Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper


Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Painting of the walls or wallpaper is an important question that interests many who have started repairs to having a housing, the owner begins to think about how to save on repair, but at the same time make it qualitatively. Someone considers it more profitable to punish the wallpaper, someone is solved on the painting of the walls. Each chooses the option itself for itself, because the first and second is a great way to change the interior. When a decision about changing the interior comes, a number of questions and a number of questions. What will be more economical? How to make repairs easier? And the most important, how will the room look like after repair? That is why you need to weigh everything for and against.

Wallpaper or Painting: What is better in terms of finance

Monetary costs with repair are directly related to whether this specialists will be engaged, or you have enough your own forces and knowledge. In addition, it will be necessary to acquire materials, it will be necessary and to pay those who will deal with this work. Therefore, you need to decide who exactly will be repaired.

The next step will be the purchase of wallpaper or paint. All materials may have a different value, ranging from those that are cheaper and ending in expensive.

That is why it is necessary to prepare an estimated list of expenses in advance and already according to it to select wallpaper or paint.

What is the advantage of using wallpaper? In order to take up the sticking, it does not require much effort, since small defects can be hidden under the paper. In addition, they can be kept without prior wall treatments.

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Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Wallpaper and paint have a different value, depending on the quality of the material

If you purchase a soft surface wallpaper, you can visually change the room to gentle and cozy. For children, you can pick up the wallpaper with the image of fabulous characters or animals. We also exist wallpapers that are able to visually increase the room, or on the contrary to reduce. It all depends on the imagination of the owner.

As for the paint, the high-quality coating can do it much more expensive than the usual wallpaper. In addition, if the wallpaper can hide some drawbacks of the walls under their layer, then before staining, all irregularities should be carefully covered and ground.

Despite the small difficulties, painting is a very popular method of organizing the interior. Walls that are painted in different colors have an attractive view. Such a decoration, as well as wallpaper, the owner chooses solely from its preferences.

What is better, wallpaper or paint: benefits of paper coatings

The most important advantage of the wallpaper is that they are absolutely safe for people and animals. Most often they are made of paper or phlizelin. Such a basis is not able to cause allergies, as well as is not a source of a poisonous steam.

Due to the fact that the paint is applied by the typographic method, it is safe for health. That is why on the background of paint wallpaper have a significant advantage.

In order to take action wallpaper, you do not need to be a professional. It is enough to read the instructions for the preparation of glue, get acquainted with the order of action, and prepare the necessary inventory. The most important thing is to follow the coincidence of the pattern, in this case the sticking will become easier.

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Wallpaper is completely safe for human life

Since the wallpaper is made of paper, they have the ability to "breathe", so mold or fungus is not formed on the walls.

If you use photo wallpapers in the children's room, it will help to solve the issue with frequent pollution, since this option is waterproof.

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How to see this option has the mass of advantages.

Painting the walls in the room instead of wallpaper: pros and cons

Recently, it became fashionable to paint the walls in the apartment in bright or multicolored tones. Such an organization receives an attractive appearance. Depending on the type of room, the walls can be painted in green, yellow, pink or blue. It all depends on the wishes. If desired, you can get acquainted with the photo of finished rooms.

However, you need to consider:

  • Money that will go to the purchase of materials is large enough;
  • We need to pay for workers, as they can organize perfect painting;
  • When painting, chemicals may adversely affect the body;
  • It is necessary to accurately decide what kind of room you want, because the result does not always correspond to expectations.

The first difficulty with which will have to face - the preparation of walls to staining. Unlike wallpaper, paint is not able to hide disadvantages on the walls. Therefore, all cracks or rough items will need to be eliminated. In this case, it will be necessary to make additional costs and acquire the necessary materials for finishing. Otherwise, the wall will not look aesthetically.

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Paint the walls will cost more than it is worth the room with wallpaper

However, if all the work is done correctly, you will take care of the problems with the walls for a long time, and the room itself will become fresh and new. If necessary, it will be possible only to cut the desired sites. It does not take much time, and costs will decrease.

The main plus of paints, due to which this method prefer, is something that is independent of the situation, painted walls can be washed without fears that they will ruin or lose their appearance. And this is especially true for those who have a small child.

Paint wallpaper or paint walls

What can be said about these methods? If you are gathered to paint the walls, then you must be able to plaster, grind and make a tie. Unfortunately, not everyone boasts the skills.

Wallpaper painting can take a little longer, but the result will be better.

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

You can paint wallpaper or walls - both options have their own positive and negative sides.

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Two positive parties are combined here. Glowing will be able to hide all irregularities, and painting will give the opportunity to choose exactly the color that the owner wants. In addition, the last option does not require the acquisition of special tools. Enough tassels for glue and paint roller.

To say unequivocally, it is better to paint the wallpaper or painting the walls is very difficult. And the first and second method has its own positive and negative sides. But when choosing it should be noted that they have different expenses, and if you do not have the opportunity to purchase expensive wallpapers, you can always buy inexpensive paint, but the preparation of the walls will cost more.

We define how to paint the wallpaper correctly (video)

If you started repair and stealing the wallpaper or paint the wallpaper before this difficult choice, let's move simple calculations, and find out which of the work will be more profitable. Nevertheless, the first, and the second option is attractive in its own way and will not be able to leave anyone indifferent. And if the master will take place, the ideal result will be ensured in any case.

Detail: how to paint the walls in the room instead of wallpaper (photo examples)

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

Cozy design: what is better, painting walls or wallpaper

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