Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners


On the eve of the holidays, the issue of gifts is sharp. An unusual present in the form of a ship from girlfriend will not only surprise the recipient, but also express a warm attitude to the perpetrator of the celebration. It remains only due to master classes to find out how to make a ship with their own hands.

Paper Ladium

Beginner Masters will make the idea of ​​creating a paper ship, because the minimum amount of materials and follow the instructions will be required. So, for the manufacture of the ship will need a sheet of A4 format.

Do not hold back fantasy and stop on a classic white color, let the paper delicate pleases with bright sides and sail.

To create a paper ship, you need to take a sheet of paper and fold it in half, as in the photo.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Then add up the upper corners towards the center.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

The strip of paper under the resulting angle should be cut upward, then turn the base of the future ship and do the same.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Free corners formed by bending strips upstairs should be added inside in turn on both sides.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

The parties of the resulting workpiece must be beatened towards each other in order to get a rhombus.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Now the workpiece must be located separate angles down. You should take turns on each side to get them up.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

The result was a triangle to be turned over and folded the opposite sides.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Finally, you need to take the resulting triangle and pull. The ship is ready for sailing. Raise anchor!

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

To the boat to stand all possible storms, you can make it from the cardboard: the product will be stronger, but when folding will have to make more effort.

However, there is another option to make a paper ship that is suitable for novice shipbuilders. There are many scraps schemes for which you can collect any vessel: from Viking's rook to a modern cruiser. To create your own masterpiece, you will need to print the diagram, cut the items, and then glue them, focusing on the image of the finished product.

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Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

The resulting ship can be handed as a gift as a finished product, and you can stick it into a gift packaging, a box of candy or a bottle to make a pleasant recipient.

For more detailed acquaintance with the equipment of the ship from paper, you should watch the video where the product creation process is shown in detail.

Smile, captain!

The ship from the bottle and the foam can be both an excellent gift for a man and a luxurious element of the design of the table, because the bottle in it is not a building material, but the main acting person. Such an original decision will solve the issue of gift packaging and enjoy the process of its creation along with step-by-step photos!

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

So, to create the dream of the captain, you will need:

  • Foam leaf 10 cm high;
  • corrugated paper;
  • Golden grid for decorating;
  • Golden braid;
  • wooden spanks;
  • tape;
  • glue;
  • stationery knife;
  • scissors;
  • bottle;
  • candy.

First you need to prepare the basis of foam for the future ship. To do this, on the sheet of foam, it is necessary to make a markup of the base: four rectangular parts 20 cm wide with a rounded end on one side. Length will depend on the size of the bottle.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

After that, it is necessary to cut the parts, fold them and, if necessary, align the knife.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Following the two top items you need to cut the base for the bottle. To do this, attach them a bottle from the side where the end is rounded, and cut holes.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

On a note! After the hole is cut out, you should try to put a bottle into it and correct if necessary.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

After the details are ready, you can decide on the length of the future ship, and from the remaining foam to build a stern with a side. When decorated, children's toys can be used, for example, a serious captain or treasure chest.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Then you should glue the two lower and two tops of the vessel with each other. The edges can be pasted with sandpaper.

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Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

While the glue dries, it is necessary to carve out the corrugated paper for the vessel pasting. It's time to show fantasy: let the board be the same color, and the base under the bottle is another!

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Now you can enclose the workpiece and then glue parts with each other.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

The resulting reason must be decorated: Plug the onboard with a golden grid, candy, to put on the edges of the braid.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

The bridge of the ship can also be decorated with candies and is glued with corrugated paper.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Finally, it's time for sails. To do this, cut 4 parts of the trapezoidal shape made of tape or paper and, pricked through, put them on a skewer. Ready mast stick to the base of the ship, add other details.

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

Ship do it yourself from a bottle with candy for beginners

You can change the items: instead of a bottle to invest, for example, a box with a clock, and instead of the base of the foam, use an unnecessary glass vase of similar shape. Also the original gift will be the ship with sweets: they can be poured under the deck or wrap in a sail - Flight Flight is not limited.

Video on the topic

Even more ideas can be found in a selection of video with master classes for the manufacture of ships from girlfriend.

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