Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class


Newspaper tubes imitating the vine - one of the most affordable and multifaceted materials. It does not require excess costs, easy in weaving and processing - the finished product can be painted in your own taste. In this article, we will step by step, as a weaving owl from newspaper tubes, which can be used as a key. The master class describes the creation of the main part of the product, its decoration depends on the author's imagination.

Preparation of tubes

For weaving, you can use any paper, the main thing is that it is fine enough for easy twist. The most popular foundation is unnecessary newspapers, but the usual low density paper, lists of magazines or old notebooks are suitable.

If the finished product is planned to paint, the type of paper does not matter. But a stylish supplement can also become a newspaper in pristine form or journal sheets with bright photos, which form a flower range of products.

To create a newspaper "vine" with their own hands, only needles and glue are needed. The newspaper should be cut into stripes, their width will depend on the intended product size - the more, the wider bands will be required. For weaving owls, the keystone is better to use the pipes from the bands of about 10 centimeters.

Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

The needle should be placed on the band at an angle of about 30 degrees, after which it neatly screw the newspaper on it and fix the free corner with glue.

Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

To shoot the resulting tube with the knitting needles after the glue grabbed.

Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

You can paint the tubes already at this stage, but it is better not to rush to beginners, since it is not always easy to calculate the exact amount of material for weaving parts of different colors. It is easier to toned the finished product, using thin brushes to score hard-to-reach bends and joints.

Tip: When the tube is blank, one of the parties is wider than the other. This difference is used for the so-called "buildup" of the newspaper vine - it is enough to insert one tube to another, fixing the joint glue.

Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

Bird weaving

Let us turn to weaving:

  1. The basis of the future owls is four blocks of four tubes each. They need to be folded crosswise, the place of their intersection will become the center of the future product. At this stage, you can fix blocks with rubber bands or rope so that the tubes do not crumble.
  2. Then the blocks must be combined between themselves, the fattened center of one operating tube in a checker manner - to sell it, then above the block. Thus, three circles should be splashing, after that another one, which is enough to just glue under the first, disguising the joint to the work tube. At this stage, it is necessary to decide what size will be the finished product - it depends on the course of further work. This workshop is designed to create keyword-keys with a diameter of about 20-22 centimeters.
  3. The base tubes need to be divided by half, should turn out to be 16 blocks. Further weaving is carried out by two tubes: they crossed in the interval between the base, they deteriorate the basis and then crossed out again. Thus, another four rows should be applied.
  4. Then the base tubes are again separated and the already becoming soaked each separately - another 7 rows. The ends of the working tubes must be masked - the basis of the future owl. During the work, it is important to increase the "vine" in time if necessary and not to leave the gaps between the rows.
  5. The next stage will be the weaving pocket key. To do this, it is necessary to add another 17 to the base tubes, and then bind to it up the bottom of the deep plate of the suitable diameter. Added base tubes are bend, repeating the shape of the plate. Flying pockets need, starting with the middle tube of the base.

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Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

The working vine bends in half, the ribbing tube of the base, then the adjacent left left, returns to the middle, will the right, again returns and so on.

Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

Thus, with the gradual addition of the adjacent bases of the base, the pockets are expanding to the full diameter of the product. We need to weave it with two working tubes, as described in paragraph 3.

Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

To the resulting key, it is necessary to add decorative elements that will make it similar to the owl. So, to the bottom you can glue a few bent tubes - the paws of the owls that will "hold" a block of several "branches". In order to bend the newspaper tube and give it the desired shape, it is enough to moisten the paper with water.

Over the pocket, you need to stick your eyes, beak and eyebrows, which weave as follows. Of the two moistened tubes located in parallel, it is necessary to form circles, while the edges leave the protruding - the beak and eyebrows will turn out. These elements of the vine, rolled rolling pin, one of the edges of the foundation should remain free. Later, the free edges of two billets are connected and shaved with one tube, forming the beak. A roll of rolled rolling tubes can be played as a pupil.

Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

The final stage will be to collect all the elements - the eyes can be glued to the PVA, but before using, the product must be left under the press for a couple of hours. After that, the owl can be painted in to its taste - someone will have to see the imitation of a natural vine (this is often used by a veil), someone - bright colors. Further decoration of the owl depends only on the author's imagination: this material can be glued with any accessories, decorative elements and accessories.

Owl from newspaper tubes do it yourself: step-by-step master class

Video on the topic

Video lesson weaving owls from newspaper tubes:

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