Turquoise kitchen in the interior - a combination with other colors (9 shades)


Turquoise is an incredibly beautiful mineral, its color is associated with the endless sea, calmness, peacefulness. Turquoise kitchen in the interior of the apartment soothes, lulls, envelops, envelops. In such an atmosphere, it is pleasant to slowly gather to work, philosophizing in the company of friends, arrange homemade tea sites.

Symbols of turquoise color

Designers do not often use turquoise color in the kitchen interior. Usually limit its use by Scandinavian, Mediterranean styles and Provence. But this color allows you to put up cute accents, make notes of freshness. He helps to relax, relieve irritation and stress, tune in to think about the meaning of life. At the same time, there is always the opportunity to play with the nuances of the color: choose the shade of a soft blue or deep blue-green mineral. Consider the possibilities of using turquoise in the kitchen through examples of combinations with other colors.

black table

Classic Duet: Turquoise Plus White

Tandem White and Turquoise is the first combination of paints that comes to mind. Snow-white furniture, turquoise accessories, apron or walls. Indeed, these colors complement each other well, such a combination can be called perfect. Add more paints, but in order not to make a mistake in the shades, we use a comfortable palette.

kitchen table

Cool Breathing of Marine Breeze

You can dilute turquoise using shades of blue and green. In the modern interior, four tones were boldly, together their stained glass glasses with multi-colored stripes are combined. White furniture is a very good choice, a wall and partition, if you wish, you can repaint. Such a fresh solution is based on the "Sea Wind" palette.

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TV on the wall

Juicy orange Fresh

Dark blue dishes from Morocco, Tunisia or Turkey work perfectly in contrast with orange accents: lamps, vases, Roman curtains. In addition to utensils, the leather upholstery of chairs can become turquoise. With the palette "Orange Juice by the Sea" there is where to turn around, show fantasy. Such a selection of paints for turquoise cuisine creates an impression of endless ballasts on the sea shore with a glass of cold Fresh.

Orange furniture

Tip! Please note that when two bright colors are used, gray becomes appropriate, it looks noble. The interior of turquoise cuisine can be supplemented with silver notes, such as table top, appliances, blinds on the windows.

Scandinavian ecostel

It turns out to be a cold, muffled tint of turquoise is perfectly combined with the colors of faded autumn foliage, wood trunks, dark clouds. Patinated locker doors, floors and beams on the ceiling of natural wood send us into the world of environmentally friendly and safe material for the health of materials. In Finland and Norway, the interiors close to nature are applied.

Wooden chairs

Bright solar splashes

Even if your kitchen leaves the windows to the north, do not refuse turquoise shades, simply add them to elements of bright or lemon yellow. Take advantage of the combinations of "alone with nature", "lemon splashes", "dreams about summer." The headset can be ultra-modern, from turquoise MDF and glass doors with aluminum frames. They add light by playing glare on shiny surfaces. In yellow color staining the walls and decorated the ornament on the apron. Not unnecessary will be a little more rich color of towels, vases, flower pots on the windows. The table top is selected from the companyon colors. Yellow color will bring joy and positive summer mood with him.

Kitchen exhaust

Gentle pastel or cozy Provence

Music connoisseurs will like the kitchen, which combines turquoise and pastel gently pink shades. Transparent plastic chairs are added to the airiness room. Gentle floral print on the wall, the flooring in the corner create an atmosphere of romance.

Article on the topic: Tips for choosing countertops for the kitchen (60 photos)

Kitchen furniture and refrigerator

Tip! Furniture color can be taken white-white. If the resulting result will not be arranged, you can painlessly change the accessories, and leave the headsets.

Meeting for a cup of coffee

Coffee, beige, sandy. These deliberately warm colors are able to soften the coolness of turquoise. In the shades of brown usually choose parquet and furniture for the dining group. Suitable colors of chestnut, cedar nut, dark cherry or wenge. Walls, protrusions and columns are painted in bright, pastel colors: cream, ivory, gentle peach, warm beige. Turquoise can be numerous minor accents: the upholstery of chairs with a geometric ornament, a decorative pegasus sculpture, glass bottles. Brown accessories will win look at the turquoise wall: for example, decorative clock with mini-frames for the photo.

Black table and chairs

Capricious pink shades

Those who are not afraid of bold bright combinations look at the pink palette. In the colors of turquoise, in this case, walls are made, and bright accents of pink, purple, purple, are used in small quantities. Soften the riot of paints with details of neutral colors: silver-gray, white, beige.

Stove and extract

Turquoise and wenge

And so you can combine dark deep colors with juicy turquoise. Walls and furniture are white, on the wallpaper floral light gray ornament. Turquoise only curtains, and this is quite enough. Dark accents are also a little, pay attention to their rhythm framing family black and white photos, a glass table frame, wooden planks blinds. All these elements complement the black cooking panel. Yes, the creation of such a combination is the work of professional designers, but maybe it makes sense to risk?

Fruit plates

So, if you are not a designer, then when designing a kitchen in the shades of turquoise P Apply light or white furniture. Paul, walls and ceiling. Perform in neutral tones. When selecting accessories, dining group, textiles, focus on the presented palettes.

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Turquoise design options (3 video)

Cooking options in turquoise color (40 photos)

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

kitchen table

black table

TV on the wall

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Kitchen furniture and refrigerator

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Kitchen exhaust

Stove and extract

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Fruit plates

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Wooden chairs

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Black table and chairs

Turquoise kitchen and 9 color combinations

Orange furniture

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