Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes


Lace for a long time is considered to be evidence of the non-lawy skill of the needlewoman. To weave intricate patterns, you need to show a lot of patience and skill. Laces can be decorate any thing, ranging from the nasal handkerchiefs and ending with the wedding outfit. How to knit lace crochet: schemes, methods and varieties are described below.

Ribbon lace

The name "tape" appeared thanks to the method of manufacturing these lace. The basis for the product is a tape woven according to a special scheme. Tied several such tapes, the master unites them into a single whole. Similarly, it is possible to connect not only a solid cloth like a blanket or tablecloth, but also a skirt, dress or top.

As a rule, for weaving lace use the threads of the same color. If the craftswoman has sufficient experience and artistic taste, the lace can be associated from the yarn of different shades. The easiest tape lace do with the hook.

The threads for lace bought cotton. Thin yarn will give lace grace and beauty.

The basis of any lace will always be a ring of air loops, around which a number of columns without Nakid are suspended. When the preparation of this type is ready, knitting occurs by the selected scheme. Usually, the schemes include several absolutely identical elements that are collected in a single strip.

Schemes may be like:

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Having connected several lace bands, they are combined with crochet or machine line. If clothes are sewn, it is better to prepare the pattern of the product in advance. True, not every woman knows how to do it. To simplify the task, you can use the already existing thing in the wardrobe.

Having tapes on the basis, they are connected by pins. Collected together, elements bind to crochet. To expand the finished product (the path of the waist on the hips), the bands are binding not to the edge, but with the substitution of an additional row of lace. The insert makes the same crochet, building a chain of air loops, alternately fixed from different sides.

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Irish lace

Initially, Irish masters tried to reproduce the woven Venetian laces, which were considered extremely expensive at one time. Thanks to the ingenuity of some Mrs. De Blanalkard, there was a way to knit lace hook. This method greatly facilitated the case, as several people could engage in individual elements, regardless of the success of the neighbor.

A distinctive feature of this type of lace products is that all weaving is collected from small parts associated together. Elements are usually made in the form of leaves, colors, berries, butterflies and other images. To create such a lace, you need to show a lot of zeal and patience. It is believed that only an experienced master can be tied in Irish style. But if there is a huge desire, even the newcomer can be a picturesque pattern.

For reference, the schemes of elements of Irish lace are shown below:

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Filey lace

Thirty-forty years ago, in many homes it was possible to find napkins and tablecloths performed by the fillet technique of knitting. Distinguish this way of manufacture lace pretty simple: The main elements of the pattern are tied with dense columns, and the gap between them is filled with a grid of air loops.

Knitting technique originates from those times when people engaged in weaving fishing gear. At first it was networks with large cells, ropes were connected only by nodes. Later, the nodes were replaced by rings and flowers.

The photos show schemes showing crochet lace in a fillet style:

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Romanian lace

The distinguishing feature of Romanian lace in the fact that the lace is taken as the basis for their knitting.

The first thing from which the knitting of such a product begins is the choice of drawing. The image can be absolutely any: from abstract weaving to a particular motive. Figure is applied on paper. A loose fabric is taken as the basis, which is stitched with paper. On top of the paper layer, a plastic film is mounted, which will save the threads from pollution. Crochet ties cord required length. The length of the cord is determined by the drawing. The finished chain is sewn over the contour of the pattern, completely repeating it. After that, they begin to fill the space between the cords with a special seam.

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Romanian lace knitting schemes look like this:

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

Lace crochet: schemes, master knitting lace with light technicians and master classes

A selection of video materials

The following collected videos with master classes and knitting lessons for various laces. To see your own eyes and understand the sequence of work is sometimes easier than lonely sitting and understanding in unimagined schemes. Here you can see how the openwork dress or ribbon lace fit. Perhaps after watching the video in the head there will be a clearer picture about how beautiful and sophisticated things are kicked.

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