How to choose the facade glue


It would seem glue, he is glue. But why one holds for many years, and the other falls off the next year. Of course, it may be a bad manufacturer, but also proven brands, sometimes behave inadequately.

How to choose the facade glue

The thickness of the imposed glue plays an important role.

So what is the secret, and how to choose the facade glue, I would like to talk.

What you need to know about the facade glue

How to choose the facade glue

Reinforced doweling, 10-12 pieces / m2 and applied the second basic reinforcing layer, again glue Art 85 and the front fiberglass mesh

High price is not always a quality indicator. And for building materials, this is also relevant. Basically, the glue is used to fix the insulation on the facade. Later on top of it, decorative finish will be applied, and therefore glue should be very durable. Otherwise, it will entail the destruction of the entire facade finish.

As a heater can be used:

  • Styrofoam.
  • Mineral wool.
  • Polyurethane plates.

And the glue must reliably hold them, despite the difference in the materials from which the insulation is made.

Important! Before using glue, you need to carefully read the manufacturer's instruction. Just follow the recommendations, you can get a reliable adhesion of glue with the facade.

Parameters of facade glue

How to choose the facade glue

The first layer in the facade insulation system - heat insulating: the facade adhesive for insulation and thermal insulation, insulation

There are several important values ​​that need to be taken into account when choosing glue. For each region, these values ​​may differ. After all, depending on climatic conditions, the requirements for finishing materials are changed, especially if we are talking about finishing the facade, which is constantly subjected to tests from nature.

  1. Frost resistance. The colder climate in the region, the more this indicator should be.
  2. Parry permeability. The warmer climate, or the more significant seasonal temperature differences, the higher the indicator.
  3. Plastic. It does not depend on climatic indicators, but what it is more, the higher the cost of glue. But its excess is not considered an indicator of quality, it all depends on the selected insulation. The harder material, the less plasticity can be. Conversely - if mineral wool is used as a heater, then the plasticity of the glue should be higher.
  4. Adhesion. The most important indicator affecting the adhesion quality of the adhesive with the facade. The more adhesion, the stronger will keep glue.

Important! If the facade is not previously prepared, as indicated on the package, then it makes sense to make claims to glue.

Universal brands

How to choose the facade glue

Installation of stucco

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The facade adhesive is used not only for mounting the insulation, there are other areas of its use:

  • The base for plaster.
  • Installation of facade tiles and porcelain stoneware.
  • To create an additional reinforcing layer under "liquid facades".

Of course, the harder item that needs to be glued, the stronger should be glue. But if the construction of the house is in full swing and is in full swing, then there may be several types of glue. In order not to make an additional confusion in the construction process, many trademarks offer universal types of glue.

As a rule, they have the highest characteristics of possible, and accordingly cost somewhat more expensive, but their use can significantly speed up the building process, since there will be no need to breed a different glue, for different types of materials. And this, in turn, hesitate all the construction generally. It turns out that with large-scale construction, the use of universal glue is more profitable and appropriate.

Important! Even universal glue, is not suitable for all types of facade finishing materials. For example, wood or plastic, they will not stick, for these materials there are special brands intended for a specific finishing material.

Types of facade glue

How to choose the facade glue

Warming of the facade of polystyolistic

Modern facade glue, maybe two types:

  1. In the form of a dry mix.
  2. In the form of a finished adhesive mass.

Adhesive weight is more expensive and rarely applied to large-scale construction. It is much easier to make glue directly at the construction site from a dry mixture. But in small repair, or if there is no skill in the manufacture of mass from a dry mixture, it is easier to buy ready-made glue. It does not require additional manipulations and is ready to use.

Using the facade glue

How to choose the facade glue

Installation of clinker tile

The first and most important rule - always read the instructions carefully. The preparation of glue "on the eye" can be negatively affected by the entire repair of the facade.

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Do not forget about preparatory work. Regardless of the adhesion indicators of glue, if the surface is not prepared, it simply will not be sense.

Before starting work, the facade must be carefully cleaned from all possible pollution:

  • Dust and dirt can be removed by simple water.
  • Old paint and the remains of the former finish, you need to knock off the hammer or read the spatula.
  • Fat and oil pollution are removed using degreasing agents, such as solvents or gasoline.

How to choose the facade glue

Application of artificial stone was made on flexible facade glue

After the surface is completely cleaned, it must be projected. It will keep the facade from the condensate accumulation and prevents the appearance of mold.

Tip! It is advisable to use impregnation, soils and glue production of one company. This will help avoid problems with poor quality adhesion between layers.

Only after the soil is completely dry, the surface can be considered ready for finishing. Now you can breed the glue and start working.


How to choose the facade glue

Printed tiles

Choosing glue for facade works, you can not miss any nuance. Very often, the result depends on the proper selection of materials. Holding finish is a huge problem, which will have to spend a lot of strength and additional finance.

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