Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos


As you know, there are no bags, it knows every woman. The handbag must be comfortable, approach along, depending on the situation be roomy or vice versa is concise. But what to do, when I want to update the Book Wardrobe, and with finances now it's tugged? Or did the assortment of local stores come and you want something original? In such cases, an excellent option will be knitted bags, with their own hands you can make a unique accessory without spending big funds. About how to make knitted hook bags with schemes, you will find out very soon.

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

As you can see, there are a lot of options, every woman can find suitable exactly. If you decide to make knitted hook bags, with schemes and detailed descriptions make it much easier.

Handbag for Little Fashion

Such a bright handbag can be finished in a few evenings. Of course, its size is more suitable for the child. Any babe will be glad to such an original gift. If you do not make a handle, you will get a wonderful cosmetic penny for mom. Or increase the size, tied together several side motives.

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

To work, you need to prepare threads of different colors and hook number five. The yarn should be chosen very dense, knitting should be triggered enough. In general, it will take about two hundred grams. So the handbag will keep the right shape. You will also need two plastic rings, lightning and, if desired, an additional strap on the tone of the bag.

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

Work begins with the execution of lateral parts. In our case, the sidewalls knit pattern "African flower".

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

Knit according to the scheme below, until the part reaches the required size (approximately 8-12 cm).

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

We carry out the second part in the same way, two absolutely identical details should turn out.

Next, dial the chain from air loops twenty-five centimeters and knit pattern "Zigzag" Up to the required length, namely the size of the last row of the received African motive.

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Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

We carry out the assembly by connecting three parts using connecting columns. We bind plastic elements to get attachments for the handle.

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

It remains to sew lightning and fastenings, insert the strap, and the handbag is ready!

Stylish clutch with your own hands

The original clutch will perfectly complement any evening outfit and will undoubtedly allocate its owner among the common mass. We present to your attention a master class on knitted bags, crochet will be made Clutch "Classic".

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

For work you will need:

  1. Yarn "Peony" black and white, about half a single metro station;
  2. Hook number three;
  3. Two pieces of lining tissue with dimensions 25 * 70 and 10 * 12;
  4. Plastic stand under hot
  5. Magnetic button;
  6. Chain or cord for a handle with a length of one meter;
  7. Beads and beads for decoration.

To begin with a pattern "Harlequin" You need to tie a rectangle with dimensions 34 * 24. The circuit of the knitted bag is shown below:

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

The resulting rectangle should be tied up with one near the rachy step, using only black yarn.

Fabric for lining of 25 * 70 size folded in half, flash from two sides to make a pocket.

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

From a plastic stand under hot cut rectangle in size of a knitted canvase. After that, insert a blank in pockets - it will be a clutch frame.

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

Insert one half the magnetic button so that on the other side of the lining there is no "pin" buttons.

So it will be more careful, and a metal part will not be shuntered through the knitted web, even if it is not so tight as in this case, but openwork.

Sew knitted cloth to lining. Pockets do not stitch, but stick with pins (see the photo shown just below):

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

Knit black shirts Two sidewalls, if you wish to sew lining and side parts. Knit according to the scheme:

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

Send the sidework to the clutch, sew the second half of the button. The edges of the pocket sew a secret seam.

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Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

Sew chain.

To make it nice and gently, you need to sew on the rear edge of the links. So the seam thread will remain invisible.

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

It remains to decorate the clutch beads. A black beaded is the contour along the entire length. White large beads are sewn in the central part of the knitted pattern on the front cover.

Knitted crochet bags with diagrams with their own hands: detailed master class with photos and videos

These models will serve as a basis for many diverse versions. You can experiment with the texture and color of yarn, as well as with a drawing of knitting the main part. From plastic supports under hot or similar folders for papers, you can make various frames that will serve as a good basis for the future bag. Such frames simply make, and when wearing, they are not deformed.

Video on the topic

More models of attractive models of handbags can be selected in our selection. Needlewomen will find useful tips there, which will help create original accessories with their own hands.

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