Which ceiling is better for the kitchen: 6 options for every taste (+40 photos)


Getting Started by repair, many wonder: what ceiling is better for the kitchen? In the interior of any room, everything should be harmonized - ceiling, floor, walls. This problem is not raised by chance, because the kitchen is a room in which the hype of humidity is not rarely formed soot, water drops and fat. To avoid such problems, it is necessary to allocate time, choose a high-quality material that is resistant to moisture, temperature drop and easily cleaning.

Selection of material

Contemporary building materials suitable for finishing the ceiling in the kitchen are provided in a large assortment: panel, stretch, also rubber structures. You can perform the painting of the ceiling or enclose it with wallpaper.

Turquoise curtains

The classic option is the perfectly plastered ceiling and subsequently painted. What is his advantages? As a result, it turns out a smooth and white surface, a refreshing room and always practical regardless of taste and preferences. Plaster is an environmentally friendly material. White color visually expands the space that is profitable for a small room.

By cons of plasters, the complexity of the process can be attributed. To make a smooth and smooth surface, you must resort to careful alignment and stripping the ceiling, which takes not enough time.

Blue curtain

Other options

To perform a non-easy task for choosing material, options are needed that will not affect the functionality and aesthetics of the room. Some of them:

  • Hinged plasterboard ceiling;
  • plastic panels;
  • stretch ceiling;
  • ceiling tile;
  • Painted surface;
  • Fucking wallpaper.

dinner table

When choosing one of the options, it is necessary to consider positive and negative characteristics. Do not forget about the peculiarities of the room itself.

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Ceiling of plasterboard sheets

There are various ideas of using this surface. Plasterboard is a material, thanks to which you can safely hide all irregularities, as well as hide engineering communications under it. Many designers such ideas fall to taste, solutions there is a huge amount. Between the ceiling and sheets of drywall place the original built-in lamps, visually increasing the vertical walls adorning the room.

Plasterboard ceiling

There are many options for attached, multi-level structures. But, when this material is selected, it is worth paying attention to its properties. Moisture-resistant material is required. It is better clean, does not change the color when moisture gets into it. A solution consisting of several levels is suitable for rooms with high ceilings.

Multi-level ceiling

Plastic panels

If you should decide what is better to make the ceiling in the kitchen with poor ventilation, then it is better not to find option. The material does not require much time to care, perfectly tolerate wet cleaning. Installation of PVC panels is not fully accomplished even for beginner. If the question is solved for beginner masters, which material to apply in the kitchen, plastic panels are an excellent option.

Rack ceiling

A common material is produced in different colors. The room can be equipped in any style. It is possible to make a design of several levels if the height of the room allows. For one tier, there will be enough gap of 7-10 centimeters.

If it is decided to separate the shelf surface of PVC panels, then it is necessary to know that it is better to acquire the material resistant to elevated temperatures. Raw materials must be accompanied by the necessary documents that confirm that heating is envisaged, and toxic gases are not distinguished.

Panel ceiling

Ceiling under painting

For the ceiling it is better to acquire the paint of the washing type. Algorithm for painting preparation:

  • Alignment of the surface, cleaning from defects;
  • All irregularities and cracks need to be eliminated by putty;
  • fine-grained emery paper to glue the treated surface;
  • Apply several layers of primer with painting roller;
  • Paint the ceiling acquired paint.

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dinner table

So that the appearance in the kitchen does not spoil the protruding yellow stains, before painting, they should be treated with their alkyd matte paint.

Ceiling tile

What material is the easiest way to install? Ceiling tile. Laying of polystyrene tiles does not require special tools, large skills. To separate the ceiling, you need to have:

  • tiles set;
  • measuring roulette;
  • sharp stationery knife;
  • Special glue.

Ceiling tile

Under the tile, you can greatly hide minor defects, but if the base has large differences, the plaster should be performed. It is better if the surface of the tile is laminated. With severe contamination, individual fragments can be replaced if it is not possible to wash or paint. This material is fuel, absorbs moisture. It is better to use it in small kitchens, which are equipped with a good exhaust system.

When using such a material, incandescent lamps should be positioned at a distance of about 20 centimeters from the base.

Ceiling with beams

Fucking wallpaper

This method of finishing the ceiling has certain advantages over others:

  • material is low-cost;
  • If there are minor cracks on the surface, then under the wallpaper they are invisible;
  • Moisture-resistant material is easily humid cleaning;
  • Special wallpapers are withstanding up to 10 gloves, which makes it possible to embody various design ideas;
  • color, texture, drawing - all this has a huge range;
  • Work is performed quickly.

Pictures on the wall

It is not difficult to make the room with a cozy with the help of wallpaper, but to realize ideas into life will help in advance the design of the ceiling in the kitchen.

Important! When buying glue, you must pay attention to the type of wallpaper, pick up the most suitable. It will have a positive effect on the picture.

Stretch ceiling

This type of finish is very popular. Conducting an assessment exactly which ceilings are best used for the kitchen, many choose this particular option. This design has a property to solve several problems at once:

Glossy ceiling

  • perfectly masks irregularities, surface defects;
  • No need to prepare the basis for installation ideally;
  • The film will hide various communications;
  • material is not demanding of care;
  • Resistance to moisture;
  • long operational period;
  • presentable appearance;
  • the ability to embody a variety of design ideas;
  • Material withstands a large amount of water.

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Black glossy ceiling

There are several options for installing a stretch ceiling. One does not require any special equipment and can be done independently.

How to choose a ceiling in the kitchen? (2 video)

Ceiling options in the kitchen (40 photos)

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Glossy ceiling

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dinner table

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Multi-level ceiling

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Turquoise curtains

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Best Ceiling for Kitchen: 6 options

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Ceiling tile

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Black glossy ceiling

Best Ceiling for Kitchen: 6 options

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Best Ceiling for Kitchen: 6 options

Best Ceiling for Kitchen: 6 options

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Best Ceiling for Kitchen: 6 options

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