Stylish apartment design 34 sq m (45 photos): Takes and methods


Interest in the design of their housing is steadily growing. Produce into this numerous television projects and thematic resources on the Internet. However, in practice, it is not always possible to fully implement interesting ideas and ideas. There are often direct copying without taking into account the specifics and configuration of the room. Properly make the design of the apartment 34 sq m without knowledge and experience difficult. We take into account this and use advice.

Planning work

The final result directly depends on the quality of the project. Therefore, treat with all the responsibility to this issue is simply necessary. Before reading the implementation of the idea to arrange a one-room apartment, it is necessary to clearly deliver the task with the following source data.

Double bed

Functionality . We are talking about a set of one or other options necessary for comfort and special tasks. For example, such small apartments are purchased for the organization of studios or offices. If the owner of a one-room apartment has hobbies, hobbies or personal wishes, you need to take them into account when designing.

Sofa and pillows

Stylistics . The same task can be solved in different ways. What style to choose when finishing a one-room apartment, and most importantly, how to implement it in practice is solved individually. Video and photos of finished projects can not be simply copied, although often ideas are rethought and brought to a logical completion, given the specific area.

Accommodation of tenants

Apartment with an area of ​​34 square meters. M assumes two options. One-bedroom or two-room. In the first case, family accommodation with several children is problematic and rather, this accommodation is suitable for a childless or young couple, students, elderly and lonely people. Follow the following rules:

  • Providing children to the place for classes, study and development. A good example is a photo with technical solutions for the arrangement of a corner for a child.

work zone

  • All inhabitants of the apartment 34 square meters. M must ensure a full-fledged vacation. In practice, the implementation of the task is shown in the photo, which uses transformable and retractable beds and sofas.

Yellow bed.

  • Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules. Optimally solving this problem will help experience and original techniques of organization of kitchen and toilet rooms. Interesting ideas for one-room apartment in the photo are offered the original form of interior items and their accommodation in the kitchens and in the bathrooms.

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White kitchen

Space optimization techniques

The owners of gorgeous apartments in a hundred square meters are limited when solving design tasks exclusively the limit of creative fantasy and financial capabilities. The same who has a one-room apartment, have to abandon many ideas that have liked due to the impossibility of their real incarnation. However, successful designers prove that you can implement some ideas. On the posted photos it can be seen that they coped with the task. To do this, use the following techniques:

  • Capital redevelopment. Today, for the organization of a single residential space, the so-called studio, the operation is necessary.

Partition in the kitchen

  • Transformable and mobile interior elements. For one-bedroom apartment, sliding partitions are perfectly suitable, which perform the wall function. 34 sq. M. m sufficient area for temporary separation part of the area. A successful idea can be the use of partitions on wheels, which move to any desired location, curtains.

Bed Tranfamemer

  • Visual zoning. Small useful area of ​​apartment 34 square meters. m can be broken down on thematic areas with podiums, decor elements on walls and ceilings. One method of visual separation of a one-room apartment is work with light. Spot and directional lamps when turned on dramatically change the room space. It is enough to see the photo of the same area when working and disconnected light sources.

Sofa and table

  • Color solution. Preference should be given to light tones. With stripes and size of the picture, you should experiment or trust the experience of a professional. There are nuances that do not even know some experienced designers.

Sofa and pillows

Successful solutions demonstrated in the photo will be suitable in the existing interior only subject to the complete identity of the dimensions and the configuration of the room. When designing a specialist takes into account the proportions of the room, and the color and texture. The balance of the characteristics of each component and is given in the sum of the desired effect.

Tip! Heavy curtains should be avoided. Simple drapery and translucent fabrics fill the room and the interior will take a more refined and easy view.

Furniture in a small apartment

Selection of interior items and accessories Key task. In case of error, even the perfect decoration of a small apartment will lose all the advantages if furniture will be chosen incorrectly. Criteria that should be followed so that the result is satisfactory:

  • Gabarits. . When buying it is worth clarifying the size of individual items and compare them with room measurements. The same principle should be applied at orders via the Internet. The table, a wardrobe or bed can look great in the pictures, but whether they will fit into the limited space of a small apartment of 34 square meters. m, this is a question.

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TV on the wall

  • Functionality . The design of small housing can be considered successful if the basic options will be saved when optimizing the volume. It is calculated to store the volume of things, economic and household appliances, devices. Communication routes are paved, and the required minimum items needed for the coziness and domestic work are determined. All superfluous and optional is excluded, because for a small apartment it can be critical overburden, and the presence of some objects and elements of the interior will only annoy the owners.

White sofa

  • Combination with decoration style . There are no strict criteria today. Often the design of a small apartment is made in the style of Fusion, where the mixing of objects of various styles is characteristic. It is important not to overdo the combination of colors, textures and shape of objects. Otherwise, an unsightly picture may turn out, and the owner of housing will earn not a flattering reputation. Yes, and to be in the room where accessories and items are chaotic, absolutely not suitable for each other will not be very pleasant.

Yellow sofa

Tip! Modern accessories can significantly transform furniture items. Sofas and tables can increase the useful area three times when disclosure, and in some cases more. Check the characteristics from the manager or consultant.

Stylistics interior

The approach to the implementation of the idea may be different and depends primarily on the desire of the owner of the apartment 34 square meters. m. If youth prefers Hightec or fashionable Loft, then those who took place want to have a decent place to relax and choose the classics. Today, Scandinavian style is popular today in a small apartment. Filled with light and minimum items, but an extremely functional interior has a wide range of admirers. It is not bad in a small amount of ethnic style. The objects of life and culture brought from long-distance trips will be successfully fit into the appropriate interior. Especially interesting is the apartments in the style of Eastern and African peoples.

chandelier on the ceiling

Practical advice

When developing a project, several options are usually proposed that can differ significantly from each other. What design to choose in this case, a difficult question. Images in the photo do not always transmit a true effect, so if possible, it is better to see several options for finishing already complete objects. Very often, after viewing, for example, doubts about the apartment made with the studio technique disappear. The airiness and elegance of the single residential space turn out to be a decisive factor in the final decision.

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One of the most difficult tasks is the placement of cabinets for things and clothing. Successfully solve it in the following ways:

  • Use niches and other design features of the room. Purchase or order a wardrobe. The diverse design and design of this furniture item is extremely popular today, since there is no need to leave dead zones to open traditional doors.

Shelves on the wall

  • Share storage locations in separate parts of the apartment. In the photo you can not see traditional cabinets at all. Their function can be performed by small volumes of separation on the loggia, in the hallway, corridor, under the sleeping place for these purposes. This design can be recognized very successful.

Partition in pictures

  • Original cabinets. Distinguishes them from standard products small depth. It is achieved by the use of special fittings. Conventional clothes hangers, for example, are located not along the middle axis of the cabinet, but on hooks fixed on the back wall. It looks even more interesting folding and sliding fittings. A full-fledged storage place can be made a depth of 20-30 cm that for a small apartment at 34 square meters. M will be a clear advantage.

corner cupboard

Often design of one-room apartment with a living area of ​​34 square meters. M suggests the use of functional objects and interior parts and cabinets: tables, home cinema, beds, and so on.

For many difficult task, the color filling of space becomes. Today, the photos of designer works are offered such a variety that the unprepared customer may refuse a sense of measure and taste. Many projects are exclusive and have an individual user, so it is necessary to refuse to copy and attract specialist to work.

Sofa and chair

Tip! Avoid coarse errors with a combination of colors will help the Circle of Thten. The scheme developed by him became a classic sample for harmonious color. The design of any project with the help of the color circle of ytten became a classic way to determine the ideal color ratios.

Modern apartment design / Studio 34 kV (2 video)

How can I make an apartment design 34 kV (45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Double bed

White kitchen

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Sofa and pillows

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Yellow bed.

TV on the wall

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Shelves on the wall

Sofa and table

corner cupboard

Sofa and pillows

Sofa and chair

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Partition in pictures

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

White sofa

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Yellow sofa

Partition in the kitchen

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

Development of projects for apartment design 34 square meters. m (+45 photos)

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