Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat


The design of the house is built in nature, the peculiarities of the behavior and the rhythm of the life of a particular person. But how to be if not only people, but also animals, in particular the cat live in the house. These shaggy pets deserve that they live comfortably in the house.

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

There is a top 5 rules, how to equip the interior of the house if a cat lives in it.

Tip 1: Choose the right wall decoration

Planning what the decorative wall decoration in the house with animals, you can safely mention ideas with vinyl or paper wallpaper. The sharp claws of the beloved cat will easily leave unavailable scratches on the wall.

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

It is possible to preserve the decorative species of the walls only with the finishes of more dense materials: bamboo wallpaper, tiles, wooden clapboard, paint or decorative plaster.

Specialists also advise paying attention to the combined version of the walls. In this case, the bottom of the wall is covered by resistant to the sharp cogging of cats, and from above - finishing of any other kind.

Tip 2: We select outdoor coverage

In the house where the shaggy pets live it is better to abandon carpet coverings, carpets (especially with a long pile) and paths on the floor. Otherwise, to maintain order in the house will have to spend all its free time.

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Easier in cleaning, hygienic to extrude the black surface of the floor with laminate, linoleum, or laying the tile . From the parquet, unfortunately, you will also have to refuse. The thing is that the presence of a cat in the house implies frequent wet cleaning, from which the parquet will come into disrepair very quickly.

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Tip 3: Best Furniture

The first of which will have to refuse, drawing up the interior of the house - leather furniture. Cats are very like to sharpen claws about the soft surface of the sofas and chairs. And if in the case of a tissue upholstery, the restoration of a soft corner - the event is not particularly expensive, then the resuscitation of upholstered furniture from genuine leather will entail considerable costs.

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Save the armrests of the sofa, and wooden panels will help with sharp catboats of the cat. They will also serve as a comfortable stand for cups with coffee, books, console from the TV.

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Cabinets in the house with animals must necessarily close. Otherwise, it will have to get from the cabinet not only things, but also a cat. For the same reason, the suspended shelves should also be equipped with protective glasses. Chairs are better to choose without a soft upholstery (from replacing removable soft pillows - sids).

Tip 4: Interesting Toys

Save the interior of the house in the original form will help special toys for animals. So, a useful acquisition will be a special device - a bratechka. This column, tightly frown by a jute shoelace, will save not one chair or sofa.

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

So that the cat does not attend the interior items, it can be purchased by his own house in which he will sleep. All these seemingly specific items can be easily entered into an already existing interior of a human house.

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Tip 5: We select indoor plants

Some cats, wanting to replenish the body necessary vitamins begin to chew room plants . Unfortunately, this small prank ends only a spoofer of the plant.

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Some flowers can be dangerous, poisonous for the animal. Therefore, in the house where the cat lives, the choice of houseplants should be taken care of . The best solution is a complete rejection of houseplants. In the most extreme case, you can leave several vases, but they should be placed in the room in such a way that the animal does not get to them.

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Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

A cat is a unique animal with its own character, solving which you can create perfect conditions for living in the house.

Cat ideas. Interior of the apartment, if a cat lives in it (1 video)

Registration of an apartment If you have a cat (8 photos)

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

Top 5 Councils for Apartment Design If you have a cat

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