers on the wall: 6 master classes (43 photos)


To change the appearance of the room at all, it is not necessary to cross the wallpaper and make redevelopment. You can create a decor for walls from undergraduates, for example, bulk paper flowers on the wall. The disadvantage of this venture is that paper decorations occupy a lot of time.


The volumetric paper decor was used in ancient times. Egyptians made decorations from artificial flowers. In the medieval paper crafts decorated temples. Only in the eighteenth century began to produce large-scale patterns and stencils for paper decorations on the wall.

Multicolored branches


Paper decor is commonly used to decorate the walls of the hall.

Ready products can be:

  • hang to the ceiling;
  • attach in the hall to the edge of the scene;
  • hang around the edges of the scene;
  • Put along the tracks along which graduates are moving.

yellow flower

Large flowers from corrugated paper are riveted from each other through the threads, fishing line and ribbons. Such garlands then adorn the assembly hall. Paper panels from afar do not distinguish from alive. Such decor is suitable not only for walls, but also for decorating photo frames, postcards, hats, boxes. Such crafts create a festive mood.

What is necessary?

Multicolored bulk pumps can be purchased in the online store or make it yourself.

This will require:

  • paper (white, which can then be painted, or color);
  • glue;
  • stapler;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • Scotch;
  • paints (watercolor or gouache);
  • cardboard;
  • ribbons;
  • Wire, ampoules from the handles (will be used for the stem);
  • Beads and rhinestones.


Additionally, templates and stencils may be required. It all depends on the specific method of manufacturing colors with their own hands.

6 master classes


This applique will be able to make even preschoolers. For the manufacture of a snowdrop with their own hands, the square (10-110) sheet of paper is required. You need to fold the sheet diagonally, bend the corners. Then stick the flower to the postcard and try the stem. This decor, made in different colors, can be used to decorate the walls.

Article on the topic: Diverse home decor with your own hands (+41 photos)

Paper snowdrops


For the manufacture of paper roses with your own hands, you will need a dense cardboard of red, marker, glue and scissors. You can also use templates and stencils from the Internet.

The sequence of making colors on the wall is as follows:

  • First you need to draw a spiral and cut it with curly scissors (in the second case, the flowers are pretty more beautiful);
  • Next, you need to wrap the tips of the spiral outward, and the torn sheet along the fold line only give a more real appearance view;
  • The next step is to twist the spiral to the end with a gradual weakening of the stretch;
  • The resulting helix needs to be secured by glue;
  • Then you should bend a circle in the center of the rose, since it will be used as the base of the flower;
  • On the basis you need to drop the glue and attach buds to it.

Making roses

So they are created with their own hands large and small decorations for the walls.

Corrugated applique

It is better to make a decor for walls with their own hands from corrugated material, because it is more convenient to work with it.

Paper flower

On the example of the roses discussed above, a wire can be used as a stem. Then, using stencils, draw a circle and mark the contour of the spiral. The distance between the turns should not be large or small, and so that beautiful petals come.

Paper flower

Cut circle should be cut on the helix. Ends to lay with their own hands from the Bud. It is advisable to apply a solid object to the edge and turn the bud, wrapping the item itself. Then pull it out and give the "pomp" bud. The bottom of the applique must be tightened with a thread. Otherwise, the resulting decor for the wall will be promoted and seamless.

Paper bouquet

Tip! Buds can be made of different colors. But the stem should remain green.

Festive bouquet

To create big appliques with your own hands, you will need multi-colored soft paper, scissors, vase, thin wire and glue.

Work algorithm:

  • on wire, which is used as a stem, glue is applied;

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Paper stem

  • wire should be slaughtered;

Cached stem

  • A leaf of another shade must be folded 12 times, cut the petals with scissors and build a bouton;

Production of petals

  • Apply glue to a couple of petals, join them to a stalk, specifically in place, wrapped in a yellow strip;

Combining petals

  • repeat the previous action until the entire bud will be collected with her own hands;

homemade bud

  • A leaf of green shade to issue a stem.


A solid bouquet is obtained from five different compositions. Already the finished product can be attached to the wall or put in the vase.

Volumetric flower

Such an application can be used not only to decorate the walls, but also curtains or use as brooches. For the manufacture of decor, you will need cigarette paper, glue, scissors, ring or buttons to secure crafts. The more layers of petals, the volume will be the applique that you can hang on the wall.

Work algorithm:

  • fold all sheets of paper together and cut a rectangle, the size of 15x15 cm;

Paper and glue

  • take one sheet and get the edges at a low angle;

Railing edges

  • Breast the edges of the resulting "harmonic" to align;

Volumetric paper flowers on the wall: 6 master classes (43 photos) 8353_17

  • Apply glue to one paper bending;

We apply glue

  • combine the bend with the second side;

One petal

  • repeat similar actions with another 2 petals of different colors;

Colored bud

  • Attach the resulting bud to the stalk.

Colored bud

So the decor for walls in a matter of minutes is manufactured.

Bridal bouquet

To make flowers on the wall in the wedding hall, stencils and patterns of workpiece will be required. The sequence of actions is standard.

bridal bouquet

First you need to choose optimal stencils. For the manufacture of volumetric applications, it will be necessary to fold the sheets of 10-15 times. Next should be attached to the template to paper pins. Applying stencils, cut petals and core. These two elements are attached to each other than two-way scotch.

Blue bouquet

As a straightener, a tree rack is used, which can be bought in the store. Its size must approach stencils. If they are different, then the ends need to be cut, and one of them to make more sharp.

Article on the topic: Registration of a beautiful ceiling with your own hands (+50 photos)

Paper bouquet

Bud with inverted petals need to be put on a sharp rod. Cut striped, width of 1 cm and wrap its stem. A similar color should be one petal next to the bud and the tip of the stem.

Large paper flowers: 2 more master class (2 video)

Variations of paper colors (43 photos)

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Paper bouquet

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Paper stem

Cached stem

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Paper snowdrops

homemade bud

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)


Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Production of petals

Blue bouquet

Combining petals

bridal bouquet

Paper and glue

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Volumetric paper flowers on the wall: 6 master classes (43 photos) 8353_43

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Railing edges

We apply glue

One petal

Colored bud

Colored bud

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Paper flower

Paper bouquet


Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Paper flower

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Multicolored branches

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

yellow flower

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

Production of bulk paper: 6 MK (+43 photos)

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